HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 01/17/1989 Psi.,?qc • • w l�.C./ OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES January 17, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Steve Dowell Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Jim Harris Mike Webby Jim Hansen Sandra Driscoll/ Tony McCarthy Helen Wickstrom Charlie Lindsey May Miller Tom Vetsch Teri Mertes Alana McIalwain Sue Viseth Patrice Thorell Hal Rees Brian Jones APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending December 32, 1988, in the amount of $706, 548 .40 and for January 15, 1989, in the amount of $1, 177,732 . 16 were approved for payment. The December 32 payments were for goods and services received in December which will be charged against the 1988 Budget. POLICE & FIRE DEPARTMENT RECLASSIFICATIONS Assistant City Administrator Webby presented to the Committee the Police and Fire department reclassifications. The Police department reclassification was submitted by the Police department to former City Administrator McFall. McFall recommended the Police Captain and Lieutenant position salary levels be adjusted upwards by one salary range (2 1/2 percent) . In addition McFall recommended that a clothing allowance, not to exceed $400 per year, be provided to both positions (similar to union contract personnel) . The primary reason for this request is due to salary comparison with union personnel. To maintain parity between the positions of Police Captain and Assistant Fire Chief it has been recommended that a 2 1/2 percent salary adjustment increase be awarded in the Fire department for the position of Assistant Fire Chief. In addition to the recommendation from former City Administrator McFall, another memo was presented to the Committee by Police iiyr' Captain Rees. The Committee indicated they needed a6re time to review the additional information. Assistant City Agiministrator webby will review the classification policy and brimg it to the Committee at a future meeting. With the late presentation of material the entire request was deferred for review at the next Operations Committee meeting. PARKS DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATIQN Acting City Administrator Harris requested that the Parks department reorganization be taken off the agenda so that he and Mayor Kelleher could discuss this reorganization. ADDITIONAL 112 TIME POSITION FQR CULTURAL ARTS PRO!Q=PUPPORT This additional 1/2 time position has already been recommended by the Parks Committee and has been placed on the Consent Calendar for the City Council Meeting 1/17/89. The position doesn't effect the City financially as additional funds are proposed to cover the cost. It was thus taken off the Operations Committee, Agenda. PUBLIC DEFENSE CONTRACT City Attorney Driscoll presented the contract for public defense services with the Sampson, Wilson & Combs firm for 1989 in the amount of $60,000. Driscoll informed the Committee that the 1988 contract was $50, 100. Taking into consideration the increased growth of defendants from 1985-88 being 340% and the next competitive bid for the 1989 contract being $120, 000, she recommended this as an exceptional bid. The Committee recommended this contract at a vote of 3-0 for inclusion on the 1/1,7/89 Council Consent Calendar. 1989 PARKING LOT CONTRACT The parking lot contract is with Bond Enterprises to clean the parking lots at City Hall, the Library, and the Engineering building. The contract is at the same rates we currently pay and is through March 31, 1989, with a month to month extension thereafter. The contract is not an annual contract, as in the past, due to the anticipated construction of the new office building and parking lot east of City Hall. This contract was recommended for inclusion on the 1/17/89 Council Consent Calendar by the Committee at a vote of 3-0. CITIZEN PARKING IN CITY VEHICLE SPACES Councilmember Mann informed the Committee that the City Hall parking spaces, specifically designated for City vehicles, should be better labeled to avoid citizens being ticketed -4or parking there. The Committee recommended this issue go ' to , the Public Safety Committee. After further research the City staff decided Charlie Lindsey will be in charge of having the pavement of the parking spaces repainted to label the spaces "reserved for city vehicles only" . This will be done by January 31, 1989. COUNCIL CHAMBER REMODEL Assistant City Administrator Hansen informed the Commutes that the current bids for the Council Chamber Remodel are too sxpensive and t; that the possibility of a lower rebid is unlikely.,. It was requested to defer this project for future modiflga�ions or the 1990 budget process. Councilmember Mann inquired on redoing only the sound system, but it was pointed out that the sound system as bid directly tied to lights and room acoustics. RESOLUTION ON SUPPQRT OF CURRENT FORM OF GOVERNM-gN; Councilmember Houser read a resolution supporting City of Kent' s current form of Government. There was no objection, to bringing this resolution to City Council for discussion as Other Business.