HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 08/14/1990 w OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 14, 1990 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Norm Angelo Mary Berg Mimi Castillo Ed Chow Becky Fowler Jim Hansen Charlie Lindsey Tony McCarthy Alana Mclalwain May Miller Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson Don Wickstrom Bill Williamson MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Roland Mason Lyle Price The meeting was called to order at 4:40 pm by acting Chairperson Jon Johnson. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending July 31, 1990 in the amount of$1,514,740.38 were approved for payment. DISPUTED WATER BILL Customer Services Manager Lindsey introduced Mr.Roland Mason of Packers Plus incorporated who was contesting his June Water and Sewer bill in the amount of$663.54. Mr.Mason explained that his business had been in Kent for the past fifteen years with a consistent bill of$27-32 a month. His business has no industrial usage of water;the facilities are in use all of the time with no recent leaks; and the sprinkler system is metered separately. He feels the billing is wholly unjustified. Customer Services Manager Lindsey stated that historically there no policy to deal with this sort of situation so therefore it must be decided through the Council. He also indicated that the meter had been checked and the readings verified. He did not believe the meter to be faulty and by all indications the water had passed through the meter. After further discussion,it was moved and seconded that the bill would be split between Mr. Mason and the City 50/50 since no explanation could be found. The motion passed with a vote of 2-0. a • HVAC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENVINFORMATION SERVICES AIR ONDITlC3N G- Customer Services Manager Lindsey requested authorization for the Mayor to extend the current maintenance contract for one additional year excluding filter maintenance whieh will be done internally. Information Services airconditioning needs were also explained. A proposal to install a supplemental airconditioner in the Information Services computer room with a condensing unit and a window airconditioning unit for the Word Processing area was presented. The cost for the main unit would be $5,320. The smaller unit is a surplus one from the shops which would require $500 for installation. These request were moved to Council with a vote of 2-0. CASHIERING POSITION FOR PERMIT CENTER Assistant City Administrator Hansen explained the need for the cashiering position at the new permit center. This position would meet and greet the public, provide general, information and allow payment of permits in one spot. Fire Chief Angelo added that this position would provide an answer to a common complaint of citizens having to go to too many departments for a relatively simple transaction. If this position is not filled until 1991, this perception will persist. The original concept of the permit center was centralization and approving this request would support that concept. The Committee moved to support this request to Council with a vote of 2-0. After discussion of where it should be presented on the Council Agenda, it was moved to Other Business. KHERSON PARK FUEL TANK REMOVAL Fire Chief Angelo reported to the Committee the current situation at the Kherson.Park. The fuel tank on the property has presented questions as to responsibility between the property owner, the building connected to the tank, and previous property owners. It was recommended that the City obtain permission from the involved parties to remove the tank, test the soil, properly dispose of the tank and restore the park with City funds. The estimated cost of$7,000 was set forth to cover any possible contingencies with the actual expected cost of$2,500. The Code Enforcement fund would cover this amount. Fire Chief Angelo believes this action would project a positive image for the park as well as forestall any possible liability in the future. The Operations Committee recommended this to Council with a vote of 2-0. SALARY SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Personnel Director Olson presented the findings of salary survey conducted by the City of Kent in conjunction with Bill Ewing and Associates. Although the results showed that most salary ranges are competitive, there are areas that are not at the median range. This creates a problem in attracting and retaining qualified personnel. He reviewed the three options for implementing the salary survey as outlined in the agenda. It was also noted that the survey addressed only public sector employees and in all probability the private sector would be higher. A few positions were paid over the median of the salary survey. After discussion of the opA and their impact on the City, CouncAber Marai moved that the salary survey be implemented effective September 1, 1990 and this recommen4adbn be presented at the next Council meeting with a report on the financial impact. This motion was passed by a vote of 2-0 and moved to Council. PROPOSAL FOR FULL-TIME MAYOR Committeemember Johnson set forth a proposal to reorganize the executive branch by increasing the Mayor's position to full-time with a change in organization of the administration staff. Committeemember Johnson stated that he felt the Operations Committee was the proper venue because of the budgetary impact. If his motion was not accepted, he would biting the proposal to Council as a Councilmember. The motion failed due to lack of a second. The motion was not recommended to Council. Councilmember Mann requested a report from Personnel Director Olson to the next Council meeting on the salary history of the Mayor including what it would be if cost of living increases had been factored in. He also asked acting City Attorney Williamson to draft a Council Proclamation commending the Mayor for doing such an admirable job. Councilmember Johnson confirmed the reclassification of Fire and Police Chiefs and the compression issue of those departments would be addressed at the next Operations Committee meeting. Acting Chairperson Johnson adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m. M E M O R A N D U M To: DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR JUDY WOODS, COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ED CHOW, CITY ADMINISTRATOR From: JON JOHNSON, COUNCILMEMBER Date: AuquSt 14, 1990 Subject: PROPOSAL FOR FULL-TIME MAYOR I AM SUGGESTING THAT WE GO TO A FULL-TIME MAYOR OPERAT20N� FOR OUR CITY. THE TYPE OF GOVERNMENT THAT WE SHOULD HAVE HAS BN DEBATED FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS. IF WE CONTINUE WITH OUR PRESENT SYSTEM THAT DEBATE WILL CONTINUE. I KNOW THERE IS NO SUPPORT ON THE COUNCIL TO CHANGE OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT TO A COUNCIL- NAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT. THIS IS WHY I AM PROPOSING WE KEEP THE MAYOR/COUNCIL FORM OF GOVERNMENT WE HAVE AND MAKE THE MAYOR'S POSITION FULL-TIME. THERE ARE SEVERAL GOOD REASONS TO DO THIS. THE COST IS ONE OF THEM. I WOULD PROPOSE THAT WE HAVE A FULL-TIME MAYOR, AN ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR, AND SECRETARY, FOR A TOTAL OF THREE POSITIONS. THE COST IN SALARIES WOULD BE APPROXIMATELY $145,000. IN THE PRESENT SYSTEM THERE IS A TOTAL OF FOUR FULL-TIME AND THREE, PAI'�-+TIME FOR A TOTAL COST IN SALARIES OF $235,000. THIS IS A SAVI S OF MORE THAN $90,000 A YEAR! THE SAVINGS IS EVEN MORE WHEN, ONE ADDS THE COSTS OF BENEFITS, SUPPLIES AND FURNITURE TO THIS. ONE OF THE REASONS, WHY WE NEED ALL THE PEOPLE WE DO 19, BECAUSE OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE MAYOR/ADMIN AREA. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE POSITIONS WE HAVE A COMMUNITY INFORMATION OFFICER, DRINKING DRIVER TASK FORCE, AND COMMUNITY EVENTS. IN MY PROPOSAL TH8 COMMUNITY INFORMATION OFFICER WOULD REMAIN. I DO FEEL HOWEVER THAT THE DRINKING DRIVER TASK FORCE SHOULD BE TRANSFERRED TO POLICE, AND COMMUNITY EVENTS TRANSFERRED TO CULTURAL ARTS. THE LESS PEOPLE IN ADMINISTRATION THE LESS NEED FOR SUPERVISION AND CLERI= SUPPORT. ANOTHER REASON IS DECISION-MAKING. CURRENTLY THE MAY*Stl,8 POSITION IS PART-TIME AND NEEDS TO HAVE A FULL-TIME JOB OUTSIDM' 07 TUB CITY. BECAUSE OF THIS, THE MAYOR CANNOT BE THERE WHEN SOME DECISIONS NEED TO BE MADE. THE PRESENT SYSTEM DOES NOT ALLOW THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO MAKE CERTAIN DECISIONS ON THE MAYORIS BEHALF WITHOUT CONSULTING WITH THE MAYOR FIRST. A FULL-TIXX MAYOR WOULD NOT HAVE THIS PROBLEM. IN THE PAST THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR HAS MADE DECISIONS WITHOUT CONSULTING WITH THE MAYOR OR THOUGHT SEE HAD THE AUTHORITY TO ACT, ONLY TO FIND OUT LATER THAT WAS NOT THE CASE. AGAIN WITH A FULL-TIME MAYOR THIS WOULD NOT HAPPEN. ALSO A MAYOR NEEDS TO BE FULL-TIME TO HAVE SUCH 'THINGS AS DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETINGS TO MAKE SOME OF ROUTINE AND NOT SO ROUTINE DECISIONS THAT NEED TO MADE SUCH AS QUESTIONS REGARDING COUNCIL POLICY AND DIRECTION, AND PERSONNEL DECISIONS THAT A CITY ADMINISTRATOR CANNOT MAKE WITHOUT CHECKING WITH THE MAYOR FIRST. WHILE THE IBC AND IPC MAY SERVE SOME PURPOSE, A FULL-TX= MAYOR WOULD NOT NEED TO MAKE DECISIONS BY COMMITTEE. REGIONAL INVOLVEMENT. A PART-TIME MAYOR CANNOT BE AS ACTIVE OR INVOLVED IN REGIONAL AFFAIRS AS A FULL-TIME MAYOR. BOTH AUBURN AND RENTON HAVE FULL-TIME MAYORS AND BOTH OF THOSE MAYORS AUX INVOLVED IN MANY ORGANIZATIONS THAT AFFECT THEIR CITIES ON REGIONAL ISSUES. WHILE OUR MAYOR IS INVOLVED IN SOME, KENT IS NOT GBTTING ENOUGH INVOLVEMENT NOR ARE WE ADDRESSING SOME OF THE REGIONAL ISSUES THAT INVOLVE METRO, PUGET SOUND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, SUBURBAN CITIES, ETC. THIS IS IMPORTANT AND THE BOTTOM LINE IS THE CITIOUNS OF OUR COMMUNITY ARE NOT BEING REPRESENTED. FINALLY, BECAUSE IT JUST MAKES COMMON SENSE. WE ARE DEALING WITH A LARGE ORGANIZATION, A LOT OF COMPLEX ISSUES, WE SIMPLY CANNOT BE EFFECTIVE IN SERVING THE PUBLIC AS WE CONTINUE TO GROW AS A CITY. MY COMMENTS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE A PERSONAL ATTACK. I THINK EVERYONE IS GOING A GOOD JOB WITH THE RESOURCES GIVEN 'THEM. I DO KNOW WE CAN DO BETTER WITH A FULL-TIME MAYOR SYSTEM AS I HAVE PROPOSED. JJ:wp MEMO Date: August 9, 1990 To: Operations Committee From: Charlie Lindsey, Customer Services Mana I Subject: Disputed Water Bill Roland Mason of Packers Plus Incorporated is disputing his June Water and Sewer bill. His consumption jumped from an average of 600 cubic feet every other month to 18, 500 for the period 4-20-90 to 6-20-90 and has dropped back to normal with consumption being 700 cubic feet between 6-20 and 7-24 . Mr. Roland contends that he did not use the water and that there were not any leaks during the period in question. I cannot explain what may have occurred at his place of business but only that the water did pass through the meter and therefore was con- sumed by someone. The total amount of the bill being disputed is $663 .54 with $306.70 of that being water, $334 . 40 being sewer, and $22 .44 being utility tax. Mr. Roland will be at the meeting to discuss this from his point of view and to answer any questions you may have. •