HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/20/1992 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 20, 1992 city clerk COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Leona Orr Jim White COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Jan Banister Ed Chow Robb Dreblow Jim Hansen Dan Kelleher Charles Lindsey Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain Tammy McQueeney Kelli O'Donnell Patty Roseto Ron Spang Bruce Weissich i MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Suzette Cooke Bill Doolittle Vern Dwight Ted Loudenback Jean Parietti UNIDENTIFIED STAFF & MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Approximately 10 people were present that were not identified to the Committee. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending April 15, 1992, in the amount of $2,688,;l29. ? were approved for payment. Special Assessment System Selection Customer Services Manager Lindsey informed the Committee that the memorandum,in the agenda packet outlined the recommendation for the special assessment system selection. Finance Director McCarthy added 1 1 •r OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, COURT.,, April 20, 1992 that once this system is removed from the Sperry, the City will save operating costs. Committeemember White asked what would happen to the Sperry computer. McCarthy replied it would be surplused for whatever the City can sell it for and there will be considerable maintenance cost savings. Committeemember Orr moved to approve the recommendation for the purchase of a special assessment system. White seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0. Council Computer Access Information Services Director Spang reviewed with the Committee the costs of instating terminals in the homes of councilmembers at approximately$6,580 with some credits for a personal computer and the two modems currently in use by councilmembers and a spare terminal provided from Public Works. White asked if the modem could be used with his current computer. Spang responded that there would be additional software costs to emulate a Hewlett Packard as well as support complications if councilmembers all have different computers. Orr asked if any printer could be connected. Spank replied that they could be added but he had tried to keep the proposal as simple as possible. During further discussion,the Committee indicated that this item should be looked at as part of the budget process. Deletion of Vacant Positions City Administrator Chow noted that this item had been agreed to at the Council., retreat. McCarthy reviewed with the Committee the information from the agenda. He noted that exhibit A outlined the positions vacant during the 1992 budget process which included the positions from 1991 that had not been i filled. Exhibit B corrected some errors from the original printout as well as listing 1991 positions approved but never filled separately from vacant positions from attrition. There are a total of 26 "general fund" positions vacant and 12 "other fund" vacancies. These vacancies have been offset by a salary credit to balance the budget. Elimination of these positions would also eliminate the salary credit. The Executive Committee proposes keeping the hiring freeze in effect and evaluating future vacancies on a case-by-case basis. During discussion of the vacancies, the committeemembers noted that it was their understanding at the Council retreat that only the 1991 positions never filled would be eliminated. C6uncilmember Mann addressed the Committee requesting that the 15 positions for Police and Fire not be eliminated. He pointed out that if the Council wipes out the positions, Police and Fire will have to come back for each position. Houser noted that the City can't pay for the positions if they don't have the money. Mann stated that he understood that but he would propose that they keep the positions on the slate so that as revenue increases those positions could be filled before others. Houser stated that she was not adverse to Mann's proposal but other departments may have critical needs also. Orr noted that she had no problem with frozen positions until we can't do it anymore, but in some areas the need is there now. She recommended that vacancies be looked at on a case-by-case basis as well as department-by-department for some cuts. After further discussion, McCarthy informed the Committee that the books for March had just been closed and Finance will be working on the 1992/1993 forecasts in the next week. The reduction of the contingency funds and one time transfers to balance the 1991 budget does have an effect on the financial 2 r OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, CONT, April 20, 1992 position of the City. In addition, Boeing has announced some additional layoffs;building permits are still questionable and labor negotiations are in progress. Standard and Poor's has given the City a "negative outlook" even though we maintained an A+ rating. McCarthy added that the first quarter utility taxes won't be received until the end of April. When asked if it would make any difference if the positions were left on the books, McCarthy responded that it gives the impression to the departments that they will be filled even though it does not look like that is a possibility at this time. The Committee decided to leave the positions alone until further information is received for the 1992 forecast. Full Time Mayor Position Chairperson Houser questioned the need to consider this item now. Houser asked if it would be more appropriate to wait until 1993 if the change is proposed for 1994. Suzette Cooke informed the Committee that the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors feel it would be beneficial to come to a conclusion so that if it is decided to commit to a full time mayor position, there is time to develop impacts on other positions. She noted that the Chamber supports a full time mayor effective 1994. Houser pointed out that the Council cannot hire or fire staff, they can only set dollar amounts. She noted the drawback of setting dollar amounts is that people in different departments can end up doing the work which would not show up in the administrative budget. Councilmember Johnson stated that he felt it was important to make the decision this year for two reasons: 1) since this can be a political decision, deciding now would remove it from an election year; 2) reorganization now would give advance notice for staff to look elsewhere if Council uses their authority to allocate funds. Houser questioned taking action outside of the budget process. Johnson stated a decision could be made now and the budget amended tomorrow. He stated that the Council needed to exert leadership. White moved to make the mayor's position full time effective January 1, 1994 with the City Administrator's duties being transferred to the mayor at that time. Councilmember Mann addressed the Committee. Mann stated that a"ship needs a captain especially if the ship is in a storm." After further comment, he read a memorandum" to the committee proposing the elimination of two vacant positions in Administration to fund a full time mayor immediately which would result in some surplus funds to be returned to the general fund. He added that if the City needed a full time mayor in 1994, the City needs it now. Mann distributed an ordinance* that would increase the mayor's salary and make it a full time position when the ordinance is enacted. He also passed out a cover memorandum to Judy Woods* which details the financial impact. White responded that the City currently operates with a part time mayor with a city administrator. He stated that, "it sounds like the City Administrator is not capable". He noted that, "the Assistant City Administrator leaving will not bring the City to a halt. Mr. Chow functions as the CEO and should be able to run the City." White pointed out that he felt that the mayor ran as a part time mayor and it would be a breach of public trust to change the position in mid-term. *Copy Attached 3 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES, CONT.' April 20, 1992 Orr stated that she could not justify using vacant position savings to fund a full time mayor. She also questioned the timing. Mann stated that the mayor is the CEO. He felt White was referring to a manager/mayor form of government with the major difference being a manager can hire and fire while an administrator cannot do this. White disagreed noting that an administrator can. Mayor Kelleher stated that whether the Council decided to go with Committeemember White's proposal or Councilman Mann's proposal or nothing at all,there was no need to act immediately. The City government can function with whatever decisions the City Council makes. Kelleher stated that he did have a few concerns for the Committee's consideration since the proposals affect the mayor's position and administrative section. "Avoid layoffs and terminations:' Kelleher noted that he has advocated no layoffs for all departments since the hiring freeze began. He said that careful consideration should be taken before making a decision to set a dollar amount lower than allotted for a new CEO to work im Instead of playing "FTE musical chairs", the Mayor stated his preference to make Administration smaller,through attrition. Kelleher distributed a handout* showing the size of Administration since 1983. He pointed out that in 1983 there were S FTE positions. Since that time the City Clerk and Civil Service,have moved under Administration even though they operate independently and are there more as a budget "catch all". He noted that with the recent resignations there are only 6 FTE's and in 1983 the Mayor was under a separate budget area. He concluded his comments by again asking the Committee to avoid any layoffs and to work within the budget year for predictability. Committeemember White distributed an ordinance*" that would enact his proposal. City Attorney Lubovich stated that the ordinances were the same except for the effective date and Committeemember White's ordinance combined the duties of the full time mayor with the city administrator. White added that it was his intent to put to rest the issue of a full time mayor. Houser stated that she belt the date of a full time mayor seemed to be the main issue. She stated that she would like to look at t1w ordinances but the Committee could recommend to the Council making the mayor's position full time and let the full council decide the effective date. After further discussion, a Saturday Market vendor addressed the Committee. She noted that she was concerned about the future of the Market. She stated that she has lived in Kent for ter*years and seen small business come and go. She asked the Committee to support the Saturday Market staying in Kent. Councilmember Mann asked that a job description for a manager in a manager/council form of government and an administrator in a mayor/administrator form of government be prepared for the Committee and Council to look at. It was decided to bring the item back to the next Committee meeting after Coti.o"members have had the time to review the information presented. Chairperson Houser adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Copy Attached 4