HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 03/31/1989 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES i March 31, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Steve Dowell Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Jim Harris Mike Webby Tony McCarthylk Norm Angelo Rod Frederiksen Charlie Lindsey Tom Vetsch Teri Mertes Sue Viseth Dianne Lewis GUESTS PRESENT: Bernie Biteman, Councilmember Lyle Price, Valley Daily Newspaper Steve Caputo, Kent Disposal APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending March 31, 1989 in the amount of $ 1, 126, 096.93 were approved for payment. RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING- 2ND MONTHLY PICKUP Public Works Director Wickstrom requested an automatic second monthly pick up of recyclables at a cost of an additional $28, 080 annually. He noted that there are sufficient funds in 1989 to pay for the second pick up, however since $40,000 of the anticipated 1989 funding is due to a one time recycling grant (additional $20, 000 remaining to be collected in 1990) it may be necessary to increase the garbage tax in future years if funds are needed for landfill mitigation. Councilmember Dowell was concerned that all citizens and businesses are paying the garbage tax but not all are receiving the service. Currently there are 1500 people in the City that are entitled to recyclable pick up but don't have toters. According to Steve Caputo, Kent Disposal, if the vendors provide the necessary toters at the rate they say they will, than 500 toters per week over the next three weeks can be delivered to these people. The second monthly pick up was approved by the Operations Committee by a vote of 2-1 to be included on the Consent Calendar. USE OF FLAG FUNDS FOR OTHER POB EXPENDITURES Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee that the building official had determined during a recent remodel that the City Hall Is smoke alarm system in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system was inadequate. The Building Department felt in case of fire an alarm system that would shut down the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems was needed to minimize circulation of smoke to other areas throughout the building. The cost to do this will be $4500 plus tax. The funds to do this are not budgeted however, there is $5000 budgeted to add flag poles to certain city buildings. The Mayor didn't think the flag poles were as important an issue as upgrading the smoke detectors. This issue was recommended by a vote of 3-0 to use the flag funds to get City Hall up to fire safety standards. RECLASSIFICATIONS IN FIRE AND POLICE Personnel Director Webby recommended the following salary adjustments resulting from reclassification be implemented effective April 1, 1989. Police Department: 1. Program Asst/range 16 to Public Ed. Spec/range 27. The major job responsibility change occurred when the job was assigned part-time to the Crime Prevention Division (Block Watch Program, meetings, editor of Crime Prevention Newsletter) and also assigned to Drinking Driver Task Force. 2 . Program Coor/range 30 to Program Coor/range 32 . This change recommendation is due to the above reclassification whom this program coordinator supervises. This would eliminate the salary compression issue and more adequately compensate this position as the manager of a major program. 3 . Program Asst/range 16 to Program Asst/range 22 . After Personnel analyzed Task Force positions they felt compensation for the responsibilities outlined in the description of this position was inadequate. Fire Department: 1. Admin Asst/range 27 to Support Svc Mgr/range 32 . The most significant changes in the job duties were from the enactment of the SARA Title III legislation causing expectations of the position to increase. Funds for these reclassifications are contained within the 1989 Police and Fire budgets. The Operations Committee recommended these reclassifications by a vote of 3-0. ACTUARIAL STUDY OF FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Finance Director McCarthy explained that the last actuarial valuation of the Firemen's Pension Fund was April 30, 1986. In the past it has generally been appropriate to wait five years between valuation, but due to changes required by Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) valuation every 2 years with a annual update is necessary. Milliman & Robertson Inc. proposed this valuation at under $4, 000. This would be funded by the Firemen's Pension Fund. ' The Committee recommended the valuation every 2 years with an annual update by a vote of 3-0. This item will be included on the April 18 Consent Calendar. AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE QTHER ACTUARIAL STUDIE Personnel Director Webby thought actuarial valuation negotiations would be beneficial in other areas also. These would include studies of Worker Compensation Trust Fund, last done four years ago, and the Medical Trust Fund. Both of these would be funded by their trusts. The Operations Committee approved the request to research negotiation with Milliman & Robertson Inc. by a vote of 3-0. CIP PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATIQN Finance Director McCarthy invited the Councilmembers to attend one of the three CIP Public Meetings for different areas in the City. The meetings will include a slide show presentation and a question and answer period. A Questionnaire was distributed with the Utility Bills to obtain citizens viewpoint on the CIP issues. McCarthy also announced that the all day workshop, to develop budget direction and alternatives, has been moved to Friday July 28, 1989 and it is necessary that all the Councilmembers are able to attend.