HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/12/1991 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 12, 1991 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Jon Johnson Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Tom Brubaker Ken Chatwin Ed Crawford Jim Hansen Tony McCarthy May Miller Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Added Item Assistant City Administrator Hansen requested that an item be added to the agenda from Risk/Safety Analyst Ken Chatwin. Chairperson Houser agreed to add the item. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending October 15, 1991 in the amount of $2,784,298.60 and for the period ending October 31, 1991 in the amount of$1,173,493.36 were approved for payment. Property and Equipment Inventory Finance Director McCarthy presented a synopsis of the inventory of assets for the Committees information. The two categories that require further analysis are consumable supplies and n4nor,tools and equipment. Some departments keep inventory of these items for their own purposes but currently they are not inventoried through Finance. The property plant and equipment category is currently being updated. Public Works is the most complex department to get an accurate inventory due to the miles of sewer pipe, etc. The goal is to have the lists updated by the end of the year. Construction in progress is another area that is being looked at. Currently projects are not capitalized until completed. Finance is considering recommending a change in this practice. The VWat Hill Fire Station is an example of how a change might benefit the city. To clarify some of these categories McCarthy will be drafting a dear policy for 1te artnients which would define consumable supplies and establish guidelines for minor tools and 4` ment which may include an operating supply account. 1 � r i OPERATIONS COMMrrrEE MINUTES November 12, 1991 After further discussion,Chairperson Houser asked Finance Director McCarthy to continue working toward more detail while maintaining a practical policy. McCarthy replied that he would report back on the issue in a month or so. PMRe=Management Committee Update Assistant City Administrator Hansen gave a brief update on the property managemment committee. The committee was established to address the need for more coordinated property management. The committee is currently working on solutions to common problems and establishing policies to address rental homes, and a property/asset management program. The property management committee is also considering if it would be cost effective to use a property management company to manage rental homes and other holdings. Added Item Risk/Safety Analyst Chatwin informed the Committee that he is evaluating the Citft insurance program which is currently about one million dollars. Chatwin will be researching whether the City should continue to participates in a self insurance pool for liability versus a private contract. Chatwin.stated that he would report back to the Committee before any changes were made. Next Meeting Discussion followed establishing the next meeting of the Operations Committee on November 26th at 5:30 p.m. There being no further business, Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p,m. IT 2