HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 07/09/1991 • OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 9, 1991 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Jon Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Ken Chatwin Ed Chow Rose Grabert Jim Hansen Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain May Miller Kelli O'Donnell The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by Chairperson Christi Houser. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending June 28, 1991 were approved for payment in the amount of$1,278,005.65. Worker's Compensation Administration Contract Risk/Safety Analyst Ken Chatwin requested approval and submission to Council for Mayor signature of the annual renewal of the worker's compensation claims handling administration contract with Scott Wetzel Services, Inc. Chatwin reviewed the major changes from the previous contract noting that an increase in indemnity claims resulted in claims being charged to the City at $70 per claim for medical only and $350 for indemnity claims. The entire contract is subject to audit and Chatwin felt with the benefit of engineering hours being charged on an hourly basis the City would net a savings based on past history. Committeemember Johnson moved to reauthorize the Scott Wetzel Services, Inc. contract for the Mayor's signature. Chairperson Houser seconded the motion. City Attorney Lubovich informed the committee that the hold harmless clause in the contract was inconsistent and recommended authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract substantially similar to the one reviewed. Chairperson Houser seconded the motion with the changes requested by the City Attorney's recommendations which passed with a vote of 2-0. City Attorney Budget Presentation City Attorney Lubovich distributed his proposed budget cuts for 1992 to the Committeemembers (copy attached). Lubovich reviewed the proposal with the Committee. After a brief discussion of future items for the Committee, Chairperson Housevadjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m. 1 GENERAL FUND BUDGET $872,839 CRIMINAL JUSTICE BUDGET $ 86,754 TOTAL LAW DEPT. BUDGET $959,593 (10% _ $95,959) BUDGET KEEP SAVINGS 1. Aukeen filing fees 395,000 350,000 45, 000 2. Word Processing 12,859 3,500 9, 359 3. Defer attorney position 50,735 -0- 50,735 4. Library 10,000 7,000 3, 000 5. Subsistence 3,200 2,200 1, 000 6. Travel 3, 000 2,000 1,000 7. Clerical relief 500 -0- 500 8. Training 3, 000 2,500 500 9. Training (criminal justice) 1,000 500 500 111,094 12$ FROM THE $948, 019, 1991 BUDGET, ($11,000 LESS THAN 1992) AS OF JULY 8, LAW DEPARTMENT HAS SPENT $276, 964. r POSSIBLE CUTBACK PROPOSALS LAW DEPARTMENT GENERAL CUM OTHER CUM FUND FUND o LW01 GF REDUCTION IN AUKEEN DISTRICT COURT FILING FEES BASED ON 1990 & 1991 LEVELS $ 45,000 5.1% LW02 GF REDUCTION IN CENTRALIZED WORD PROCESSING USAGE DUE TO LAW DEPARTMENT STAFF PERFORMING NEEDS OF ITS OWN STAFF $ 9,359 1. 1% LW03 GF DEFER FILLING THE VACANT ATTORNEY POSITION UNTIL 1993 BUDGET $ 50,735 5.8% LW04 GF REDUCTION IN PURCHASE OF PERIODICALS FOR LAW DEPARTMENT DUE TO ADDITION OF WESTLAW COMPUTER SYSTEM $ 3, 000 .3% LW05 GF REDUCTION IN SUBSISTENCE $ 1,000 . 1% LW06 GF REDUCTION IN TRAVEL AND MILEAGE $ 1, 000 . 1%, LW07 GF ELIMINATE CLERICAL RELIEF FUND - WILL COVER NEEDS INTERNALLY $ 500 . 05% LW08 GF REDUCTION IN TRAINING/EDUCATION $ 500 • 051 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $111,094 12.6% LW01 CJ REDUCTION IN TRAINING/EDUCATION $ 500 . 5% (CRIMINAL JUSTICE) TOTAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUND $ 500 .5% City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund: General Priority: 1 Department;: Law Savings: $45, 000 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Comet): Reduction in Aukeen District Court filing fees - $45, 000 Cut Proposal Description: Filing fees for 1991 are anticipated to be the same level as 1990 at $310, 000. Allowing for an increase in filings, the Department is estimating the budget needs at $350,000, $45,000 less than the current forecast. Possible Consequences or Impact: None. Other Fiscal Impact: None. Options and Alternatives: None. i City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund: General Priority: 2 Department: Law Savings: $9 . 359 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Cost) : Reduction in centralized Word Processing usage - $9,359 Cut Proposal Description: The Law Department has upgraded its equipment to do more ward processing within the Department. The consequence is that centralized Word Processing has been reduced substantially. The current level of usage for this year is $2, 167. During 1992, the Law Department will perform most of its word processing needs with its own staff. Word Processing expense will be reduced to $3,500. Possible Consequences or Impact: None. Other Fiscal Impact: None. Options and Alternatives: None. City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund: General Priority: 3 Department: Law Savings. $50 735 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Cost) : Defer filling the vacant attorney position - $50,735 Cut -Proposal Description: The vacant Assistant City Attorney position is a new position added for the 1991 budget year. This position has not been filled, and it is recommended that filling the position be deferred until the 1993 budget. Possible Consequences or Impact: Heavy caseload for current staff should the City's legal needs increase during 1992. Other Fiscal Impact: None. Options and Alternatives: None. City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund; General Priority: 4 Department: Law Savings: $3 .000 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Cosh: Reduction in purchase of periodicals for Law Department - $3, 000 Cut Proposal Description: With the addition of Westlaw to our library system, periodicals and subscriptions for the law library will be reduced from $10,000 to approximately $7,000 resulting in a $3,000 saving. Possible Conseauences or Impact: None. Other Fiscal Impact: None. Options and Alternatives: None. w • City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund: General Priority: 5 Department: Law Savings: $1,000 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Cost) : Reduction in subsistence - $1, 000 Cut Proposal Description: Subsistence expenditures will be limited to $2,200 for 1992, resulting in $1, 000 saving. Possible Consequences or Impact: None. Other Fiscal Impact: None. ORtions and Alternatives: None. City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund: General Priority:- 6 Department: Law Savings: $1. 000 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Cost) : Reduction in travel and mileage - $1,000 Cut Proposal Description: Travel costs for 1992 will be limited to $2,000, resulting in a $1, 000 savings. Possible Consecruences or Impact: None. Other Fiscal Impact: None. Options and Alternatives None. City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund: General Priority: 7 Department: Law Savings: $500 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Cost) : Eliminate clerical relief fund (4170) - $500 Cut Proposal Description: This fund is used for clerical relief during vacations and other absences. The Law Department will cover its needs internally during absences and vacations without seeking outside services. Possible Consequences or Impact: None. Other Fiscal Impact: None. Options and Alternatives: None. City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund: General Priority: 8 Department: Law Savings: $500 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Cost) : Reduction in training/education - $500 Cut Proposal Description: Expenditures for training/education for the Law Department will be reduced to $2,500, resulting in a $500 savings. Possible Consequences or Impact: None. Other Fiscal Impact: None. Options and Alternatives: None. City of Kent, Washington Fiscal Cut Analysis Sheet Fund: General Priority: 9 Department: Law Savings; $500 Cut Proposal Title (Objective and Cost) : Reduction in training/education (criminal justice) - $500 Cut Proposal Description: Expenditures for training/education for the Law Department from this fund will be reduced to $1,000, resulting in a $500 savings. Possible Consequences or Impact: None. Other Fiscal Impact: None. Options and Alternativeq: None.