HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 05/18/1992 Citv Clerk A- l. 1 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 18, 1992 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Leona Orr STAFF PRESENT: Ken Chatwin Ed Chow Dick Gillisse Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson ' MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Bill Doolittle Connie Epperly UNIDENTIFIED STAFF & MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Approximately 3 people were preset that were not identified to the Committee. The meeting was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. 60roval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending May 15, 1992,in the amount of$2,407,898.84 were approved for payment. Inventory of Physical Assets (Information Only) Finance Director McCarthy passed out the subject inventory noting that it was not sent out with the agenda due to the length of the document. (The document is available in the Finance D ent.) McCarthy noted he was bringing this item to the Committee per Committeemember White's re : st for an inventory. The listing compiled includes all items capitalized over the years with a value of�1, � or more. The limit was arrived at in the past using federal standards. The federal limits have beoii raised to a $5,000 minimum but other municipalities continue to use $1,000 for capitalization. ; This listing was compiled last year by transferring information on to the computer and sending listings to the departments to delete items that were surpluses or transferred over the yeairg. Tle list does need more work but the project was put on hold after the Investment Officer left the City ;nd'the Field Auditor working on the project took over the investment function. McCarthy noted tl�at �ecause of the $1,000 limit, every chair and desk, etc. is not listed. Chairperson Houser asked about a listing of houses and property. McCarthy to-plied that information was within the listing but a sort order had not been established to pull it out by itself. He added that there is also the possibility of tying the listing into the Geographic Information System through sub-coding. 1 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES , May 18, 1992 During Further discussion, Risk Analyst Ken Chatwin suggested the property insurance listing may be helpful. McCarthy agreed that it could be beneficial to tie the two together. McC;a;dW noted that this was a working list to give the Committee some idea of where they were and he will fbiward a copy of the listing to Committeemember White. American Disability Act Proposed Cost to Modify City Hall - 1992 (Information C Risk Analyst Chatwin updated the Committee on the American Disability Act(ADA) as it relates to physical barriers. He noted that the regulations will have some financial impact this year and in the future. Chatwin explained that he is currently in the process of doing a physical assessment of all City buildings. He stated that the Barriers Act of Washington 504 has been in affect for some years and now a similarAet-- is being enacted by the federal government. He distributed the previous time table�for ADA compliance which outlines implementation for physical barriers,job descriptions and application procedures as well as a draft of the barriers surveyed at City Hall by floor and the Resource Center. Chatwin reviewed some of the key areas that need to be looked at which included the elevator to the fourth floor which should have an audio signal for the sight impaired, particularly on the fourth floor, stating to exit at the rear as well as lowering the control panels. In addition, the restrooms are not wheelchair accessible. He pointed out that all of the problems do not need to be;wed immediately but should be surveyed and incorporated in any future remodel. During further discussion, it was noted that financial hardship does not require completing all projects immediately but items considered reasonable and prudent should be taken care of as stated by the time table. Personnel Policy Updates (Information Only) Human Resource Director Olson noted that he wished to periodically inform the Committee of updates to Personnel Policies. He presented three policies to the Committeemembers addressing: Flexible Work Schedule; Employee Definitions; and, Salary Plan. He noted that some policies require periodic updates such as the Employee Definitions Policy which was enacted February 1, 1986,and revised January 1, 1992. Olson explained that these are administrative policies which the City Administrator enacts after review with Personnel and the City Attorney. He noted that at a recent Committee meeting Comrnitteemember White claimed he had not seen the Policies and Procedures and Olson has since hand cahie4 him a copy and famished a copy in the Council Office. He stated that he would like to continue,toipdate the Committee on policy changes and that he would like to report back in a few weeks on some additional updates. Commute Trip Reduction Law Update (Infb=ft QnW Engineering Department Consultant Dick Grllisse previewed with the Committee this impacts on the City of the Commute Trip Reduction(CTR) law passed by the State Legislature last .-The intent of the CTR is to solve traffic and pollution problems. The legislation requires local jWisdieUort. to adopt a CTR ordinance by January, 1993 which requires employers of 100 or more to have ems for alternatives for reducing trips by single occupancy vehicles. The goals of the program target a 35%reduction by 1999. The law requires four actions by the City: 1. _ To adopt an ordinance. 2 .i T y a � ' OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 18, 1992 2. Establish an administrative process to enforce employers compliance with the ordinance. (approximately 30-50 employers in Kent) 3. Program for City Employees, possibly incentives. 4. Review Parking Ordinance to fit in with goals which may include a maximum for parking places to force compliance. Gillisse distributed a handout of possible alternatives to influence employees to parti0pate. He also noted that the State is in the process of drafting an ordinance for local jurisdictions to adopt. The State has provided start up funding for the first year which should last through June of 1991 Houser noted the need for coordination with freeway improvements. Gillisse noted that the first year will focus on education. Committeemember Orr asked if future growth was taken into consideration for reduction percentages. Gillisse replied that the 100 person limit may even be reduced in the future to as low as 10 employees. As the region grows we will have to change commuting methods which can include any combination of biking, flexible work schedules or telecommuting. Orr asked,if the law would apply to companies with alternative hours. Gillisse responded that legislation currently addresses business with employees in one location during peak hours. Additional Items - Orr asked when McCarthy anticipated an update on the financial situation. McCard*r responded that the May sales tax figures did not have a real impact on the situation. It would probably be mid-year before enough information will be in. Utility taxes are received at the end of July so August would probably be the soonest any significant change would be seen.. Houser asked how the DepaTtingrit 5% cuts were proceeding. Chow responded that they were geared to go through Administration. Houser asked how the Council would be updated. McCarthy responded that the cuts are due by the first of June to Administration. Bill Doolittle asked if his request at a previous meeting for employees added to the payroll since the hiring freeze had been prepared. McCarthy provided a list that included employees added since the slow down first began. He noted that some of the hirings were in process before the slow downs'was announced and that others had been approved through the Executive Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. 3