HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 07/13/1989 S OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 13 , 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Steve Dowell STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hansen Mike Webby Tony McCarthy Lori Brown Mimi Castillo Nancy Woo Priscilla Shea Alana McIalwain Charlie Lindsey Jan Banister Loralynn Young Candi Faupell Teri Mertes GUESTS PRESENT: APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending July 13, 1989 in the amount of $1, 538, 596.48 were approved for payment. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION ADMINIQTRATION Personnel Director Webby addressed the renewal of the city's workers compensation claims administration service agreement. The city has managed the self-funded program since July 1979 and Scott Wetzel Services has provided claim services during that period. The cost of claim services will be approximately $10,750 which is contained in the 1989 budget. The city has saved about $875,000 since moving to self-insurance. Webby requested the city continue their relationship with Scott Wetzel Services and asked that the Mayor be authorized to sign the renewal agreement for 1989 . The Committee recommended this request to the Consent Calendar by a 2-0 vote. CONTACT WITH SEATTLE KING COUNTY EDC SEATTLE KING COUNTY EDC Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee that the Seattle- King County EDC has asked the city to sign a service agreement authorizing the expenditure of $3,235 in 1989 for various services as detailed in the service agreement. The agreement is for 1989 and quarterly payments have already been made. The funds are included in the city's EDC budget for this purpose. Councilmember Dowell questioned the sale of items pledged to the EDC, which were auctioned off, as to whether the funds received 0 were allocated to the EDC corporation. McCarthy informed the Committee he would research this issue. McCarthy asked for the Mayor's signature on the service agreement and at a future time the city staff will analyze the contract benefits and propose a 1990 budget recommendation that may include alternative recommendations. The Committee recommended this request to Consent Calendar by a vote of 2-0. UTILITY BILLING SYSTEM RFP UPDATE Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee that the Utility Billing System request for proposal went out last week to 10 vendors. The proposals are due back by 7/31/89 at which time a staff evaluation will occur and a recommendation will be presented to the Committee. Funds for this system are already budgeted within the automation plan budget. 1990 BUDGET PRESENTATIONS LIBRARY: Librarian Young discussed their 1990 Budget Presentation with the Committee. She first stated some of the Libraries recent significant accomplishments and then stated issues impacting the Library mainly the building of the new library. She is requesting a reader/printer $9000 due to increase in size of library. ADMINISTRATION: Executive Assistant McIalwain, Community Events Coordinator Woo and Public Information Coordinator Castillo presented the 1990 Budget Presentation for Administration. See attached list of budget objectives. CIVIL SERVICE: Candi Faupell presented the 1990 Budget Presentation for Civil Service to the Committee. She mentioned that the budget request is up 71% due mainly to increased testing for Fire and Police. See attached list of objectives. LID 327 BOND ISSUE UPDATE Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee the original ordinance for LID327 indicated a 10 year assessment payment period when the proper period was promised to the property owners at 20 years. The bonds had already been sold by Shearson Lehman & Hutton so they had to go back and resell some bonds with a longer maturity date and the city had to pay additional compensation to the broker. The appropriate prepayment period has been held and the bond issue amount totals $2,296, 074. The bonds will now be 4asu.ed at 7. 68% instead of 7.55% net interest cost. The higher interest rate is due to the longer bond interest period. The gross underwriting spread will go from 20.25 to 24.28 per $1,000 in bonds due to additional work that needed to be done.