HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 12/18/1989 ate"' OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES December 18, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hansen Tony McCarthy Sandra Driscoll Barney Wilson Rod Frederiksen Alana McIalwain May Miller Jim Miller Sue Viseth Priscilla Shea Becky Fowler Teri Mertes GUESTS PRESENT: Lyle Price, Kent News Journal APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending December 15, 1989 in the amount of $1,743,421.78 were approved for payment. PUBLIC DEFENSE CONTRACT City Attorney Driscoll informed the Committee that the Public Defense Contract expires December 31, 1989. The City received three proposals for future services and a Committee of Law and Police department personnel reviewed the proposals. Driscoll recommended that the contract be awarded to the lowest monetary proposal made by Sampson, Wilson & Combs firm at $66, 000. The overall cost differential, office location of the second lowest bidder being in Seattle, requirement of 24 hour notice on double sets and costs of transition between two firms were all reasons for the recommendation. Driscoll also pointed out that the current contract is at $60,000 and that no firms in Kent bid on the contract. The Committee recommended the above request by a vote of 2-0 to the Consent Calendar. BLUE CROSS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE AGREEMENT - 1990 Personnel Analyst Viseth informed the Committee of the new Health and Welfare plan designed for City employees in 1990. Effective January 1, 1990 the City will be contracting with Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska to provide administrative and consulting services for the new self insured contract wihich replaces NMI and the old Blue Cross coverage for Police and Fire. Viseth informed the Committee that all City union groups approved the new plan. 0 Viseth asked the Committee to recommend to the Consent Calendar the Administration Service Agreement for Blue Cross and for the Cobra Service Agreement between the City and Northwest Inc. , a third party administrator for Blue Cross, for 1990. Cobra provides for employees and their families to continue group medical coverage after termination. Both agreements must be further revid%ged by the City Administrator and Attorney, but need approval prior to the end of 1989. The Committee recommended the above request to the Consent Calendar by a vote of 2-0. WINDOW CLEANING CONTRACT RENEWAL Finance Director McCarthy explained that the current contract for window cleaning services with the Totem Window Services Co. at City Hall, Library and Senior Center ends December 31, 1989. McCarthy recommended the City extend the contract through June 30, 1990 costing $655 quarterly. This would allow Purchasing to stagger its current 13 contracts annual expiration and make appropriate analyze and recommendations of vendors. The Committee recommended the above request to the consent calendar by a vote of 2-0. INTERFUND LOANS Finance Director McCarthy revealed that during the most recent State Audit Examination it was noted that 2 funds in 1988 had negative year end cash balances and that results in positive funds being impacted. To avoid this the State Auditor Office has requested that the Council authorize interfund loans to the following funds from the General Fund. Up to $100,000 to the Housing and Community Development Fund to be repaid when reimbursement payments are received from billings. The loan will be made interest free since the Federal Government cannot pay interest. Up to $100, 000 to the Operating Projects Fund to be repaid when seized assets are sold and will be free of interest. Up to $1,200, 000 to the Golf Complex Fund to be repaid after the sale of property and will incur interest at the State Pool rate. The Committee recommended to the Consent Calendar the general ordinance allowing interfund loans and 3 specific ordinances for loans to the above funds by a vote of 2-0. 1989 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE Finance Director McCarthy said per the Auditor's recommendation a consolidated budget adjustment ordinance should be adopted during the applicable budget year. The 1989 budget adjustment ordinance totals $10,294, 329 but only 3, 366,478 has not previously been approved by Council and there is extra revenue or fund balance to cover it. McCarthy then highlighted some of the major changes. The Environmental Fund had added expenditures associated with the Western Processing cleanup totaling $176,335. A Other Operating Projects fund was set up mid year at Auditor's request totaling $217,735. The Other Capital Projects Fund had added expenses in connection with the Centennial Building of $425, 000 for furniture and fixtures and an added $1,200, 000 for the Public Safety Bond issue interest. The Sewerage Fund payments to METRO were higher than the budget by $250,000. The Golf Course Fund had "additional operating and capital expenditures of $808,782 to be covered by additional revenue and fund balances. The Central Services Fund needs approval of $50,000 in additional public safety bond fund interest income for the purchase of public safety computer equipment and $55, 000 for postage, graphics and printing based on department usage. Based on an actuarial study the allocation of $90, 000 of firefighter medical insurance can go to the Fire Relief and Pension Fund in lieu of the General Fund. The Committee recommended the budget adjustment ordinance for 1989 to Other Business at the Council Meeting. ADDITIONAL ITEM Councilmember Houser informed the Committee that presented at a prior meeting was the signing of a Sister City Agreement between the City of Kherson and the City of Kent which she explained needed to be submitted to Council for approval. The Committee recommended the Sister City Agreement to Council by a vote of 2-0. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES December 18, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow � (� Jim Hansen N Tony McCarthy Sandra Driscoll Barney Wilson Rod Frederiksen Alana McIalwain May Miller Jim Miller Sue Viseth Priscilla Shea Becky Fowler Teri Mertes GUESTS PRESENT: Lyle Price, Kent News Journal APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending December 15, 1989 in the amount of $1,743 , 421.78 were approved for payment. PUBLIC DEFENSE CONTRACT City Attorney Driscoll informed the Committee that the Public Defense Contract expires December 31, 1989. The City received three proposals for future services and a Committee of Law and Police department personnel reviewed the proposals. Driscoll recommended that the contract be awarded to the lowest monetary proposal made by Sampson, Wilson & Combs firm at $66,000. The overall cost differential, office location of the second lowest bidder being in Seattle, requirement of 24 hour notice on double sets and costs of transition between two firms were all reasons for the recommendation. Driscoll also pointed out that the current contract is at $60, 000 and that no firms in Kent bid on the contract. The Committee recommended the above request by a vote of 2-0 to the Consent Calendar. BLUE CROSS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE AGREEMENT - 1990 Personnel Analyst Viseth informed the Committee of the new Health and Welfare plan designed for City employees in 1990. Effective January 1, 1990 the City will be contracting with Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska to provide administrative and consulting services for the new self insured contract wihich replaces NMI and the old Blue Cross coverage for Police and Fire. Viseth informed the Committee that all City union groups approved the new plan. • Viseth asked the Committee to recommend to the Consent Calendar the Administration Service Agreement for Blue Cross and for the Cobra Service Agreement between the City and Northwest Inc. , a third party administrator for Blue Cross, for 1990. Cobra provides for employees and their families to continue group medical coverage after termination. Both agreements must be further revidkred by the City Administrator and Attorney, but need approval prior to the end of 1989. The Committee recommended the above request to the Consent Calendar by a vote of 2-0. WINDOW CLEANING CONTRACT RENEWAL Finance Director McCarthy explained that the current contract for window cleaning services with the Totem Window Services Co. at City Hall, Library and Senior Center ends December 31, 1989. McCarthy recommended the City extend the contract through June 30, 1990 costing $655 quarterly. This would allow Purchasing to stagger its current 13 contracts annual expiration and make appropriate analyze and recommendations of vendors. The Committee recommended the above request to the consent calendar by a vote of 2-0. INTERFUND LOANS Finance Director McCarthy revealed that during the most recent State Audit Examination it was noted that 2 funds in 1988 had negative year end cash balances and that results in positive funds being impacted. To avoid this the State Auditor Office has requested that the Council authorize interfund loans to the following funds from the General Fund. Up to $100,a00 to the Housing and Community Development Fund to be repaid when reimbursement payments are received from billings. The loan will be made interest free since the Federal Government cannot pay interest. Up to $100, 000 to the Operating Projects Fund to be repaid when seized assets are sold and will be free of interest. Up to $1,200, 000 to the Golf Complex Fund to be repaid after the sale of property and will incur interest at the State Pool rate. The Committee recommended to the Consent Calendar �4e general ordinance allowing interfund loans and 3 specific ordinances for loans to the above funds by a vote of 2-0. 1989 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE Finance Director McCarthy said per the Auditor's recommendation a consolidated budget adjustment ordinance should be adopted during the applicable budget year. The 1989 budget adjustment ordinance totals $10, 294, 329 but only 3, 366,478 has not previously been approved by Council and there is extra revenue or fund balance to cover it. McCarthy then highlighted some of the major changes. The Environmental Fund had added expenditures associated with the �P Western Processing cleanup totaling $176,335. A Other Operating Projects fund was set up mid year at Auditor's request totaling $217 ,735. The Other Capital Projects Fund had added expenses in connection with the Centennial Building of $425, 000 for furniture and fixtures and an added $1,200, 000 for the Public Safety Bond issue interest. The Sewerage Fund payments to METRO were higher than the budget by $250, 000. The Golf Course Fund had "additional operating and capital expenditures of $808,782 to be covered by additional revenue and fund balances. The Central Services Fund needs approval of $50, 000 in additional public safety bond fund interest income for the purchase of public safety computer equipment and $55,000 for postage, graphics and printing based on department usage. Based on an actuarial study the allocation of $90, 000 of firefighter medical insurance can go to the Fire Relief and Pension Fund in lieu of the General Fund. The Committee recommended the budget adjustment ordinance for 1989 to Other Business at the Council Meeting. ADDITIONAL ITEM Councilmember Houser informed the Committee that presented at a prior meeting was the signing of a Sister City Agreement between the City of Kherson and the City of Kent which she explained needed to be submitted to Council for approval. The Committee recommended the Sister City Agreement to Council by a vote of 2-0.