HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/17/1992 OPERAT NS COMMITTEEII NUT November 17, 1992 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Norm Angelo Bob Bradley Ken Chatwin Dave Everett Becky Fowler Laurie Hogan Charlie Lindsey Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain Kelli O'Donnell Patrice Thorell Dina Paganucci Bruce Weissich Barney Wilson MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Elizabeth Boisselle • Bill Doolittle Glen Hancock Glen Kitchin Jean Parietti Dennis Roarke Barbara Simpson The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Approval of Vouchers Claims for the period ending October 30, 1992, were approved for payment in the amount of $1,157,604.91. Liability Insurance Program Risk Analyst Chatwin informed the Committee that he was looking for direction from the Council on how to proceed on the renewal of liability insurance which will expire January 1, 1993. After distributing a substitute proposal from Johnson & Higgins, Chatwin introduced Dennis Roarke aud,,Elizabeth Boisselle from Johnson & Higgins. Ms. Boisselle and Mr. Roarke reviewed the proposal with the Committee and answered questions. Chatwin asked if the Committee would like to make a recorendation or have a presentation-St the Council meeting. City Attorney Lubovich questioned the coverage of the legal costs. When asked for his recommendation, Chatwin recommended going with WCIA at the higher deductible program. The Committee concurred to send the item to the next City Council Meeting under Other Business with no recommendation. 1 : OPRATIONS COMMITTEE MIOTES November 17, 1992, Cont. 1993 Benefit Package Human Resource Director Olson informed the Committee that he will be giving the Council a report on this item in an Executive Session at this evenings City Council Meeting. Olson noted the importance of the previous item to the Committee. International Trade Program City Attorney Lubovich distributed material explaining the program and introduced Barbara Simpson from the Kent Chamber of Commerce. Lubovich noted that the money for the program was authorized by the EDC upon approval of Council. Ms. Simpson reviewed the information with the Council noting the benefits to the City of the four elements of the program. Committeemember White asked that the City Attorney add that the City will appoint one voting member and an EDC member to participate as a voting members. Committeemember White moved to recommend adoption of the agreement to be sent to the next Council meeting. Committeemember Orr seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0. Assistance for Private Sector Youth Center Mr. Glen Hancock stated that while Kent has the best parks and recreation programs in the state, there is a rising problem with teenage gangs. The kids in question have no direction and are not interested in sports or institutional facilities. Hancock outlined his plan to create a center which operates as a daycare during the day and a teen center in the evenings. After the presentation, committeemembers asked for more details of the program. It was noted that the facility in question is not zoned for a large daycare. During further discussion, Mr. Hancock asked for the City to co-sign for a loan and requested $152,000 for initial setup. White stated that it would be difficult for the Council to support such a request this year. No action was taken. Establishing Committee for Youth Center Lieutenant Dave Everett brought forward the Resolution by Paul Mann to form a task force to explore the possibility of youth facilities to include:need,how to fund,and feasibility. The Resolution gives six months for the task force to report back to the Council their findings. White suggested that the task force consider financing the program by levy and volunteered to serve on the task force. After further discussion,White moved to approve signing of the Resolution,Orr seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0. Chairman Houser asked to have a progress report on the task force in the future. The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m. • 2 cl�� OPER.AT A NS COMMITTEEIGNUTEN November 17, 1992 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Norm Angelo Bob Bradley Ken Chatwin Dave Everett Becky Fowler Laurie Hogan Charlie Lindsey Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain Kelli O'Donnell Patrice Thorell Dina Paganucci Bruce Weissich Barney Wilson MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Elizabeth Boisselle . Bill Doolittle Glen Hancock Glen Kitchin Jean Parietti Dennis Roarke Barbara Simpson The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Approval of Vouchers Claims for the period ending October 30, 1992, were approved for payment in the amount of $1,157,604.91. Liability Insurance Program Risk Analyst Chatwin informed the Committee that he was looking for direction from the Council on how to proceed on the renewal of liability insurance which will expire January 1, 1993. After distributing a substitute proposal from Johnson & Higgins, Chatwin introduced Dennis Roarke and Elizabeth Boisselle from Johnson & Higgins. Ms. Boisselle and Mr. Roarke reviewed the proposal with the Committee and answered questions. Chatwin asked if the Committee would like to make a recommendation or have a presentation-Vt the Council meeting. City Attorney Lubovich questioned the coverage of the legal costs. When asked for his recommendation, Chatwin recommended going with WCIA at the higher deductible program. The Committee concurred to send the item to the next City Council Meeting under Other Business with no recommendation. 1 • OPR.ATIONS COMMITTEE MATES November 17, 1992, Cont. 1993 Benefit Packne Human Resource Director Olson informed the Committee that he will be giving the Council a report on this item in an Executive Session at this evenings City Council Meeting. Olson noted the importance of the previous item to the Committee. International Trade Program City Attorney Lubovich distributed material explaining the program and introduced Barbara Simpson from the Kent Chamber of Commerce. Lubovich noted that the money for the program was authorized by the EDC upon approval of Council. Ms. Simpson reviewed the information with the Council noting the benefits to the City of the four elements of the program. Committeemember White asked that the City Attorney add that the City will appoint one voting member and an EDC member to participate as a voting members. Committeemember White moved to recommend adoption of the agreement to be sent to the next Council meeting. Committeemember Orr seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0. Assistance for Private Sector Youth Center Mr. Glen Hancock stated that while Kent has the best parks and recreation programs in the state, there is a rising problem with teenage gangs. The kids in question have no direction and are not interested in sports or institutional facilities. Hancock outlined his plan to create a center which operates as a daycare during the day and a teen center in the evenings. After the presentation, committeemembers asked for more details of the program. It was noted that the facility in question is not zoned for a large daycare. During further discussion, Mr. Hancock asked for the City to co-sign for a loan and requested $152,000 for initial setup. White stated that it would be difficult for the Council to support such a request this year. No action was taken. Establishing Committee for Youth Center • Lieutenant Dave Everett brought forward the Resolution by Paul Mann to form a task force to explore the possibility of youth facilities to include:need,how to fund,and feasibility. The Resolution gives six months for the task force to report back to the Council their findings. White suggested that the task force consider financing the program by levy and volunteered to serve on the task force. After further discussion,White moved to approve signing of the Resolution, Orr seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0. Chairman Houser asked to have a progress report on the task force in the future. The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m. 10 2