HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/02/1993 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE. November 2, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Chair Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy, Roger Lubovich Tom Vetsch, May Miller MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Bill Doolittle, Darrel Smith, Carol Grayson The Meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending 10/15/93 in the amount of $1,890,923.52 were approved 3-0, and claims for the period ending 10/29/93 in the amount of$1,352,399.58 were approved 2-1. WATER ADJUSTMENT REQUESTS - RECOMMENDATION & PRMSED ORDINANCE CHANGES Tom Vetsch, Customer Services Supervisor, explained that an ordinance has been drafted to expand the language in the leak adjustment ordinance to include "unexplainable or abnormal water meter readings and usage". He noted that the new ordinance will give more flexibility, better customer service, authorization to the Finance Director to approve these extraordinary adjustments during the year, give the City more control, leave an option to the unsatisfied customer to take it to the Operations Committee during the year and then have a write-off report prepared for Council review and approval at the end of the year. Vetsch stated that with the current leak policy there isn't another avenue to follow and resolve problems which may arise. Upon White's question, Lubovich clarified that an ordinance would have to be adopted amending the KCC sections 7.02.300 (D) and 7.02.310 (D). WHITE MOVED approval of the ordinance amending the Kent City Code. Orr seconded and the motion carried 34. Acting Finance Director Miller also noted that under the new ordinance a recommendation to,approve the water adjustments for the Union Pacific Railroad and the U.S. Post Office is requested. WHITE SO MOVED. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Houser distributed a copy of a memo she prepared concerning Harrison House rental assistance on two 1-bedroom units. She explained that she would like this item sent to the Budget Committee and get the process started because King County Housing Authority has agreed to put two low-income units at the top of their list if the City agrees to fund a rental assistance program which pays the full rent on two 1-bedroom units. White noted that the original resolution was for low-income, the original advertising and bonding was for low-income and yet there is a $700 cut-off income for the Harrison House. He noted that this is a step, but that the Council should go back and re-examine the whole thing to see if there is a better way to operate the senior housing facility. White suggested that the Council look at whether or not to stay with King County, whether to contract with Renton or Auburn, or the possibility of forming its own housing authority. CONTRACT AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE REPORT Acting Finance Director Miller explained that Ordinance No. 3102 was adopted on 4/20/93 which requires contract reports to be prepared and submitted to the Operations Committee every April and October. She noted that the report in the packet lists the vendors, the description of the contract, and the department where the contract is being done. She also noted that the list is being distributed to the different departments so they can let Finance know if those contracts belong to them and what the terms are for inclusion in the next report. Lubovich noted that the Attorney's office has been signing off on each contract as to form and sending it on to the Mayor's office, but that the form which has been used for gathering input for this report will now be included in the packet before it goes to the Mayor's office for signature to make it easier as far as the reporting aspect. MONTHLY REPORT OF THE OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADDED ITEM - MCCARTHY McCarthy distributed a copy of the October, 1993, Monthly Report of the Office of Development Services, noting that a copy of the September report is attached for comparison and progress. He explained that the department is trying to improve their services and be better than they were the previous month. Upon Houser's concern regarding applicant delays, Lubovich explained that they are currently working with the Office of Development Services on new application forms in which they have drafted a new vesting ordinance, are doing a new format with all requirements set forth on the application for the permit, and that it will be centralized in one office to help improve the process. NOMINEE FOR MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE ADDED ITEM - MCCARTHY McCarthy introduced Carol Grayson, the Mayor's nominee for municipal court judge. He noted that the court is scheduled to open in January, 1994, and that a judge and court administrator need to be on board as soon as possible. ' He distributed a copy of the nominee's resume, explained that the Mayor interviewed five out of 140 applicants, that Ms. Grayson will be available tonight for any questions the Council may have, and that confirmation will be on the next Council Agenda on November 16, 1993. Ms. Grayson noted that she is excited and that this is a real opportunity for her. She also noted that the municipal court concept seems to be a trend with many cities in withdrawing from the District Courts in order to get accountability and some type of control back into the City. REMODEL OF THE SOUTH WING OF CITY HALL ADDED ITEM - MCCARTHY McCarthy informed the Committee that last Thursday or Friday some asbestos was found in the south wing remodel project, and that the architect estimates a cost of around $6,000 to remove it. He explained that $45,000 has been budgeted in the contingency fund, and that authorization has already been given to remove the asbestos. Upon Doolittle's question regarding the AC unit and Kent Commons, White noted that the new units are less costly to operate and that the question is not whether the unit works or not. Houser noted that the possibility of using the old AC unit for the Kent Commons could be looked into and evaluated. The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE November 2, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Chair Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy, Roger Lubovich Tom Vetsch, May Miller MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Bill Doolittle, Darrel Smith, Carol Grayson The Meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending 10/15/93 in the amount of $1,890,923.52 were approved 3-0, and claims for the period ending 10/29/93 in the amount of$1,352,399.58 were approved 2-1. WATER ADJUSTMENT REQUESTS - RECOMMENDATION & PROPOSED ORDINANCE CHANGES Tom Vetsch, Customer Services Supervisor, explained that an ordinance has been drafted to expand the language in the leak adjustment ordinance to include "unexplainable or abnormal water meter readings and usage". He noted that the new ordinance will give more flexibility, better customer service, authorization to the Finance Director to approve these extraordinary adjustments during the year, give the City more control, leave an option to the unsatisfied customer to take it to the Operations Committee during the year and then have a write-off report prepared for Council review and approval at the end of the year. Vetsch stated that with the current leak policy there isn't another avenue to follow and resolve problems which may arise. Upon White's question, Lubovich clarified that an ordinance would have to be Adopted amending the KCC sections 7.02.300 (D) and 7.02.310 (D). WHITE MOVED approval of the ordinance amending the Kent City Code. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0; - Acting Finance Director Miller also noted that under the new ordinance a recommendation to,approve the water adjustments for the Union Pacific Railroad and the U.S. Post Office is requested. WHITE SO MOVED. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Houser distributed a copy of a memo she prepared concerning Harrison House rental assistance on two 1-bedroom units. She explained that she would like this item sent to the Budget Committee and get the process started because King County Housing Authority has agreed to put two low-income units at the top of their list if the City agrees to fund a rental assistance program which pays the full rent on two 1-bedroom units. White noted that the original resolution was for low-income, the original advertising and bonding was for low-income and yet there is a $700 cut-off income for the Harrison House. He noted that this is a step, but that the Council should go back and re-examine the whole thing to see if there is a better way to operate the senior housing facility. White suggested that the Council look at whether or not to stay with King County, whether to contract with Renton or Auburn, or the possibility of forming its own housing authority. a 0 CONTRACT AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE REPORTx Acting Finance Director Miller explained that Ordinance No. 3102 was adopted on 4/20/93 which requires contract reports to be prepared and submitted to the Operations Committee every April and October. She noted that the report in the packet lists the vendors, the description of the contract, and the department where the contract is being done. She also noted that the list is being distributed to the different departments so they can let Finance know if those contracts belong to them and what the terms are for inclusion in the next report. Lubovich noted that the Attorney's office has been signing off on each contract as to form and sending it on to the Mayor's office, but that the form which has been used for gathering input for this report will now be included in the packet before it goes to the Mayor's office for signature to make it easier as far as the reporting aspect. MONTHLY REPORT OF THE OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICU ADDED ITEM - MCCARTHY McCarthy distributed a copy of the October, 1993, Monthly Report of the Office of Development Services, noting that a copy of the September report is attached for comparison and progress. He explained that the department is trying to improve their services and be better than they were the previous month. Upon Houser's concern regarding applicant delays, Lubovich explained that they are currently working with the Office of Development Services on new application forms in which they have drafted a new vesting ordinance, are doing a new format with all requirements set forth on the application for the permit, and that it will be centralized in one office to help improve the process. NOMINEE FOR MUNICIPAL COURT JTUDGE ADDED ITEM - MCCARTHY McCarthy introduced Carol Grayson, the Mayor's nominee for municipal court judge. He noted that the court is scheduled to open in January, 1994, and that a judge and court administrator need to be on board as soon as possible. He distributed a copy of the nominee's resume, explained that the Mayor interviewed five out of 140 applicants, that Ms. Grayson will be available tonight for any questions the Council may have, and that confirmation will be on the next Council Agenda on November 16, 1993. Ms. Grayson noted that she is excited and that this is a real opportunity for her. She also noted that the municipal court concept seems to be a trend with many cities in withdrawing from the District Courts in order to get accountability and some type of control back into the City. REMODEL OF THE SOUTH WING OF CITY HALL ADDED ITEM - MCCARTHY McCarthy informed the Committee that last Thursday or Friday some asbestos was found in the south wing remodel project, and that the architect estimates a cost of around $6,000 to remove it. He explained that $45,000 has been budgeted in the contingency fund, and that authorization has already been given to remove the asbestos. Upon Doolittle's question regarding the AC unit and Kent Commons, White noted that the new units are less costly to operate and that the question is not whether the unit works or not. Houser noted that the possibility of using the old AC unit for the Kent Commons could be looked into and evaluated. The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m.