HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 02/26/1991 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES February 26, 1991 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Mimi Castillo Charlie Lindsey Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Dick King Steve Dejulio The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by Chairperson Christi Houser. Approval of Vouchers All claims for the period ending February 15, 1991 were approved for payment in the amount of $2,281,574.40. Cable TV Consultant Contract Personnel Director Olson reviewed with the Committee the general services contract between the City and 3-H Cable Communications Consultants sent out with the meeting agenda. The contract is for provided for performance analysis and administrative evaluation. Complaints are forwarded to the consultant who interfaces with TCI. This is a one year renewal of the consultants contract with a cost of$6,564.00. The second agreement deals with the drafting of the refranchise ordinances with. TCI. Two draft refranchise ordinances are currently being reviewed with the Law Department which have incorporated the input from the City Council for services they would like to see. Some of the services being negotiated for are upgrading of the system such as television equipment,cameras and signal generation and working with local colleges. There are four phases in the contract of which three have been completed with a total cost of $8,653. Personnel Director Olson asked that the contracts be approved and placed on the Consent Calendar of the next City Council-meeting. Committeemember Mann moved to approve the contracts and proceed to place them on the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded and passed with a vote of 2-0. CLID 331 Finance Director McCarthy introduced Dick King of Lehman Brothers who had act earlier regarding upcoming debt issues with Don Wickstrom. There will be a bond issue in March at d Dick King is here to give an overview of that issue and the market conditions. Dick King presented a market update to the Committee. He outlined the estimate of 20 year general obligation bond yields noting that January 1991 represents close to the lowest point seen in the last 10 1 years. The recession is pushing interest rates downward which is a benefit to the City as a borrower. Mr. King further outlined market conditions and reviewed the marketing process with the Committee noting that because of the favorable market to the City, costs should be lower than in previous bond issues. This bond ordinance had been set at 8%but it appears that an assessment of 6.9%'can be offered to property owners if it is passes as is. After further discussion, Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee that the actual numbers presented to City Council next Tuesday will depend on orders. This item is for information only and will be presented to the full Council under Other Business. Finance Director McCarthy then reviewed with the Committee other bond issues. After review with Don Wickstrom some projects will be moved into the future. For example 272nd funds will not be needed until at least 1992. Some funds are currently in the budget if some funding is needed prior to that. They are also looking at a revenue neutral plan for the drainage utility and will bring the capital plan back to the Committee in the future. The Councilmanic Capacity of the City had been of concern to Finance. As of 12/1/90 the City now has an$8 million capacity. The assessed valuation had been of benefit to the City in that area. The flipside is dollars are needed to pay off debts incurred so it is good to have this funding available as a security blanket. This information will be shared with the full Council at Thursday nights meeting before their retreat. Parking Solutions Customer Services Manager Lindsey reviewed a proposed solution to the parking problem at City Hall for Customer Service personnel. Under the proposal,staff would compete with citizens for parking during the day when it is necessary for them to stop for information required to perform their job. The majority of these stops are 15 minutes or less. In the evening only two vehicles will be in the pa4dng lot,one Building Maintenance vehicle for the custodial staff and a Meter Reading vehicle for emergency after hour situations. After the remodel of the Old Library is complete Police vehicle slots would be requested for City vehicles. Additionally a loading zone for vendors making deliveries will be addressed by Assistant City Administrator Hansen. Committee Chairperson Houser agreed that it was a good compromise but requested City vehicles not use 15 minute parking stalls. During further discussion, Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee that he is currently looking at alternatives for the night drop. An alternative may be the use of an old mail box painted a different color and placed in the parking lot for drive by deposits. This would alleviate some parking congestion. Committeemember Mann noted that if biking were promoted for employees, it would further help the parking situation. Assistant City Administrator Hansen informed the Committee of the new transportation program which was coordinated with METRO. Further, METRO currently has plans to quadruple inter-community service in May/June to meet the growing demand. Executive Session At 5:30 the Committee went into Executive Session to discuss solid waste litigation. The open meeting reconvened at 5:55 p.m. at which time Chairperson Houser adjourned the meeting. 2