HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 02/02/1993 City Clerk OPERATIONS COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 2, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Chair Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy Roger Lubovich Laurie Evezich May Miller Jim Huntington Charlie Lindsey Ken Chatwin Kelli O'Donnell MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Bill Doolittle Mary McCumber Mark Gulbranson The meeting was called to order at 2:35 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Puget Sound Regional Council Interlocal Mary McCumber, PSRC Executive Director, and Mark Gulbranson, Director of Administrative Services of PSRC, were present to share about their program and explain why the interlocal agreement between the City of Kent and Puget Sound Regional Council might have to be amended. Ms. McCumber noted that Kent's assessment for 1992 was $11,232 and that under the new fee structure, using the same data for assessed value and population as 1992, the City of Kent would be assessed $20,604. She explained that if any dues are collected from the new statutory members, the PSRC will reimburse back to the other cities that amount to help offset the increase in dues. She noted, however, that these estimates are based upon 1992 figures and that the actual assessment could go up or down depending upon the 1994 figures for Kent. White moved for approval of the amendment to the interlocal agreement between Puget Sound Regional Council and the City of Kent. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Ordinance to Update Utility Tax Definitions Assistant City Attorney Evezich explained that the intent of this ordinance is to make utilities telephone tax consistent with State definitions. She noted that language has been added to reflect recent changes in technology to include cable and microwave systems as well as telecommunications equipment and apparatus enabling calls to originate from areas inside the City on equipment as opposed to service that's in the home. The cellular telephone industry is lobbying heavily to have their status excluded from any construc- tion that it is a utility, a network telephone service or a telephone business while local jurisdictions, cities and other interested parties are lobbying to be able to tax this industry. Lubovich clarified that this ordinance is the result of 'recent collections on telephone utility taxes for cellular one as well as eliminating potential loopholes. White moved for acceptance of this ordinance. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Working Together Grant - Valli Kee Acting Police Chief Miller noted that a "Contract for Social Services" between King County and the City of Kent hasn't been formally authorized by the City Council so that monies can be properly allocated within the 1993 budget. Orr moved for acceptance of this contract. White seconded and the motion carried 3-0. White noted for the record that the Mayor works for King County Housing Authority and that Jim Wiley is his boss. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES February 2, 1993 Cont. New Collection Agency - Traffic Violations Acting Finance Director Miller explained that this is just an information item only and that last year Renton Collections was hired by the City to collect unpaid traffic citations. She noted that because of problems, Renton Collections services will be terminated on January 20, 1993 and Puget Sound Collections will replace them. She also noted that it will be the same situation with similar costs and no out-of-pocket expenses to the City. Memorandum of Understanding with WCIA City Attorney Lubovich noted that Council recently approved the proposal to stay with WCIA and the $100,000 deductible beginning this year. He explained that this agreement sets forth the deductible program and is requesting authorization to execute the agreement to follow through with the intent of Council . White moved for approval . Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. City Hall HVAC and Remodel Acting Finance Director Miller requested authorization to proceed with this project. She noted that the project has been divided into 3 phases as follows: Phase I) Demolition of the space vacated by the Police Dept. which includes knocking out walls and opening up the area, $46,000; Phase II) Replacement of 20-year old heating and air-conditioning system as well as upgrading the lights and computer wiring, $494,000 minus Puget Power grant of $127,000 to equal $367,000 for cost to City; Phase III) Making office space out of the area with carpet, the walls and lighting, $192,000. Upon White's question, Miller clarified that it was approved in the budget but felt it should come bank to the committee to make sure it was agreed upon and that the whole bid process should proceed. White noted that he would like the City to also address and explore the possibility of daycare or nursery facilities for City employees only. It was the consensus of the committee that no action be taken since it has already been approved with the 1993 budget. Legislation Eliminating Cities Authority to Create Municipal Courts Lubovich explained that Senate Bill 5117 has been introduced to the State Legislature which was originally drafted to phase out municipal courts but a change was made and the current bill does not eliminate existing courts but will prohibit establishment of new courts, prohibit appointment of municipal judges, and eliminate the court's authority to establish fines and penalties for infractions so State guidelines would have to be followed, if it is passed. White noted that the Association of Washington Cities is also asking all cities :to respond by lobbying against this legislation and felt it was an appropriate response for the City of Kent to maintain its right to establish a municipal court. White then moved for the Legal Department to prepare appropriate resolution and send to the elected representatives. Orr seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Upon Orr's question, White suggested that the resolution be ready for Council action tonight. It was the consensus of the committee to do so and was so ordered. Cable TV Refranchise Agreement City Attorney Lubovich requested that this item be removed and placed on the next Operations Committee Agenda because it is not ready yet. There was no objection from the committee. Committee Chair Houser adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.