HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 06/25/1991 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 25, 1991 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser, Chair Jon Johnson Judy Woods, For Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Lynda Anderson Norm Angelo Jan Banister Ken Chatwin Becky Fowler Lisa Gullickson David Haenel Jim Hansen Joye Honeycutt Brenda Jacober Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Marie Metzker Rose Nelson Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson Ron Spang Tom Vetsch Barney Wilson MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Lyle Price The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by Chairperson Christi Houser. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending May 31, 1991 were approved for payment in the amount of$1,562,118.18 and for the period ending June 15, 1991 in the amount of$3,010,151.83. Assistant City Administrator Hansen suggested changing the agenda order with the Library presenting first since their budget proposal is requests instead of cuts. The Committee agreed to the agenda change. Library Budget Presentation Kent Librarian, Marie Metzker introduced herself to the Committee; she was appointed to the post in April. The new library is scheduled for a grand opening in September. The King County Library System has scheduled a meeting with South King County officials July 17th at Des Moines h'brary to discuss library services. She noted that the new facility"looks wonderful" but will also raise the expectations of the public. The library has made some significant improvements in 1991 with the addition of an on-line circulation system and catalog. The advancements expected for 1992 include new materials and CD,�LW products from the King County Library System. Ms. Metzker then outlined her 1992 requests with the Committee as outlined in-the Umda attachments. She then pointed out the organization of the library system as forwarded with the agenda. Chairperson Houser asked what the revenue was for the copy machine. Librarian Metzker replied they were currently charging ten cents a copy. Finance Director McCarthy asked if the operating costs would break even or if revenues could pay for a new one. Metzker replied it currently generated $750-$1,600 a month. The additional parking at the new library may increase the popularity of the machines. Finance Director McCarthy added that there may be a remaining balance when the library is completed with the addition of interest to the project fund. There may be additional dollars in the project fund instead of the operating budget. Finance Budget Presentation Finance Director McCarthy presented his departments proposed budget cuts for the 1992 budget. The total budget for Finance is approximately$1.9 million and includes rental of the Centennial Building and other utility buildings. McCarthy then reviewed the proposed cuts as outlined in the agenda attachment. Suggested cuts included a Leave Without Pay proposal. Assistant City Administrator Hansen noted that a Leave Without Pay Pool could be looked at City wide if it came to that point, fox equity as well as consideration of union contracts. Information Services Budget Presentation Information Services Director Spang reviewed with the Committee the proposed cuts for his department as forwarded in the agenda. Personnel Budget Presentation Personnel Director Olson reviewed his proposed budget cuts with the Committee as forwarded in the agenda. City Attorney Budget Presentation Assistant City Administrator Hansen asked to carry this presentation over to the next meeting. The Committee agreed to do so. Administration Budget Presentation Assistant City Administrator Hansen reviewed the budget cuts for Administration including as Council,Civil Service and the Drinking Driver Task Force as presented in the agenda package. Municipal Court City Attorney Lubovich noted that he had been directed by the City Council to visit,P° blic Safety and the Operations Committee with this issue. Lubovich communicated his belief that tl can do a better job than the system now. There would be more control by the City especially for the pra�u#on.. This would be helpful in scheduling, hearings the prosecutor is required to appear at now, anA give more time to implement diversion and probation services. Lubovich noted that the figures he his come up with are conservative and improved productivity would make it more cost effective. He also pointed out that a number of municipalities had pulled out of similar systems and none had gone back. There is a possibility that services will improve when Auburn pulls out of Aukeen but this remains to be seen and won't be effective until January 1, 1992. Acting Committeemember Woods asked what Public Safety had decided. Lubovich responded that they recommended delaying action and reviewing the issue again in 1992. Assistant City Administrator Hansen noted that the main question was whether services would improve with Auburn pulling out of Aukeen. After further discussion, Chairperson Houser asked what impact a regional justice center would have. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 25, 1991 Lynda Anderson informed the Committee that this was addressed in the master plan. A district court would be incorporated but a municipal court would be negotiable. Lubovich added that an interim regional justice center wouldn't be built for three to four years. Committeemember Johnson asked if the existing Council Chambers could be used in the interim. Lubovich stated that would be one option. Johnson stated that he would like to go ahead it seems that the costs and savings would result in a net reduction and help in accomplishing the 100/6 cutback. Hansen pointed out that court administrative space would not be available until early 1993 due to the police remodel project. During further discussion of space and timing, it was suggested that notice could be given to Aukeen and an interim contract to tie into move plans. Committeemember Johnson MOVED to place under Other Business of the next City Council meeting the question whether or not to give notice to Aukeen Court in July. The motion was SECONDED by Chairperson Houser and passed with a vote of 3-0. Police Remodel Assistant City Administrator Hansen asked the Committee to consider the addition of $600,000 to the existing police headquarters remodel budget and the option of remodeling the existing library for police headquarters. The additional funds will increase the contingency funds to 10%as well as some additional wiring enhancements. Finance Director McCarthy recommended funding out of the GIP preserve during a discussion of funding sources. Acting Committeemember Woods MOVED to accept the recommendation of the Public Safety Committee with funding as outlined by Finance Director McCarthy. Committeemember Johnson SECONDED the motion which carried with a vote of 3-0. Management Study Assistant City Administrator Hansen asked for the Committees consideration of the Management Study Recommendations as endorsed by the Management Study Committee with the implementation schedule to be determined at the next Council meeting. Acting Committeemember Woods so MOVED, Committeemember Johnson SECONDED and the motion carried with a vote of 3-0. Chairperson Houser adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.