HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/14/1989 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 14, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Paul Mann Steve Dowell STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hanson Alana McIalwain Mike Webby Sandra Driscol Tony McCarthy May Miller Charles Lindsey John Marchoine Priscilla Shea Fred Satterstrom Lin Ball Rod Frederiksen Neil Sullivan GUESTS PRESENT: Mary Eckseldt, Human Services Commission Dee Moshel , Human Services Commission Jean Archer, Human Services Commission APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending April 14, 1989, in the amount of $1,179,373.68 were approved for payment. FUNDING BASE FOR HUMAN SERVICES Senior Planner, Lin Ball introduced members of the Human Services Commission and noted that the proposal for providing a percentage funding base for the Human Service Agencies had been discussed with the Planning Committee and approved on a two to one vote. It was coming to this Committee for discussion prior to being discussed as other business on the Council Agenda of April 18. The Committee had general consensus that Human Service activities should be funded, but the method of funding at 1 percent raised some questions from some of the Council members. Possible alternatives would be to determine a flat amount or put the remainder of the departments on a zero base budgeting concept. The item will come before the full Council for discussion at their April 18th meeting. 53 0 ii Operations Committee Minutes April 14, 1989 Page 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SLIDE SHOW Budget Analyst, John Marchoine presented the Capital Improvement Program slide show that was shown to the community meetings on the east and west hills this week. He noted that we have only had seven',citizan members attend those, meetings to-date, but there will be an additional meeting in the court room next Monday night for other interested parties. He noted, following his slide show presentation, that we have received over 300' responses to the questionnaire so far and plan to have about 700 prior to a Council ,presentation on May 2. The Council presentation will review the results of the questionnaire and ask the Council for input on funding the CIP projects. John noted that the departments prepared a wish list of projects totaling 49 million dollars and at this point, only 8 million is anticipated as revenue over the next five years. Therefore, many projects will have to be deferred or alternative funding sources provided. He also noted in the discussion that the projects had not been reviewed by any administrative staff and there may be duplicate projects shown across department lines. The staff will review all projects and work on providing a balanced CIP following Council input at the May 2 meeting. RESULTS OF NEGOTIATION ON OTHER ACTUARIAL STUDIES Finance Director McCarthy noted that following the last Operations Committee meeting he had contacted the firm of Millimen and Robertson, who had proposed the actuarial study for the Firemens Pension and Relief Fund. Based on his discussion with them and their subsequent discussion with Risk Manager, Mike Webby, they had provided a proposal to do both the Workers Compensation and the Medical Trust Funds at a cost between $9,000 and $12,000. Finance Director McCarthy noted that these amounts are slightly higher than what roposed for the Firemens study because the Firemens proposal is based on a can p ckage they provide for a number of firemens pension funds around the State. The City's Workers Compensation and Medical Trust Funds, though, are more unique to the City and therefore would require a slightly different approach in their actuarial analysis. The costs of both studies will be paid from the fund 0 i Operations Committee Minutes April 14, 1989 Page 3 balances of their respective trusts. The timing of the actuarial studies is in conjunction with the preparation of 1990 budget and any adjustment in City contributions to these funds could be developed for inclusion in the 1990 budget. GOLF COURSE STAFFING Golf Course Manager, Neil Sullivan, presented a .proposal to the Committee to hire two ten-month golf course positions and two full time golf course positions in lieu of $27,873 in temporary monies for part-time personnel . The net cost of this request in 1989 funds for 7-1/2 months is, $37,863. Mr. Sullivan noted that the basis of the request is that the initial intention of a golf course clubhouse was to use a starter's trailer but subsequently, the Council approved the establishment of a full fledged clubhouse as part of the golf course project. This clubhouse was funded primarily with the sale of a portion of golf course property to a developer who will be building a hotel facility. The request was not incorporated in the 1989 Budget because of concerns of over debt service coverage, but since the golf course now must operate as an Enterprise Fund, the feelings are that these positions are needed to generate revenue at the facility. Since the facility will be open 16 hours a day-seven days a week during the summer and 12 hours a day-seven days a week during the winter months, permanent staffing is needed to operate the facility properly. For each hour that the facility is not opened, approximately $480 of revenue is lost. Finance Director McCarthy told the Committee that he is concerned about the golf course's ability to pay it's debt service but noted that these positions appear to be needed to open the course and the golf course will be evaluated monthly from it's opening to determine the long term viability of the Staffing levels. RECLASSIFICATION PACKET AMENDMENT Personnel Director Webby noted that at the last Operations Committee meeting a reclassification request was approved for the Drinking Driver Task Force. Since that time it's come to the Personnel Department attention that an additional part-time Program Assistant also works in the Drinking Driver Task Force and that Operations Committee Minutes April 14, 1989 Page 4 position should be compensated at the same level as the full time Program Assistant. The Council approved this on a 3 to 0 vote. XROOF AT TH ITY S OPS Customer Services Manager, Charles Lindsey presented a proposal to the Committee to replace the roof and gutters of the Shops building for $15,462. He noted that he had obtained three proposals for reroofing the building and felt like the middle of the road proposal of a 20-year roof with a five-year guarantee was the best proposal for the City. This proposal would be funded through our Public Office Buildings Shops organization. The cost would be charged 80 percent to Utilities and 20 percent to General Fund for the portion occupied by Parks Maintenance. The Committee approved this request for inclusion on the May 2 consent calendar. 66F-01F