HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 05/01/1989 • _ r 0 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 1, 1989 E ICI E � W L, Lb COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser MAY 4 'i9B9 Steve Dowell Paul Mann CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hanson Mike Webby Tony McCarthy Barney Wilson Sandra Driscoll May Miller Tom Vetsch Priscilla Shea Alana McIalwain Teri Mertes Sue Viseth Lori Brown GUESTS PRESENT: Greg Wingard, Environmental Consultant Lyle Price, Valley Daily Newspaper APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending April 30, 1989 in the amount, of $ 1,330,741.28 were approved for payment. WESTERN PROCESSING CLEANUP EFFORTS Greg Wingard, spoke to the Operations Committee on the Western Processing cleanup efforts. Wingard pointed out two major problems: 1) The treatment plant doesn't work properly and must be redesigned which would temporarily result in the treatment plant being shut down or a portable one used. 2) The barrier wells aren't working right. Contamination is west of Millcreek which can be solved by turning on the barrier wells but the treatment plant capacity isn't able to handle this. Also it is not known whether the barrier wells can handle the pollution contamination problem since it has become widespread beyond the boundaries of the super fund site. The Councilmembers were interested in efforts thsy, ,ca�uld take to help solve the problems. City Attorney Driscoll regommended we have our consultant, RW Beck, give a briefing on the situation and supply the Council with a quarterly report in the future. POSSIBILITY OF CHANGING COMMITTEE DATES Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee about changing the H Operations Committee dates to better meet the . Councils needs. McCarthy then pointed out that the State Auditor's office "BARS" manual describes the voucher certification and approval process which states that checks can be issued prior to approval by the legislative body if the municipality enacts certain policies and procedures. If the City enacted procedures then the Operations Committee dates could be established on days more convenient to the Committee and standardized for the public. It was agreed upon by the Committee that the City should begin the preparation of material so the Council can "Adopt contracting, hiring, purchasing, and disbursing policies that implement effective internal control", then the dates will be established. .DISCUSSION OF INFORMAL BUDGET COMMITTEE PROCESS City Administrator Chow asked the Committee if they had any questions about the draft proposal on procedures for an Informal Budget Committee. He noted that the function of the Informal Budget Committee will be to review the financial impact of all potential council agenda items twelve days before the Committee meets. Councilmember Dowell questioned why there would be only 3 or 4 departments on the Budget Committee and not one person from each department, to be more fair. Chow responded that when issues effecting a particular department arise that departments representative would not be involved in the decision in order to avoid conflict. The issue will be reviewed with the full council at the 5/2/89 workshop.