HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 08/15/1989 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 15, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Steve Dowell Paul Mann Bernie Biteman STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hansen Mike Webby Sandra Driscoll Rod Frederiksen ^ Tony McCarthy Jim Harris Don Wickstrom Fred Satterstrom Dan Stroh May Miller Priscilla Shea Alana McIalwain Teri Mertes Mary Ann Kern GUESTS 'PRESENT: Tom Phillips, Consultant John Buckley, Consultant Don Graf, Consultant Gary Ewing, Kent Disposal Steve Caputo, Kent Disposal Leona Orr, Citizen Sharon Atkin, Citizen Patricia West, Citizen Dee Moshel, Citizen APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending August 15, 1989 in the, amount of $1,463 ,834.39 were approved for payment. UPDATE ON WESTERN PROCESSING CLEANUP Included in verbatim minutes attached. (On Request) UPDATE ON CLEANUP ACTIVITIES AT MIDWAY AND HIGHLANDh LATDFILLS Included in verbatim minutes attached. (On Request) 'I, PROPOSAL FOR VOTER APPROVED SENIQR HOUSING BOND ISSUE Senior Planner Dan Stroh informed the Committee of the Mayors Assisted Housing Committee and their examination of the City's need for low income senior housing. A recommendation of a $6.7 million voter-approved bond issue to be placed on the November ballot was introduced. The proposed bonds would be repaid over 20 years through an increase in property taxes. Depending upon assessed a. valuation and interest rates at the time of the bond sale, the annual increase in property taxes on a $100,000 home ā€˛would be in the $24 range. The funds would be used to build a minimum of 92 units of senior housing. This would meet roughly 25% of the identified need of 350 units of senior housing as displayed in a survey performed. Councilmember Mann moved the Committee support the proposed ordinance allowing the bond issue be placed on the .November ballot and recommend endorsement to Council. The Committee approved this recommendation -to the Council as Other Business by a vote of 3-0. DRUG REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTX FORFEITURE- =ORNEX FEES City Attorney Driscoll explained to the Committee that the recent police work related to drug trafficking and money 14undering in Kent and Auburn has had a dramatic impact on the Law, department. Driscoll then requested a $15,000 budget extension fear hiring an outside attorney to handle this matter to be reimbursed at a later date, once certain personal property is forfeited, to cover these fees. Finance Director McCarthy proposed setting up a separate fund to place the costs incurred in this project by Law and Police until the reimbursement is available. This will allow the City to accumulate and monitor the costs reducing the interim impact on the general fund. The Committee recommended to the Council the temporary budget extension of $15,000 to hire an outside attorney by avote of 3-0. ARMOR CAR SERVICE CONTRACT Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee ,,of 'the need to update our contract with Continental Armored Transport, Inc. as they have changed names to Armored Transport Northwest, Inc. The contract renewal was previously approved in the Banking Services Agreement and the Mayors signature on the revised contract is all that is needed at this time. The Committee recommended this request to Council for the 9/5/89 Consent Calendar. CIVIL SERVICE CONTRACT City Attorney Driscoll presented to the Committee an Ordinance to provide for coverage of non-uniform police personnol ' by Civil Service. The Committee recommended this Ordinance to Council under Other Business by a vote of 3-0. WUTC GARBAGE HAULING RULING Councilmember Mann informed the Committee of his dissatisfaction with the recent garbage rulings by WUTC allowing Tri-Star to franchise the entire City of Kent and Kent Disposal limited only it r to Kent Iscore area. The rulings also denied the City -the ability to require these garbage companies perform such services as free fall/spring pick up and senior citizen discount rates. The City can recommend these extras be performed but not require them. Councilmember Mann then presented a list of options to be presented to the Council. The Committee recommended these issues be discuaped as an additional item at Council meeting on August 15, 1989 by a vote of 2-1.