HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/20/1993 OPERATIONS COMAUTTEE April 20, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Chair Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy May Miller Sue Viseth Becky Fowler Dea Drake Alana McIalwain Bruce Weissich Brenda Jacober MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Don McDaniels Linda Johnson Jean Parietti The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending 4/15/93 in the amount of$1,682,997.30 were approved. DEBT REFINANCING PROPOSALS Acting Finance Director Miller explained that the CLID 333, 338 & 339 will be brought to the Council for approval tonight since the project is reasonably completed. She noted that the voted and non-voted issues will, however, be pulled from the Council Agenda because it isn't feasible to refinance them at this time. WHITE MOVED approval to send the CLID issue on to the full Council for adoption of a bond ordinance establishing CLID 333, 338, and 339, and authorize the Mayor to sign a purchase contract with Lehman Brothers in the amount of$397,413. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. DOWNTOWN PARTNERSHIP UPDATE Linda Johnson, Kent Downtown Partnership Director, updated the Committee regarding a package of action items they have prepared and the approach used with the small businesses downtown. She noted that property have been involved in the process also and that attitudes and cooperation are starting to come together in one direction. Johnson explained that the Kent merchants would like to capitalize on the existing good, solid business district with a little face- lifting and clean-up rather than become another "Leavenworth". Don McDaniels, Downtown Partnership Member, explained that the Partnership has been concentrating on education, management, budget, organization, marketing, and promotions to help keep the economy stable. 0 0 He noted that the Partnership will be coming to the Council in June with proposals and a request for continued matching funds. Upon White's suggestion for exploring the possibility of having a year round market, Johnson expressed that the merchants would probably favor it because they notice a big difference when it's opened and when it closes. McDaniels suggested that a good theme might be, "Here is the Real Kent - Come Down and Visit". VOTERS PAMPHLET PARTICIPATION Brenda Jacober, City Clerk, explained that King County Records and Elections Division needs to know by May 14, 1993 if Kent wants to participate in the 1993 Local Voters' Pamphlet. She noted that the City began participation in 1987 and that this will be the fourth time Kent will participate, if the Committee and Council chooses to do so. She noted that the cost was $629.00 to participate in 1991. WHITE MOVED to approve participation in the 1993 King County Local Voters' Pamphlet. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. SENIOR HOUSING CANOPY AND TRELLIS Alana McIalwain, Administrative Services Manager, explained that on January 19, 1993 the Operations Committee was presented with improvements to the Harrison House (Sr. Housing) project and that this item is a re-confirmation of a bid for the canopy and trellis. She noted that the low bid was made by Robinson and Company in the amount of $49,434 (includes the bid bond), but that the sprinkler needed for the canopy is not included in this bid so there will probably be a change order coming through for that item. Upon Houser's question, McIalwain noted that the budget is for $60,000 for both the canopy and trellis, and that the bid amount is almost$50,000 so there is about a$10,000 cushion for the sprinkler. McCarthy noted that there is still about $100,000 in the contingency fund also. ORR MOVED approval for the bid from Robinson and Company in the amount of $49,434 for the canopy and trellis at the Harrison House. White seconded and the motion carried 3-0. VAN FOR SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT (Harrison House) - ADDED ITEM McIalwain informed the Committee that a bid will be sent out to purchase a van for the Harrison House. She noted that a 9-10 passenger van will be bid which meets all the ADA requirements and that there are some limitations as to the number of passengers that can be carried without having a special certificated license. Upon White's question, McIalwain explained that the State did have a bid out for a van, but it would have required the special license and that the King County Housing Authority has a driver as long as a special license isn't required- EMPLOYEE DAYCARE CENTER Becky Fowler, Human Resources Analyst, noted that an employee daycare center questionnaire has been prepared and ready for the committee to review for approval, additions or deletions. She noted that the committee consists of an employee from each department. Upon White's question, she clarified that this is just for City employees only. Dea Drake, Graphics Specialist, expressed that flexibility in hours and money charged would be very helpful. The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE April 20, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Chair Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy May Miller Sue Viseth Becky Fowler Dea Drake Alana McIalwain Bruce Weissich Brenda Jacober MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Don McDaniels Linda Johnson Jean Parietti The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending 4/15/93 in the amount of$1,682,997.30 were approved. DEBT REFINANCING PROPOSALS Acting Finance Director Miller explained that the CLID 333, 338 & 339 will be brought to the Council for approval tonight since the project is reasonably completed. She noted that the voted and non-voted issues will, however, be pulled from the Council Agenda because it isn't feasible to refinance them at this time. WHITE MOVED approval to send the CLID issue on to the full Council for adoption of a bond ordinance establishing CLID 333, 338, and 339, and authorize the Mayor to sign a purchase contract with Lehman Brothers in the amount of $397,413. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. DOWNTOWN PARTNERSHIP UPDATE Linda Johnson, Kent Downtown Partnership Director, updated the Committee regarding a package of action items they have prepared and the approach used with the small businesses downtown. She noted that property have been involved in the process also and that attitudes and cooperation are starting to come together in one direction. Johnson explained that the Kent merchants would like to capitalize on the existing good, solid business district with a little face- lifting and clean-up rather than become another "Leavenworth". Don McDaniels, Downtown Partnership Member, explained that the Partnership has been concentrating on education, management, budget, organization, marketing, and promotions to help keep the economy stable. • i He noted that the Partnership will be coming to the Council in June with proposals and a request for continued matching funds. Upon White's suggestion for exploring the possibility of having a year round market, Johnson expressed that the merchants would probably favor it because they notice a big difference when it's opened and when it closes. McDaniels suggested that a good theme might be, "Here is the Real Kent - Come Down and Visit". VOTERS PAMPHLET PARTICIPATION Brenda Jacober, City Clerk, explained that King County Records and Elections Division needs to know by May 14, 1993 if Kent wants to participate in the 1993 Local Voters' Pamphlet. She noted that the City began participation in 1987 and that this will be the fourth time Kent will participate, if the Committee and Council chooses to do so. She noted that the cost was $629.00 to participate in 1991. WHITE MOVED to approve participation in the 1993 King County Local Voters' Pamphlet. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. SENIOR HOUSING CANOPY AND TRELLIS Alana McIalwain, Administrative Services Manager, explained that on January 19, 1993 the Operations Committee was presented with improvements to the Harrison House (Sr. Housing) project and that this item is a re-confirmation of a bid for the canopy and trellis. She noted that the low bid was made by Robinson and Company in the amount of $49,434 (includes the bid bond), but that the sprinkler needed for the canopy is not included in this bid so there will probably be a change order coming through for that item. Upon Houser's question, McIalwain noted that the budget is for $60,000 for both the canopy and trellis, and that the bid amount is almost$50,000 so there is about a$10,000 cushion for the sprinkler. McCarthy noted that there is still about $100,000 in the contingency fund also. ORR MOVED approval°for the bid from Robinson and Company in the amount of $49,434 for the canopy and trellis,at the Harrison House. White seconded and the motion carried 3-0. VAN FOR SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT (Harrison House) - ADDED IT.FM McIalwain informed the Committee that a bid will be sent out to purchase a van for the Harrison House. She noted that a 9-10 passenger van will be bid which meets all the ADA requirements and that there are some limitations as to the number of passengers that can be carried without having a special certificated license. Upon White's question, McIalwain explained that the State did have a bid out for a van, but it would have required the special license and that the King County Housing Authority has a driver as long as a special license isn't required- EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE DAYCARE CENTER Becky Fowler, Human Resources Analyst, noted that an employee daycare center questionnaire has been prepared and ready for the committee to review for approval, aM'ons or deletions. She noted that the committee consists of an employee from each departme4t. ' Upon White's question, she clarified that this is just for City employees only. Dea Drake, draphics Specialist, expressed that flexibility in hours and money charged would be very heipfut,; The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.