HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 01/05/1993 �- City Clerk OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MrNUTEti- January 5, 1993 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Kelly Brown Rose Grabert Joye Honeycutt Brenda Jacober Charlie Lindsey Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain May Miller Kelli O'Donnell Ron Spang Tom Vetsch MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Jack Becvar Bill Doolittle Jean Parietti The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending November 30, 1992, in the amount of$1,093,299.32, and for the period ending December 15, 1992,in the amount of$2,549,489.49,were approved for payment. Vouchers for the period ending December 31, 1992, were distributed for audit. Greater Kent Historical Society (GKHS) Presentation GKHS President Jack Becvar distributed a memorandum to the Committee. After thanking the Committee members for the City's support, he asked for funding in the amount of $2,500.00 for the Greater Kent Historical Society. Chief Administrative Officer McCarthy noted that there were funds in the budget previously used for White River Historical Society that could be used for this purpose at the Council's discretion. After a discussion of charging back office space and phones to be included in the amount requested, CommitteemNember Orr moved to approve the designation of funding for Kent Historical Society. Committeemember White seconded the motion which passed 3-0. 1993 Work Program Law City Attorney Lubovich reviewed Law's 1993 Work Program *. White asked if it was possible to have the department presentations made to the full Council. McCarthy responded that he would check with the Council President on the possibility of a workshop. He noted that the departments were reporting to their respective Committees so that the Council would be able to answer other Councilmembers questions at the Council retreat. *Copies available, call Kelli O'Donnell 859-2116. ' 1 10 0 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES January 5, 1993, Cont. 1993 Work Program Information Services Information Services Director Spang reviewed Information Services' 1993 Work Program% Bill Doolittle requested a list of who had cellular phones and the expenses associated with them. 1993 Work Program City Clerk's Office City Clerk Jacober reviewed the City Clerk's Office 1993 Work Program. 1993 Work Prog am Finance Acting Finance Director Miller reviewed the Finance Department's 1993 Work Program*. Deinstallation of Sperry Computer Spang requested authorization to sell the Sperry System 80 to Carroll and Company for$100. Orr so moved,White seconded and the motion passed 3-0. Aukeen District Court Filing Fees Lubovich updated the Committee on the filing fees for Aukeen District Court. After objections from other jurisdictions, King County discovered that they had made an error in Kent's bill because of Auburn no longer participating. King County adjusted up the filing fees for Kent from their original proposal. White noted his objection to King County making a change after the budget was already adopted. Lubovich noted that the City Attorneys attending the meeting voiced the same complaint. Ordinance to Adopt City Code Lubovich asked for Committee authorization to adopt by ordinance the newly completed City Code. After a brief discussion, Orr moved to recommend approval of the ordinance to adopt the City Code to be sent to the next City Council meeting. White Seconded the motion which passed 3-0. Cable TV Refranchise Ordinances Assistant City Attorney Brubaker noted that this was an informational item at this time and he would like to bring the item back to the next Operations Committee for action. Brubaker updated the Committee on the progress of the negotiations with TCI Cable for a rfranchise agreement. The meeting was adjourned at 4:01 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. *Copies available, call Kelli O'Donnell 859-2116. 2 -