HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 08/04/1992 OPERATtNS COMMUTE* OkINUTES August 4, 1992 City clerk COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Leona Orr Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Norm Angelo Ed Chow Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson Don Wickstrom Barney Wilson MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Bill Doolittle Don McDaniel John Naylor Jean Parietti UNIDENTIFIED STAFF & MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Approximately 3 people were present that were not identified to the Committee. The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending July 31, 1992,in the amount of$1,937,828.74 were approved for payment. Collection Agency Update & Traffic Citations Proposal Customer Services Manager Lindsey reviewed with the Committee the progress on the past due accounts turned over to Transworld Systems. Lindsey requested authorization to turn uncollected parking citations over to an agency in Renton. This collection agency will charge the delinquent account in addition to the original fines. Houser asked if the service would be free to the City. Lindsey replied that it would. Committeemember White asked if any references were looked at from other Cities. Lindsey responded that an RFP had gone out to which there were two responses, the proposed company and a company out of Tacoma. Renton Collections was selected because of their municipal experience including SeaTac and Renton. Members of the audience John Naylor and Don McDaniel noted that they have used Renton Collections with good results. Committeemember Orr moved to authorize turning over the unpaid parking citations for collection as recommended. White seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0. Worker's Compensation Renewal Contract Risk Analyst Chatwin reviewed with the Committee the annual third parry administration contract for workers compensation. He noted that the contract included medical and indemnity claims as well as some engineering. The hours and claims for the previous year have held with two cost overruns. One additional cost is related to the annual hearing test showing hearing loss for two people from the shooting range. 1 d1kRATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, Cd*. August 4, 1992 An analysis showed some problems related to the steel lining causing sound reverberation. In addition,the level of noise passing through the ventilation system was also tested with positive results. White asked how the shooting range was originally engineered. Chatwin responded that it was a wall shaped design lined with steel and a high ceiling level. White asked who was responsible for paying for the modifications. A discussion followed whether the costs were recoverable from the original engineer. Fire Chief Angelo noted that the design was based on known existing firing ranges and that he did not feel there was a way to go back to the original engineer. Chatwin continued that the second cost overrun was the result of a number of complaints in the Police area regarding air ventilation. A quality survey for hazardous or toxic conditions showed that the air quality was not good, particularly in the police records area. The cause is related to the plenums which need cleaning and are smaller than in other areas of the building. He noted that because of the difficulty of cleaning, it will take some time to go through the system and replace the filters and would be best done when the area was vacated after the move to the new police area. White asked if it was possible to administer the worker's compensation in-house. Chatwin replied that for $20,000 the City receives expertise in handling claims. There are numerous requirements to be met for Labor and Industry as well as Workers Compensation. The current funds wouldn't be enough to hire one person with the expertise necessary. Houser asked where the additional money would come from for the increase. Chatwin responded that the Worker's Compensation Fund was adequate to cover the increase with no impact on the general fund. During further discussion, Bill Doolittle noted that there were 56 claims or about 1 out of 10 employees asking if that seemed rather high. Chatwin broke down the number of claims received from July 1, 1991 to July 1, 1992. He noted they were primarily Fire, Police and Public Works with the majority of the claims being due to the hazards of the occupation. After reviewing the breakdown by department he noted that the Safety Committee reviews all claims to see if they were preventable. In addition, the City is above average compared to surrounding cities. Committeemember Orr moved to approve the contract as recommended by Mr. Chatwin. Committeemember White seconded the motion which passed unanimously 3-0. Dates for Council Work Session Finance Director McCarthy stated that Council President Woods had asked that he discuss with the Committee having a half day work session on the 1993 budget instead of the workshop originally planned. It was decided that McCarthy would bring a calendar to the evening Council meeting to coordinate with the full Council. Bill Doolittle suggested that it would be a good move to videotape the workshops and play them on the public access channel. He added that if the budget process was taped the people in the City would have a better feel for the budget process. White noted in the new cable contract a Kent channel is being negotiated for. Deletion of Vacant Positions Ordinance McCarthy noted that the Council had requested an ordinance deleting the vacant positions and salary credits. McCarthy continued that there were a couple of corrections to the positions listed. Committeemember White stated that it was his understanding that this item will be pulled from the Council Agenda and suggested that the item be brought back in two weeks with the corrections. 2 ' ORATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, C& ' August 4, 1992 One Time Only Funds to Increase Contingency Fund McCarthy explained that the Mayor had suggested that any funds from the list distributed could be used to enhance the contingency fund. He noted that the Mayor was not necessarily in favor of any of the suggested items but asked that a discussion begin. McCarthy continued that there were a few items that may need to be removed from the list including the fuel storage facility, mobile radios and old sidewalk money. White asked if the entry signs budget was money left that had not been spent. McCarthy replied that the signs had been done in-house noting that there had been a transfer of funds reimbursing the project related to the sign at the golf complex. The remaining entry signs were not near$20,000. A discussion followed as to the decision to transfer funds. Parks and Recreation Director Wilson stated that the Image Committee, which included Brent McFall,voted to put the sign at the golf course and the funds should be returned to the golf course. White stated that he felt the remaining funds should go back to the golf course. Houser responded that in that case the fire truck funds should go back to Fire. A discussion followed of the remaining items and the recent auction. Added Item - Citizen Information on Layoff Policy Houser stated that an added item had been requested regarding the Layoff Policy. No one came forward. The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. 3