HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 09/07/1993 OPERAT)NS COMMITTE 'IINUTES September 7, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Judy Woods for Christi Houser, Leona Orr, Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Jan Banister, Tom Brubaker, Ken Chatwin, Roger Lubovich, Charlie Lindsey, Tony McCarthy, May Miller. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Connie Epperly, Bill Doolittle, Lon Hurd. The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Acting Chairperson Woods. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending August 16, 1993, in the amount of $1,359,545.15 74 and for the period ending August 31, 1993, in the amount of$1,639,774.96, were approved for payment. Municipal Court Remodel Bid - Verbal Report City Attorney Lubovich informed the Committee that the bids will be due Friday noting that the original bid documents have been extended one week to allow for more fine tuned proposals. Lubovich requested that due to time constraints the bid be forwarded to Public Safety for approval of an award to go to City Council immediately. Orr stated her approval noting that Public Safety is the Monday before Council. Lubovich informed the Committee that he will check with the Public Safety Committee to make sure that they are aware of it. FCC Authority to Regulate Basic Cable Service Rates Assistant City Attorney Brubaker spoke to the Committee regarding rate certification with cable TV, TCI. The FCC has passed some new legislation allowing municipalities to regulate rates. The process involves petitioning the FCC for certification. This process has opened as of September 1st. Once certified the City would have the authority to observe TCI and force them to justify rates. This only applys to the lowest tier or basic rates unless we petition for authority on the higher tiers for some limited authority. As part of this regulation, TCI has had some rate adjustments due to mandatory basic rate setting. Brubaker introduced Lon Hurd, Cable TV Consultant, to the Committee. Brubaker asked for approval to go forward on rate certification authority. White so moved, Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Renewal of Workers Compensation Claim Handling Contract Risk Analyst Chatwin noted that the City's liability has turned around considerably. Chatwin reviewed the workers compensation history from Scott Wetzel. Chatwin noted that he is working on bringing the contract to an annual process. Chatwin recommended renewing the Scott Wetzel contract. A discussion followed of the length of contract considering a two year contract in the future. Orr moved to accept Chatwin's recommendation to renew the contract for 18 months, White seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Maanshan, China Friendship City Relationship Chief Administrative Officer reviewed with the Committee the Memorandum of Understanding signed at the Chamber International Trade Exchange with Maanshan, China. McCarthy asked the Committee if they would like to recommend to the full Council the ratification of this agreement. McCarthy asked Steve Burpee if he had anything to add. Woods noted that she had heard of a different City being considered and asked how it was possible that this had happened so quickly. Burpee noted that this does not preclude the other and that this is only a letter of understanding to work towards an official agreement. During a trip a year ago March some potential Sister Cities were looked at in China.' Out of six or eight that were 1 recommended, two were iden*d to look at, Maanshan and Yangzhou ina,limits us to one Sister City, so a suggestion was made on a Friendship City in addition to a Sister City. This is only a commitment to recognizing the benefits of these relationships which will not be official until governmental relationships, cultural exchanges, business relationships and educational relationships have been established. Through the substance of those relationships that justify the official designation. Burpee noted that in the future some cost factors need to be addressed. For example we have a relationship with Kherson which is not active. A Sister City Organization is being formed. This could be a non-profit incorporation depending on how it progresses. The Chamber of Commerce will be writing to the City requesting that economic development become a line item on a continueing basis. On-going funding is needed and a representative of City hall to actively participate. White asked if this would eliminate other cities. Burpee noted that only one Sister City is allowed by Chita but other relationships are possible. Woods noted that Kaibara is an example that the School District has pursued. McCarthy noted the meeting with Maanshan seemed to be their looking for an okay from the City to pursue relationships with the Chamber and School District, etc. White moved to approve the ratification, Orr seconded and the motion carved 3-0. In response to Woods interest in other countries, Burpee noted that he is working with Zhukousky which has an aerospace institute and the Ukraine has some business relationships which may lead to future Sister Cities and revive the Kherson relationship. After further discussion, Burpee noted the need for an ongoing funding program which will be brought to the Budget Committee in the near future. Woods asked that as much detail as possible be given for expenditures. Bid Approval for Cily Hall Remodel Support Services Manager Lindsey noted that as stated in the memo distributed with the agenda,he would request approval of the low bidder M.D. Moore, Inc. The architect has done some reference checks shich indicate they are a high quality firm. Woods asked if this was for 1994, Lindsey replied that it was. Orr inquired what amount of space was leased from the Centennial Building. Lindsey replied that 26,460 sq.ft. is leased. A discussion followed of possibly subletting some of the Centennial Building space. The remodel is being done without specific moves being planned other than the City Attorney pending the new administration and any reorganization that may occur. White asked about the contingency funds of 9.5%. Lindsey noted that Puget Power has modified the grant based on changes in police, etc. White asked what furniture costs will be. McCarthy replied that current future will be used, unless some contingency is left. After a discussion of furniture costs, Woods asked for a ball park figure as to what furniture costs may be. White and Woods noted their concern that the remodel will be completed without appropriate furniture. Orr moved to accept the bid for the remodel and that an estimate for funiture be brought back to the Committee. McCarthy stated that departments would have different expectations and the space has not been allocated as yet. The basic area will be available for move in with lighting,heating and carpet. Funds could be used from the CIP. Woods seconded Ores motion. The motion passed 2-1 with Orr, Woods for and White against. White moved to identify the costs involved with the furnishings. Lindsey noted that the CIP had identified a furniture upgrade equal to the Centennial Building. White withdrew his motion. Woods adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m. 2 OPERAT*)NS COMMITTEOkUNUTES September 7, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Judy Woods for Christi Houser, Leona Orr, Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Jan Banister, Tom Brubaker, Ken Chatwin, Roger Lubovich, Charlie Lindsey, Tony McCarthy, May Miller. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Connie Epperly, Bill Doolittle, Lon Hurd. The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Acting Chairperson Woods. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending August 16, 1993, in the amount of $1,359,545.15 74 and for the period ending August 31, 1993, in the amount of$1,639,774.96, were approved for payment. Municipal Court Remodel Bid - Verbal Report City Attorney Lubovich informed the Committee that the bids will be due Friday noting that the original bid documents have been extended one week to allow for more fine tuned proposals. Lubovich requested that due to time constraints the bid be forwarded to Public Safety for approval of an award to go to City Council immediately. Orr stated her approval noting that Public Safety is the Monday before Council. Lubovich informed the Committee that he will check with the Public Safety Committee to make sure that they are aware of it. FCC Authority to Regulate Basic Cable Service Rates Assistant City Attorney Brubaker spoke to the Committee regarding rate certification with cable TV, TCI. The FCC has passed some new legislation allowing municipalities to regulate rates. The process involves petitioning the FCC for certification. This process has opened as of September 1st. Once certified the City would have the authority to observe TCI and force them to justify rates. This only applys to the lowest tier or basic rates unless we petition for authority on the higher tiers for some limited authority. As part of this regulation, TCI has had some rate adjustments due to mandatory basic rate setting. Brubaker introduced Lon Hurd, Cable TV Consultant, to the Committee. Brubaker asked for approval to go forward on rate certification authority. White so moved, Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Renewal of Workers Compensation Claim Handling Contract Risk Analyst Chatwin noted that the City's liability has turned around considerably. Chatwin reviewed the workers compensation history from Scott Wetzel. Chatwin noted that he is working on bringing the contract to an annual process. Chatwin recommended renewing the Scott Wetzel contract. A discussion followed of the length of contract considering a two year contract in the future. Orr moved to accept Chatwin's recommendation to renew the contract for 18 months, White seconded a4d the motion carried 3-0. Maanshan, China Friendship City Relationship Chief Administrative Officer reviewed with the Committee the Memorandum of U astanding signed at the Chamber International Trade Exchange with Maanshan, China. McCarthy asked the Committee if they would like to recommend to the full Council the ratification of this agreement. McCarthy asked Steve Burpee if he had anything to add. Woods noted that she had heard of a different City being considered and asked how it was possible that this had happened so quickly. Burpee noted that this does not preclude the other and that this is only a letter of understanding to work towards an official agreement. During a trip a year ago March some potential Sister Cities were looked at in China.' Out of six or eight that were 1 recommended, two were iden*d to look at, Maanshan and Yangzhou�una limits us to one Sister City . so a suggestion was made on a Friendship City in addition to a Sister City. This is only a commitment to recognizing the benefits of these relationships which will not be official until governmental relationships, cultural exchanges, business relationships and educational relationships have been established. Through the substance of those relationships that justify the official designation. Burpee noted that in the future some cost factors need to be addressed. For example we have a relationship with Kherson which is not active. A Sister City Organization is being formed. This could be a non-profit incorporation depending on how it progresses. The Chamber of Commerce will be writing to the City requesting that economic development become a line item on a continueing basis. On-going funding is needed and a representative of City hall to actively participate. White asked if this would eliminate other cities. Burpee noted that only one Sister City is allowed by China but other relationships are possible. Woods noted that Kaibara is an example that the School District has pursued. McCarthy noted the meeting with Maanshan seemed to be their looking for an okay from the City to pursue relationships with the Chamber and School District, etc. White moved to approve the ratification, Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. In response to Woods interest in other countries, Burpee noted that he is working with Zhukousky which has an aerospace institute and the Ukraine has some business relationships which may lead to future Sister Cities and revive the Kherson relationship. After further discussion, Burpee noted the need for an ongoing funding program which will be brought to the Budget Committee in the near future. Woods asked that as much detail as possible be given for expenditures. Bid Approval for City Hall Remodel Support Services Manager Lindsey noted that as stated in the memo distributed with the agenda, he would request approval of the low bidder M.D. Moore, Inc. The architect has done some reference checks shich indicate they are a high quality firm. Woods asked if this was for 1994, Lindsey replied that it was. Orr inquired what amount of space was leased from the Centennial Building. Lindsey replied that 26,460 sq.ft. is leased. A discussion followed of possibly subletting some of the Centennial Building space. The remodel is being done without specific moves being planned other than the City Attorney pending the new administration and any reorganization that may occur. White asked about the contingency funds of 9.5%. Lindsey noted that Puget Power has modified the grant based on changes in police, etc. White asked what furniture costs will be. McCarthy replied that current future will be used, unless some contingency is left. After a discussion of furniture costs,Woods asked for a ball park figure as to what furniture costs may be. White and Woods noted their concern that the remodel will be completed without appropriate furniture. Orr moved to accept the bid for the remodel and that an estimate for funiture be brought back to the Committee. McCarthy stated that departments would have different expectations and the space has not been allocated as yet. The basic area will be available for move in with lighting,heating and carpet. Funds could be used from the CIP. Woods seconded Orr's motion. The motion passed 2-1 with Orr, Woods for and White against. White moved to identify the costs involved with the furnishings. Lindsey noted that the CIP had identified a furniture upgrade equal to the Centennial Building. White withdrew his motion. Woods adjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m. 2