HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 12/01/1992 OPERAT16NS COMMITTEE IN TES December 1, 1992 city clerk COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Kelly Brown Ken Chatwin Rose Grabert Charlie Lindsey Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain Chuck Miller Rose Nelson Kelly O'Donnell Don Olson MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Bill Doolittle Don McDaniel Jean Parietti The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. ADproval of Vouchers Claims for the period ending November 16, 1992, were approved for payment in the amount of $2,479,062.03. Extension of Food Service Contract for Corrections Facility Police Captain Miller distributed a memorandum explaining the recommendation to extend the current food service contract at the Corrections Facility. Miller noted that if the contract is not extended at the current rates,there will most likely be a substantial increase due to inflation. After discussion, Committeemember Orr moved to recommend approval of the contract and add the item to the Consent Calendar of this evenings Council Meeting. Houser seconded the motion which passed 2-0. Acceptance of King County Housing Opportunity Fund Grant - Sr. Housing Administrative Manager McIalwain asked for Committee authorization to accept$250,000 from the King County Housing Opportunity Fund. Orr moved to recommend acceptance of the grant, Houser seconded. The motion carried 2-0. Acceptance of Puget Power Grant- Sr. Housing McIalwain stated that Project Manager Larry Metler worked with Puget Power in providing energy efficient construction on the Senior Housing Project. McIalwain asked for authorization to accept $34,590 from Puget Power. Orr so moved, Houser seconded the motion which passed 2-0. Don McDaniel noted that the construction passed 1991 codes when only 1989 codes were required for the grant. 1993 Work Program - Human Resources • Human Resources Director Olson presented the 1993 work program for Human Resources. 1 1993 Work Program - Adminion Administrative Manager McIalwain presented the 1993 work program for Administrion. Aukeen District Court Filing Fees City Attorney Lubovich reported to the Committee that King County has requested that the City execute a new interlocal agreement for filing fees at Aukeen District Court. Lubovich stated that the Council previously voted to cancel the agreement when a municipal court was under consWeration. Lubovich reviewed the proposed fees of which the City of Kent's are the lowest. After discussion of the issue, Orr moved to approve the fee structure as is, after the City Attorney has had an opportunity to go back to King County to negotiate changes to not lock the City in if the fees should go up in the future. Houser seconded the motion which passed 2-0. Lubovich reported to the Committee that the Public Defense Contract will be going out for bid in an effort to reduce costs. Council Retreat Options McCarthy stated that the Council President has requested input as to the Council's preference for holding the 1993 retreat in town or out of town. After discussion, Houser and Orr concurred that it may be more efficient when held out of town but the rest of the Council should be polled. Committee Chair adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m.and stated that there will be no meeting on December 15th, 1992. • • 2 OPERATItNS COMMITTEE 7KINUTES December L 1992 City Clerk COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Kelly Brown Ken Chatwin Rose Grabert Charlie Lindsey Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain Chuck Miller Rose Nelson Kelly O'Donnell Don Olson MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Bill Doolittle Don McDaniel Jean Parietti The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. • Approval of Vouchers Claims for the period ending November 16, 1992, were approved for payment in the amount of $2,479,062.03. Extension of Food Service Contract for Corrections Facility Police Captain Miller distributed a memorandum explaining the recommendation to extend the current food service contract at the Corrections Facility. Miller noted that if the contract is not extended at the current rates,there will most likely be a substantial increase due to inflation. After discussion, Committeemember Orr moved to recommend approval of the contract and add the item to the Consent Calendar of this evenings Council Meeting. Houser seconded the motion which passed 2-0. Acceptance of King County Housing Opportunity Fund Grant - Sr. Housing Administrative Manager McIalwain asked for Committee authorization to accept$250,000 from the King County Housing Opportunity Fund. Orr moved to recommend acceptance of the grant, Houser seconded. The motion carried 2-0. Acceptance of Puget Power Grant - Sr. Housing McIalwain stated that Project Manager Larry Metler worked with Puget Power in providing energy efficient construction on the Senior Housing Project. McIalwain asked for authorization to accept $34,590 from Puget Power. Orr so moved, Houser seconded the motion which passed 2-0. Don McDaniel noted that the construction passed 1991 codes when only 1989 codes were required for the grant. 1993 Work Program - Human Resources • Human Resources Director Olson presented the 1993 work program for Human Resources. 1 1993 Work Program - Adminion 0 Administrative Manager McIalwain presented the 1993 work program for Adminnistron. Aukeen District Court Filin.g Fees City Attorney Lubovich reported to the Committee that King County has requested that the City execute a new interlocal agreement for filing fees at Aukeen District Court. Lubovich stated that the Council previously voted to cancel the agreement when a municipal court was under consideration. Lubovich reviewed the proposed fees of which the City of Kent's are the lowest. After discussion of the issue, Orr moved to approve the fee structure as is, after the City Attorney has had an opportunity to go back to King County to negotiate changes to not lock the City in if the fees should go up in the future. Houser seconded the motion which passed 2-0. Lubovich reported to the Committee that the Public Defense Contract will be going out for bid in an effort to reduce costs. Council Retreat Options McCarthy stated that the Council President has requested input as to the Councils preference for holding the 1993 retreat in town or out of town. After discussion, Houser and Orr concurred that it may be more efficient when held out of town but the rest of the Council should be polled. Committee Chair adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m.and stated that there will be no meeting on December 15th, 1992. 3 • 2