HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/09/1991 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 9. 1991 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Jon Johnson Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Tom Brubaker Jim Hansen Joye Honeycutt Kevin Kearns Tony McCarthy Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson Ron Span& Don Wickstrom The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by Chairperson Christi Houser. Aunroval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending March 31, 1991 were approved for payment in the amount of $1,101,955.35. UtiliTec Agreement Finance Director McCarthy introduced Bill Golding from UtiliTec. Mr. Golding had approached the City to propose doing an audit of our utility bills. His company reviews the tariffs being charged to large companies to make sure they are correct. For example,street lights are charged different tariffs than other electricity. UtiliTec would double check the tariffs the City is being charged for. The proposed agreement has been reviewed by Assistant City Attorney Brubaker. The proposed agreement is for twelve months and the only staff time required would be to pull one years worth of bills. There would be no charge to the City unless a refund is found by UtiliTec in which case they would be paid half of the refund and half of twelve months of savings. Finance Director McCarthy recommended that authorization be given for a pilot project in which UtiliTec would review the City's Puget Power bills and proceed to other areas if the City desires to in the future. Finance Director McCarthy also added that Customer Services Manager Lindsey was speaking with Puget Power regarding HVAC Energy Conservation which may apply to a retrofit program for City Hali. Any savings from this program would not apply to the UtiliTec agreement. After further discussion with Mr. Golding, Committeemember Mann made a motion to authorize entering into an agreement with Utilitec. Committeemember Johnson seconded the motion, which passed with a vote of 3-0 to berplaced on the Consent Calendar of the next City Council meeting. Corrections Union Contract Personnel Director Olson informed the Committee that negotiations with the Corrections Union were completed approximately three weeks ago and a two year contract had been ratified by their membership. Personnel Director Olson reviewed the highlights of the new contract with the Committee which included strengthening of the Affirmative Action/Nondiscrimination section and the use of the Federal Mediation OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 9, 1991 and Conciliation Service in the Grievance Procedure. Personnel Director Olson then reviewed the Compensation of the new contract with the Committee. After Finance Director McCarthy pointed out the Fiscal Note provided for the Corrections Union Labor Contract, Committeemember Johnson moved that authorization be given to sign the contract. Committeemember Mann seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0 to be placed on the Consent Calendar of the next City Council meeting. Mi :=Leave Memorandum of Understanding Personnel Director Olson stated his pleasure in presenting the Military Leave Memorandum of Understanding with the Firefighters Union as previously discussed by the Operations Committee which provides for compensation of nine work periods if the employee is assigned to a 24-hour shift position or fifteen work periods for other shifts. Committeemember Mann moved that authorization be given for the City to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Firefighters Union. Committeemember Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 3-0 to be placed on the Consent Calendar. Central Computer System Upgrade Information Services Director Spang reviewed the five-year Automation Plan with the Committee. Since Plan adoption, the number of employees utilizing the automated systems to do their daily jobs has increased from 10 in 1986 to some 250+ today. The current computer is becoming outdated which results in the need to modify software to work on the older computer. Because of this and the increased needs of the City, Information Services Director Spang requested the Committee approve the purchase of the Hewlett-Packard 3000/958. This computer would meet the needs of the City at a reasonable price for at least the next three to five years depending on growth. Information Services Director Spang pointed out that this was a sole source appropriation which is necessary to fit with the current HP system approved in 1986. In addition, the proposed computer is a new computer so it is not available on the used market. Assistant City Attorney Brubaker has reviewed the sole source requirement and will draft an ordinance for adoption by the Council if approved. Finance Director McCarthy noted that funding was available using previously approved CIP funds. The CIP for 1991 has $600,000 available for computer upgrades of which $200,000 was budgeted for the Police upgrade. The Police Department has agreed to defer their upgrade until January of 1992 since they will be moving shortly and will be more stable in January. Committeemember Mann moved to request Assistant City Attorney Brubaker to prepare a sole-source ordinance for the next City Council meeting and that the authorization be given to Information Services Director Spang to place orders with Hewlett-Packard and associated software vendors using previously approved CIP funds not to exceed $384,210. Committeemember Johnson seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0. 2 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 9, 1991 Water System Improvements Public Works Director Wickstrom reviewed the progress of the Water System Improvement Project. Over the past 4 or 5 years new pump stations and wells had been designed by different engineers which has resulted in some bugs in the system. A consultant has been requested to find the solutions to these problems. Additional funding is needed-to award the bid to the lowest bidder. In addition to the bids coming in higher than expected, the project is over budget due to outside construction management required because of a shortage of staff inspectors. Once the project is complete, current maintenance people will be able to operate the system. Authorization is requested to transfer $110,000 from the unencumbered water fund, $80,000 of which will pay for the construction manager. Finance Director McCarthy stated that there is ample dollars in the unencumbered water fund-to cover the transfer. Committeemember Mann moved that authorization be given to transfer$110,000 from the unencumbered water fund to the Water System Improvements - Phase II Project. Committeemember Johnson seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0 to be placed on the Consent Calendar of the next City Council meeting. Increased Authorization for City Change Fund Finance Director McCarthy requested an ordinance change authorizing a $5,000 amount for the change fund. Providing of change for the driving range and the new permit center in the Centennial Building has resulted in the Finance Department exceeding the authorized limit of$3,500 by$725. The new $5,000 limit would allow for a $700 cushion for future needs such as the Saturday Market. Committeemember Johnson made a motion requesting the City Attorney's Office prepare an ordinance to raise the authorized limit to $5,000 for the change fund for approval at the next City Council meeting. Committeemember Mann seconded the motion which passed with a vote of 3-0. 3