HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 05/14/1991 s a. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 14, 1991 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson Leona Orr Acting for Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Jim Hansen Kevin Kearns Charlie Lindsey Tony McCarthy Teri Mertes Carol Morris Kelli O'Donnell Don Wickstrom MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Lyle Price The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by Acting Chairperson Jon Johnson. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending Apri130, 1991 were approved for payment in the amount of$1,574,487.66. Manganese Water Treatment Facility Acting Committeemember Orr moved to recommend approval of$900,000 from the unencumbered water fund to the Manganese Water Treatment Facility Project. Committeemember Johnson seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 2-0 to be placed on the Consent Calendar of the next City Council meeting. System Support Agreement for Police and Fire MDT°s Fire Chief Angelo requested approval of a five year maintenance agreement for the Mobile Data Communication Terminals. The warranty would run May 1991 through April 1992 and would be pro rated between Police and Fire based on the number of units. Angelo felt the spare parts obtained and the need for reliability made the maintenance agreement a high priority for his department. Acting Committeemember Orr moved to recommend approval of the five year maintenance agreement which was seconded by Committeemember Johnson. The motion passed with a vote of 2-0 to be placed on the Consent Calendar of the next City Council meeting. Fourth Floor Remodel Bid Customer Services Manager Lindsey reviewed the progress of the City Hall Phase I Remodel Bids with the Committee. "Phase I" will remodel the fourth floor for Parks Administration and Cultural Arts as well as the Drinking Driver Task Force. The Law Department will expand into the Parks Administration area and Personnel into the current Cultural Arts area on the second floor. Lindsey recommended that the bid be awarded to Armstrong Construction who was the lowest responsible bidder which was also under the budget. y After further discussion of the remodel of the existing library, Acting ComCeens.tmber Orr moved to recommend acceptance of Armstrong Construction's bid. Committeemember Johnson seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 2-0. City Investment Plan Finance Director McCarthy reviewed with the Committee the City Investment Policy prepared by Teri Mertes. Policies form other cities as well as the State Aware Outlines were used as examples and topic areas. Some of the areas McCarthy highlighted include: Safety of Principal, Safekeeping in City's bank; and diversification of investments which spans institutions, types of investment, and all points of yield curve. Finance Director McCarthy requested acceptance of the policy through resolution at a June City Council meeting. Acting Committeemember Orr so moved and was seconded by Committeemember Johnson and passed with a vote of 2-0. Monthly Financial Update Finance Director McCarthy noted that the information forwarded with the agenda was the same as what was distributed at the last City Council meeting under Administrative Reports and the Council President had moved it back to committee. McCarthy distributed the 1992 Budget Call which had been distributed to begin the departments on the budget process for 1992. McCarthy noted that a'workshop could be held or the Budget Call could be distributed at the next Council meeting. After further discussion, it was decided the Budget Call would be placed under Administrative Reports for the next City Council meeting. Acting Chairperson Johnson adjourned the Operations Committee meeting at 5:30 p.m.