HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 12/11/1991 Joe �E� OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES December 11, 1991 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Judy Woods STAFF PRESENT: Norm Angelo Tom Brubaker Ken Chatwin Ed Crawford Becky Fowler Jim Hansen Tony McCarthy May Miller Rose Nelson Kelli O'Donnell Ron Spang Sue Viseth Don Wickstrom The meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Change in Agenda Assistant City Administrator Hansen informed Chairperson Houser that Committee embers Johnson and Mann were unable to attend the meeting. Council President Woods agreed to attend in their absence but had a limited time schedule. Therefore, City Attorney Lubovich agreed to carry over the Procurement & Contract Authorization & Related Ordinances to the .first meeting in January. In addition, Public Works Director Wickstrom had an added item for the Committees information. Chairperson Houser agreed to the agenda changes. APRroval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending November 27, 1991, in the amount of$996,090.97 were approved for payment. Insurance Broker Selection Risk/Safety Analyst Chatwin reviewed with the Committee the Insurance Broker Selection Committee recommendations. The selection committee interviewed brokers as discussed at the Operations Committee meeting of November 12th. After reviewing broker proposals, the insurance,comtnittee found the City could improve existing property and other miscellaneous insurance coverage while realizing a cost savings at the same time in addition to producing the analysis and recommendations the dity deeds. 1 � 5 It was MOVED,SECONDED and PASSED to endorse the recommendations of the I ice Broker Selection Committee. Reclassification Study Personnel Analyst Nelson apprised the Committee of the results of the reclassification study. Out of 90 requests,33 resulted in changes and 57 no changes. Of the 33 changes,non-represented employee changes will cost approximately$29,076 for 1992 and represented employees$10,824 for a total of$39,900. This amount was below the estimate for 1992. The Personnel Department is requesting approval of the reclassifications. Acting Committeemember Woods MOVED to recommend approval of the reclassification study. The motion was SECONDED and PASSED with a vote of 2-0. Assistant City Administrator Hansen expressed his thanks to Rose Nelson and the Human Resource Department and noted that hopefully there will not be a need for such a large number of requests in the future. Police Computer Funding Finance Director McCarthy noted that in the interest of time,he would summarize the fiscal impacts of the proposal. The police computer had originally been budgeted in 1991. The Police Department had offered to put the project on hold when the budget situation deteriorated and had been authorized to use the old city computer in the interim. As the budget situation worsened, unspent 1991 capital improvement funds were rescinded. The computer being used by the Police Department had been originally offered as a trade in on the new city computer with an allowance of$47,000 from Hewlett Packard. A decision needs to be made on the $47,000 owed to Hewlett Packard. The IBC has recommend the use of 1991 Information Services savings in the amount of$77,931 combined with$110,000 of unspent Criminal Justice funds. The new computer and software will increase efficiency of staff time and will result in a reduction of maintenance costs which are now spent on the old computer. Information Services Director Spang and Police Chief Crawford concurred with McCarthy's summary. It was MOVED, SECONDED and PASSED to approve the appropriate budget change to fund the police computer hardware and software. Drainage Utility Financial Plan Public Works Director Wickstrom presented a Financial Plan and Revenue Program for Storm Drainage Utility which reflects the anticipated financial needs of the utility over the next six ye . The proposal will cost approximately $25.5 million over the next six years. The first year would ; approximately $4.9 million. Wickstrom reviewed the areas needing study and work which will is =Ievy improvements, water quality and capital improvements. This program would be paid for throwase of the utility rate which would be offset by the proposed water rate reduction and absorption of METRO's 1992 rate increase. He noted that the program would be revenue neutral to the City but would vary by individual customer account. The Public Works Committee is currently reviewing the program and is planning to have public hearings in February and going to the full Council at the end of March. McCarthy added that a letter would go out to the utility customers with a number to call to answer questions on individual accounts before the public hearings. Acting Committeemember Woods suggested giving examples of a typical bill with changes on the notice. Wickstrom concurred noting a map could be developed to show the different rates in different areas. 2 y 0 This item was informational only. Garbage Rates Public Works Director Wickstrom informed the Committee that Rabanco had given him the proposed residential garbage rates for 1992 today assuming that the City would invoke their authority over residential rates and give Council authorization to implement the new rates by January 1, 1992. The Public Works Department feels that there is insufficient time to analyse the increase and recommends that it be forwarded to the WUTC who has authority to approve commercial rates as well as residential if Kent does not invoke its powers to do so. This item was for the Committee's information only and will be under Administrative Reports at the next City Council meeting. 1991 Budget Adjustment Ordinance Finance Services Manager Miller reviewed the 1991 Budget Change Ordinance with the Committee. She pointed out that this is basically a housekeeping ordinance required by the auditors for any changes made during the 1991 budget year. The total budget change is for$12,479,891 of this amount$10,974,554 has been previously approved by the Council. The additional amount of$1,505,337 has not been officially approved by the Council but is needed to be in compliance with the State Auditor's requirements. Miller outlined the items not previously approved for the Committee. Acting Committeemember Woods MOVED to recommend adoption of the 1991 Budget Adjustment Ordinance. The motion was SECONDED and PASSED with a vote of 2-0. Property Tax Ordinance Finance Director McCarthy presented the Committee with the proposed Tax Levy Ordinance for 1992. McCarthy reviewed the property tax comparison of previous years noting that the levy generated an additional$261,437 in revenue then was projected for 1992. After further discussion, a motion was made to adopt the ordinance as proposed. The motion carried with a vote of 2-0. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. by Chaixperrson Houser. 3