HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 12/07/1993 r OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DECEMBER 7, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Chair Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy, Roger Lubovich, May Miller, Alana McIalwain, Fred Satterstrom, Mary Berg, Charlie Lindsey, Dea Drake, Bob Hutchinson, Fred Wilmeth MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending 11/15/93 in the amount of $1,284,586.27, and claims for the period ending 11/30/93 in the amount of$1,830,372.16, were approved 2-0. 1994 PROPERTY TAX LEVY ORDINANCES Acting Finance Director Miller distributed and explained a new handout regarding property tax comparison covering 1991 through 1994. She noted that tax levies are due by November 15 according to RCW 84.52.020 and RCW 84.52.070, but that information is not usually received in time to meet the deadline. Miller explained that the County has only given a telephone estimate of the amount which is considerably lower than projected by the City. She noted that no explanation has been given by King County to date, but that they will continue to investigate and see in what area the amount decreased. Upon Houser's question, she noted that the difference is $290,000,000 less than projected. She explained that the property tax levy needs to be adopted immediately so that King County can assess the people. ORR MOVED approval of the tax levy ordinance, as presented. Houser seconded and the motion carried 2-0. KING COUNTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ON RECEIPT Off' GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT FUNDS Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that the growth management funds which come from the State of Washington go first to King County and then are disbursed to the different cities within the County. He noted that the funds are disbursed through an intoxloQ41 agreement called the Road Management Services Agreement, and that the County wou,1401i4e to allocate these funds as soon as possible. He explained that normally it would go to the PIhnning Committee, but because they cancelled their meeting this month, and the County would like a response by December loth, it was brought to Operations Committee and scheduled for Council tonight. ORR MOVED to approve the interlocal agreement with King County, and also the resolution prepared. Houser seconded and the motion carried 2-0. 1 VESTING OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS ORDINANCE McCarthy explained that the attached ordinance is output from a staff committee which has met twice a month for the last three months. He noted that originally St. Anthony's Church applied for a permit to add a building on to their property, but they were caught in the loop of which rules applied because their plans weren't changed and the City was in the middle of changing the construction standards. He noted that the question arose as to when the Church was vested for proper rules to be followed. Lubovich explained that the City never defined when vesting should take place even though there are some vesting statutes and case law in the State of Washington. He noted that the ordinance defines when vesting takes place after a completed building application has been submitted, a form that is being proposed and prepared by the Office of Development Services, and that the City issues a determination as to when an appli- cation is complete for vesting purposes only. He explained that vesting only applies to the scope of the project as applied for under the permit, and that the same vesting rights cannot be kept if adding to or changing the project. He noted that vesting rights expire with the expiration of the development permit application and doesn't continue indefinitely. He noted that he is requesting this be an action item and sent on to Committee or Council as soon as possible. ORR MOVED to send this item on to the full council under Other Business. Houser seconded and the motion carried 2-0. REPORT OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICE CONSULTANT Fred Wilmeth, consultant for ODS, distributed and reviewed copies of a progress report that explains where the process is currently. He noted that the vesting ordinance will signify who makes the calls as to whether an application is complete. He also noted that the vesting ordinance and development of a master application form are two very important takeoff points toward establishing a one-stop shop. He explained that the one page form includes all informa- tion the developer or applicant needs to submit to the City, and that both the form and ordinance will facilitate the intake process which can be verified by the Building Official. He also included in the packet the November, 1993 Monthly Report of Office of Development Services Activities. Wilmeth stated that they are getting to a point where the Council can make a determination of how much backlog they feel is an acceptable backlog given the amount of staff it takes. He noted that by next Wednesday, McCarthy will be given reports as he finishes up this project. CABLE TV UPDATE Alana McIalwain, Administration Manager, distributed a copy of the franchising authority certification and rate approval for the City of Kent. She updated the Committee on the progress thus far with Cable TV, and noted that a resolution request taken to the Public Works Committee is now on the Council Agenda tonight regarding basic rate regulation in accordance with the FCC. She explained that the lighting and monitors are some unexpected costs which need action today in order to accomplish the goal of a live Cable TV broadcast on January 4, 1994. McIalwain noted that a public hearing is scheduled for January 18 to give citizens an opportunity to make comments regarding rate regulations. She stated that the equipment has been ordered, but if the equipment is not on site by January lst then TCI Cable will come in and do the live broadcast. Upon Houser's question, McCarthy noted that the lighting is covered and will be discussed as the last (added)item on the agenda today. Action on this item was deferred until the lighting is discussed at the end of the meeting. McIalwain stated that she has talked to Judy Woods, Council President, and Jon Johnson, Chair of the Budget Committee, about the dilemma and they both agreed that they can support the cost of lighting. 2 w� SISTER CITY ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION AND BYLAWS McIalwain explained that the City of Kent, Green River Community College, Kent Chamber of Commerce, and the Kent School District have been working collaboratively in supporting sister city affiliations and any future sister city affiliations. She noted that the resolution in the agenda packet will help to accomplish this goal. She also noted that the City of Kent currently has three sister cities as well as a friendship city as follows: 1) Kherson, Ukraine; 2) Kiabara, Japan; 3) Yangzhou, China; 4)Maanshan, China(friendship city), and a potential sister city in Norway. Mark Foss noted that the resolution establishes a committee called Kent Sister Cities Association (KSCA) and is designated as the citizen support group in the sister city relationships. He noted that this committee will go a long way in helping to make the sister cities more than what they've been and enhance what is already there. Mike McIntyre, Green River Community College and Chairman of the KSCA, noted that this opportunity is very challenging, exciting, and the first step in having an orderly process by which to work with sister cities. He noted that it will probably result in a better relationship. ORR MOVED approval of the resolution. Houser seconded and the motion carried 2-0. STATUS ON THE CITY HALL AND COURT REMODELS ADDED ITEM - MCCARTHY McCarthy updated the Committee and distributed a budget analysis for both the Municipal Court and City Hall remodels. He noted that both projects have required some change orders and have added costs as follows: 1) acquiring a computer system for the municipal court similar to Discis used by the Aukeen Court at a cost of about $30,000; 2) asbestos was found and removed in both projects for$14,205; 3) providing walled offices for the City Attorney at a cost of$31,674; 4) upgrading the City Hall Fire Alarm System with added cost to meet ADA requirements for such things as strobe lights for the deaf, estimated to cost $65,000. McCarthy explained that $25,000 has been put into the 1994 CIP fund, but that the $40,000 shortfall would come from a combination of the ADA budget and the 1994 Public Building Maintenance Funds; 5) lighting to make the Council Chambers suitable for live Cable TV broadcasts, $9,000 which will need to come from the 1994 Public Building Maintenance Funds as well. He stated that he feels the projects can be funded within available budgets related to the court and city hall projects. The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m. 3 r T OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DECEMBER 7, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Chair Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy, Roger Lubovich, May Miller, Alana McIalwain, Fred Satterstrom, Mary Berg, Charlie Lindsey, Dea Drake, Bob Hutchinson, Fred Wilmeth MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending 11/15/93 in the amount of $1,284,596.27, and claims for the period ending 11/30/93 in the amount of$1,830,372.16, were approved 2-0. 1994 PROPERTY TAX LEVY ORDINANCES Acting Finance Director Miller distributed and explained a new handout regarding property tax comparison covering 1991 through 1994. She noted that tax levies are due by November 15 according to RCW 84.52.020 and RCW 84.52.070, but that information is not usually received in time to meet the deadline. Miller explained that the County has only given a telephone estimate of the amount which is considerably lower than projected by the City. She noted that no explanation has been given by King County to date, but that they will continue to investigate and see in what area the amount decreased. Upon Houser's question, she noted that the difference is $290 000,000 less than projected. She explained that the property tax levy needs to be adopted immediately so that King County can assess the people. ORR MOVED approval of the tax levy ordinance, as presented. Houser seconded and the motion carried 2-0. KING COUNTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ON RECEIPT OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT FUNDS Planning Manager Satterstrom explained that the growth management funds which come from the State of Washington go first to King County and then are disbursed to the different cities within the County. He noted that the funds are disbursed through an interlocal agreement called the Road Management Services Agreement, and that the County would like to allocate these funds as soon as possible. He explained that normally it would go to the Planning Committee, but because they cancelled their meeting this month, and the County would'like a response by December 10th, it was brought to Operations Committee and scheduled for Council tonight. ORR MOVED to approve the interlocal agreement with King County, and also the resolution prepared. Houser seconded and the motion carried 2-0. 1 { 4 - VESTING OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS ORDINAN! McCarthy explained that the attached ordinance is output from a staff committee which has met twice a month for the last three months. He noted that originally St. Anthony's Church applied for a permit to add a building on to their property, but they were caught in the loop of which rules applied because their plans weren't changed and the City was in the middle of changing the construction standards. He noted that the question arose as to when the Church was vested for proper rules to be followed. Lubovich explained that the City never defined when vesting should take place even though there are some vesting statutes and case law in the State of Washington. He noted that the ordinance defines when vesting takes place after a completed building application has been submitted, a form that is being proposed and prepared by the Office of Development Services, and that the City issues a determination as to when an appli- cation is complete for vesting purposes only. He explained that vesting only applies to the scope of the project as applied for under the permit, and that the same vesting rights cannot be kept if adding to or changing the project. He noted that vesting rights expire with the expiration of the development permit application and doesn't continue indefinitely. He noted that he is requesting this be an action item and sent on to Committee or Council as soon as possible. ORR MOVED to send this item on to the full council under Other Business. Houser seconded and the motion carried 2-0. REPORT OF THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICE CONSULTANT Fred Wilmeth, consultant for ODS, distributed and reviewed copies of a progress report that explains where the process is currently. He noted that the vesting ordinance will signify who makes the calls as to whether an application is complete. He also noted that the vesting ordinance and development of a master application form are two very important takeoff points toward establishing a one-stop shop. He explained that the one page form includes all informa- tion the developer or applicant needs to submit to the City, and that both the form and ordinance will facilitate the intake process which can be verified by the Building Official. He also included in the packet the November, 1993 Monthly Report of Office of Development Services Activities. Wilmeth stated that they are getting to a point where the Council can make a determination of how much backlog they feel is an acceptable backlog given the amount of staff it takes. He noted that by next Wednesday, McCarthy will be given reports as he finishes up this project. CABLE TV UPDATE Alana McIalwain, Administration Manager, distributed a copy of the franchising authority certification and rate approval for the City of Kent. She updated the Committee on the progress thus far with Cable TV, and noted that a resolution request taken to the Public Works Committee is now on the Council Agenda tonight regarding basic rate regulation in accordance with the FCC. She explained that the lighting and monitors are some unexpected costs which need action today in order to accomplish the goal of a live Cable TV broadcast on January 4, 1994. McIalwain noted that a public hearing is scheduled for January 18 to give citizens an opportunity to make comments regarding rate regulations. She stated that the equipment has been ordered, but if the equipment is not on site by January 1st then TCI Cable will come in and do the live broadcast. Upon Houser's question, McCarthy noted that the lighting is covered and will be discussed as the last (added) item on the agenda today. Action on this item was deferred until the lighting is discussed at the end of the meeting. McIalwain stated that she has talked to Judy Woods, Council President, and Jon Johnson, Chair of the Budget Committee, about the dilemma and they both agreed that they can support the cost of lighting. 2 SISTER CITY ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION AND BYLAWS McIalwain explained that the City of Kent, Green River Community College, Kent Chamber of Commerce, and the Kent School District have been working collaboratively in supporting sister city affiliations and any future sister city affiliations. She noted that the resolution in the agenda packet will help to accomplish this goal. She also noted that the City of Kent currently has three sister cities as well as a friendship city as follows: 1) Kherson, Ukraine; 2) Kiabara, Japan; 3) Yangzhou, China; 4)Maanshan, China(friendship city), and a potential sister city in Norway. Mark Foss noted that the resolution establishes a committee called Kent Sister Cities Association (KSCA) and is designated as the citizen support group in the sister city relationships. He noted that this committee will go a long way in helping to make the sister cities more than what they've been and enhance what is already there. Mike McIntyre, Green River Community College and Chairman of the KSCA, noted that this opportunity is very challenging, exciting, and the first step in having an orderly process by which to work with sister cities. He noted that it will probably result in a better relationship. ORR MOVED approval of the resolution. Houser seconded and the motion carried 2-0. STATUS ON THE CITY HALL AND COURT REMODELS ADDED ITEM - MCCARTHY McCarthy updated the Committee and distributed a budget analysis for both the Municipal Court and City Hall remodels. He noted that both projects have required some change orders and have added costs as follows: 1) acquiring a computer system for the municipal court similar to Discis used by the Aukeen Court at a cost of about $30,000; 2) asbestos was found and removed in both projects for$14,205; 3) providing walled offices for the City Attorney at a cost of$31,674; 4) upgrading the City Hall Fire Alarm System with added cost to meet ADA requirements for such things as strobe lights for the deaf, estimated to cost $65,000. McCarthy explained that $25,000 has been put into the 1994 CIP fund, but that the $40,000 shortfall would come from a combination of the ADA budget and the 1994 Public Building Maintenance Funds; 5) lighting to make the Council Chambers suitable for live Cable TV broadcasts, $9,000 which will need to come from the 1994 Public Building Maintenance Funds as well. He stated that he feels the projects can be funded within available budgets related to the court and city hall projects. The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m. 3