HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 10/08/1991 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 8, 1991 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Jon Johnson Paul Mann COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Judy Woods STAFF PRESENT: Tom Brubaker Ed Chow Ed Crawford Jim Hansen Brenda Jacober Charlie Lindsey Tony McCarthy Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson Mike Sweeney Helen Wickstrom MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Bill Doolittle David Kronisch The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by Chairperson Houser. Aunroval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending September 16, 1991 in the amount of$2,590,246.39 and for the period ending September 30, 1991 in the amount of$976,528.32 were approved for payment. Added Item Assistant City Administrator Hansen requested that the purchase of the Kronisch property be added to the agenda. This item was approved by the Parks Committee and IBC felt the Operations Committee should review the purchase of the property. Chairperson Houser added the item following the previously scheduled items. Council Paper Reduction/Efficiency (Information Only Council President Woods addressed the Committee regarding the overwhelming amount of paper flow that councilmembers receive. Woods suggested that with the new Council office them:would be a place to set up a reading file and/or to route things to each other. There are a number of day-to-day things that could be routed this way. The City Clerk has taken the lead with the Council minutes. The Council usually receives back up material for the Board of Adjustments, Hearing Examiner, and the Planning Commission three times before the Council is asked for any action Woods noted. She noted that 1 this should not only be a concern during the budget crunch but long-term as weell: ,Committeemember Johnson recommended that the computer run of vouchers could be placed in the cocil boxes instead of mailing. During further discussion Finance Director McCarthy showed the Committee a condensed version of the annual report. The Finance Department has produced a condensed 28 page report to replace the 150 page annual report produced in the past. A few of the larger reports will be produced for record keeping purposes but the smaller report will fit the needs for most users. Woods noted that the departments had presented some good alternatives for the con4ng year and thanked the Committee for their time. Disposal of Library Furniture Customer Services Manager Lindsey presented a bid recommendation for the disposal of library surplus property. There was a short time line for vacating the library so the remodel can begin. Two bids were received, one of which was very good. Lindsey recommended that the bid be awarded to Auctions Works. They have guaranteed to have the furniture out of the old library by the end of the month. Chairperson Houser asked about the difference in price between the bids. Lindsey answered that one proposal had buyers lined up already. Mr.Doolittle stated that he understood the sense of urgency but felt that$9,000 was a"drop in the bucket". He said that the Parks Department just bought a stove and refrigerator for over$500 but similar appliances in the library were being sold for$45. Doolittle expressed his concern that not all.departments were given an opportunity and would have preferred a public auction. Lindsey responded that when the process for disposal was evaluated,everything was to be out of the library by October 15th. The main objective was to avoid moving furniture in and out oi'the.41rary and/or having to rent storage offsite. After further discussion, Committeemember Johnson MOVED to recommend acceptance of the Auction Works bid. Committeemember Mann SECONDED the motion which PASSED with 4 vote of 3-0. Police Headquarters Remodel Bid Assistant City Administrator Hansen introduced the item by informing the Comoitce that the lowest bid for the Police Headquarters Remodel had exceeded the budget. The budget has'been revised to meet the low bid. Though the staff was disappointed in the high bids the option of rebidding slid not seem favorable. The Public Safety Committee has approved acceptance of the low-bid with the change in budget to meet it. Administrative Assistant Sweeney explained the bid opening of September 10,, 1994;With AGCI of Kent being the low bidder which left a deficit of$127,500. Sweeney further explabud what cuts were made in the budget to meet the low bid. After further discussion, Hansen asked for the Operations Committee's endorsement of the award of the bid to AGCI. It was so MOVED, SECONDED and PASSED. Drinking Driver Task Force Report (Information C)W Assistant City Administrator Hansen presented the quarterly report on donations for the Drinking Driver Task Force for the Committees information. 2 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 8, 1991 Double Bunking Proposal for Correctional Facility.(Information Only) Police Chief Crawford stated that the Internal Budget Committee had recommended that he update the Operations Committee regarding the Double Bunking proposal. Five months ago,when the budget process began the departments were asked to look at ways of attaining additional revenue. The correctional facility had identified additional revenue of$300,000 by utilizing double bunking and Work release programs. Crawford informed the Committee that the initial start up costs would be approximately$25,000. These funds would be used to implement the double bunking which would increase cell capacity by twelve. Chairperson Houser asked if the Committee had any questions. Crawford informed the Committee that he would also like to start a work time credit program which would entail six to eight inmates doing work for the City during daytime hours with supervision. Committeemember Johnson asked who would be eligible. Crawford replied inmates who were paying their debt to society for fines, bad driving or other misdemeanors would be eligible. Review City Policies (Information QRW Personnel Director Olson updated the Committee on two new City policies for their information. The first policy adopted covers furlough/layoff,the second policy is for a flexible work schedule/job sharing to meet the changing workforce into the 21st century. The two policies would work together in case the need to downsize the workforce arises. The majority of labor contracts are covered by Civ:R Service rules which would supersede this policy. This policy would be applicable to non-represented employees. Committeemember Johnson asked if the City has looked at the 30 positions vacant needed to meet the 1992 budget. Had consideration been given to early retirement. Olson replied that the City Administrator had requested that option be explored. McCarthy stated that the State Retirement System dictates what can be done. Since the State is in a similar situation, that option may open in the future. Dr. Kronisch West Hill Property Superintendent of Parks Administration Wickstrom showed the Committee slides of the subject property. This property would be a small neighborhood park which would only require maintenance time to turn into a park. The property is currently being used by local children as a walk through to the local elementary school. There is currently a sidewalk This proposal was taken to the August Parks Committee meeting who directed that Parks look into the purchase. Dr. Kronisch initially offered to sell the property for $90,000 which is the assessed valuation. He lowered the offer to$70,000 but due to the budget situation made a final offer of$75,000 at 4.55%with no payment for 5 years at which t It would be due. Committeemember Johnson stated that the City cannot pass up such an offer a,nd#40VED to authorize execution of the contract. Committeemember Mann SECONDED the motion. During further discussion,Finance Director McCarthy noted with the budget cuts#wRvill not be a general CIP for next year. IBC recommended against the purchase for consistency and because it was outside of the budget process. Assistant City Attorney Brubaker noted that the structure of the Statutory Warranty Deed stated that Dr. Kronisch would pay half of the escrow fee and closing costs even though he would receive no income for five years. The Committee agreed that the City should put$500down with a balloon payment of$74,500 at the end of the contract. 3 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 8, 1991 The Committee voted in favor of authorizing the contract to be on the Consent CaleAdar of the next City Council meeting. Chairperson Houser adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. 4