HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 06/15/1989 �- • i OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 15, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Steve Dowell Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hansen Mike Webby Ron Spang Rod Frederiksen Carolyn Lake Lin Ball May Miller Charlie Lindsey Tom Vetsch John Marchione Priscilla Shea Margaret Brown Teri Mertes GUESTS PRESENT: Lyle Price, Valley Daily Newspaper Doug Klappenbach, Sound Ventures Inc. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending June 15, 1989 in the amount of $1,785, 366. 60 were approved for payment. PROPERTY TAX INVESTMENT RESOLUTION Financial Services Manager Miller informed the Committee that the State Court of Appeals issued a decision last fail regarding interest earnings on ,property tax receipts. The general effect of this decision is that Kent now has the right to earn interest on property taxes collected for us, by King County, up to the date the taxes are disbursed to the city. Assistant City Attorney Ldke told the Committee she checked with other City's involved in this issue and they accepted a draft resolution proposed by King County without any changes. Kent, however, amended the draft resolution modifying the hold harmless requirement. This requirement was changed from holding King County harmless on any type of liability to only holding King County harmless of circumstances beyond their control on investments m6de. This coincides with the State RCW. The Committee recommended the amended property tax investment resolution to the Consent Calendar by a 3-0 vote. �r y CONTINUATION OF BANKING AGREEMENT WITH US BANK Financial Services Manager Miller presented a proposed banking services agreement with US Bank of Washington which extends ' the City's current banking service agreement for a one year term with a one year renewal option. The terms and conditions are the same as the current agreement except one service which has a lower cost. The City is in the process of switching computer systems in payroll, accounts payable, utility billing, lockbgx, account reconciliation etc. which will affect the City's banking activity. Based upon these items being in various stages of implementation deferring changing the City's bank until these systems are operational and tested will be beneficial. The Committee recommended extending the proposed banking services agreement for one year with US Bank of Washington to the Consent Calendar by a 3-0 vote. HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE FUNDING Senior Planner Ball told the Committee that the City Council already voted to continue as a member of the regional Human Services Roundtable, and to support the Roundtable financially for the remainder of 1989 at a level of 4% of the total adopted Roundtable budget not to exceed $13,400. The total budget for the remainder of 1989 is $156,000 which makes Kent's contribution $6, 300 from the general fund which is less than the $13,400 that had been already approved. The Committee recommended this contribution of $6.,300 to the Consent Calendar by a vote of 3-0. PRINTING AND GRAPHIC EQUIPMENT FOR FINANCE DEPARTMENT Customer Services Manager Lindsey requested printing and graphics equipment for Central Services which would be paid for by using $55,505 of the Central Service Fund Balance of $107,479 to acquire: A new replacement printing press and use the current 1982 press, which has printed approximately 10,000, 000 pages, as a backup press, a silvermaster plate maker which was asked for and approved in the 1989 budget, and a second graphics work station to contend with the increasing demand for graphic services. It is projected that obtaining these items would create an annual savings of approximately 25% for the city, not the 75% that was an error on an earlier memo. ' Councilmember Dowell recommended the city not purchase the above equipment but process all requests through Central ,Services to centrally control the output. He recommended bidding to obtain the best price and encouraged use of outside service for rinting and graphics. Councilmember Houser mentioned she spoke with, an outside vendor whom felt the purchase of the above equipment would not take much business away. City Administrator Chow supported the request for printing and graphics equipment emphasizing it is to maintain the, current status quota and allow operation efficiency and serve as back up during press and computer down time. Chow also mentioned this request had been reviewed and recommended by the IBC. Councilmember Mann reminded the Committee that the money to purchase this equipment is from a user fund which was set aside for replacement equipment. The Committee recommended this request by a vote of 2-1 for inclusion on the Consent Calendar. CENTENNIAL BUILDING LEASE MODIFICATION Assistant City Administrator Hansen continued the discussion, from the May 31, 1989 Operations Committee meeting, concerning the proposal by Sound Ventures Inc. to modify the present lease agreement on the Centennial Building. Sound Ventures Inc. would like to restructure the annual lease payments from the present $16/square foot/year to an average of $16/square foot/year with payments starting at $14.75/square foot in 1990 and reaching $16.75 in 1993, 1994 and 1995. This change will cause no increase over the five year term but will affect the timing of annual payments and is needed for developer financing due to higher than anticipated cost for the Church property. The modifications also involve increasing the amount of leased space from approximately 20, 000 square feet to 26,460 square feet based on department needs analysis and building layout configurations. According to a study completed by Edberg/Christensen and Associates, it is estimated that 23,240 square feet will be needed in 1990 and 26,200 in 1995. The City will initially use 23,240 square feet but will have the remaining space available at no cost until 1992. This additional space will cost an average of $84, 141 per year or $420,108 over the five year period. Doug Klappenbach of Sound Ventures, Inc. responded to question concerning the changes made to the original design of the Centennial Building. One change included not having a skybridge connecting City Hall to the new building. Klappenbach stated that the 2 buildings have been moved further apart to establish more parking and give each building their own identity. The floor grade of 2 buildings were at different heights and the skybridge would also create unfavorable traffic flow through departments. A centralized location for exiting and entering in the lobby was more desirable. Another change was that the original floor plans had smaller floor plates and more stories, now the floor plans are large in length and width' and not as high in number of floors. Assistant City Administrator Hansen told the Operations Committee that a Committee representing the Planning, Building and Public Works Departments was utilized to develop the best working environment and the new design was approved by department heads. Councilmember Dowell felt the concept of the Centennial building changed considerably from the original design and asked to see both the old and new agreement to determine the changes before the Council Meeting June 20, 1989. Hansen clarified that the agreements only differed on the square footage and timing of annual lease payments. He offered to review the agreements with Councilmember Dowell. r The Committee recommended the proposal by Sound Ventures, Inc. to the Council meeting June 20, 1989 as Other Business by� a 2-1 vote. CORNUCOPIA STREET USE PERMIT Assistant City Attorney Lake presented to the Committee a street use permit resolution for the 1989 Cornucopia Days. • The permit would be for July 13, 1989 through July 16, 1989 and is similar to last years ordinance. The Committee recommended the Cornucopia Days resolution to the Consent Calendar by a vote of 3-0. CITY ADMINISTRATOR SELECTION PROCESS Personnel Director Webby presented the Committee with a report on the City Administration selection process which was requested at the May 15, 1989 Operations meeting. The report covers the history of past selection processes as well as a presentation of approaches which may be considered in future selection processes. Councilmember Dowell requested time to study the report and check over the methods and procedures in the selection process before making a recommendation to the Mayor. Councilmember Mann motioned a vote on his memo which he presented at the May 15, 1989 Operations Committee meeting. This affirmed that the Mayor's selection process was a proper exercise of executive discretion, and proceed to draft a letter to the Mayor endorsing his memo. The Committee recommended Councilmember Mann Is motion by, a vote of 2-1 to be forwarded to the Mayor and addressed at the next Council meeting. 1990 INFORMATION SERVICES BUDGET PRESENTATION The 1990 Information Services budget presentation was postponed, due to lack of time, until the June 30, 1989 Operations Committee Meeting. OTHER ISSUES DISCUSSED Councilmember Houser requested that the Public Safety meeting begin at 2: 00 pm and the Operations Committee meeting follow at 3 : 00 pm due to the fact that the Operations meeting tends to run past its allotted time frame. The Committee also decided that the Operations Committee meeting be held Thursday, July 13, 1989 instead of Friday, Jdly 14, 11989 because the Public Safety meeting is being held that day.