HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 01/03/1989 OPERATION COMMITTEE MINUTES January 3, 1989 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser STAFF PRESENT: Mike Webby Jim Hansen / Tony McCarthy Jim Harris Helen Wickstrom Charlie Lindsey. Tom Vetsch Teri Mertes Ramona Valdez Sue Viseth , a APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending December 31, 198,4, in the amount of $ 1, 158, 060.35 were approved for payment. Up nj, reviewing a voucher to Kennedy/Jenks/Chilton for consultant services on landfill closures, Councilmember Houser requested an update on the landfill closures. The Finance Director notified the 'Public Works department for inclusion on a future Public Works Committee agenda. 1989 PARKING LOT CONTRACT The parking lot contract is with Bond Enterprises to clean the parking lots at City Hall, the Library, and the-� Engineering building. The contract is at the same rates we currently pay and is through March 31, 1989, with a month to month extension thereafter. The contract is not an annual contract, as in the past, due to the anticipated construction of the new office building and parking lot east of City Hall. Councilmember Houser recommended this contract for inclusion on the consent calendar. CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP UPDATE As determined at the previous Operations Committee meeting Kent Disposal is handling the Christmas tree pickup. To perform this service, based on a bid that anticipated recycling, the service had to be completed the week of January 2-6 as opposed to January 4- 10. This earlier time period creates a problem because some citizens may not receive their utility bill, containing the tree pickup information, until after their garbage pickup has occurred. Finance Director McCarthy discussed this with Mayor Kelleher and decided the best approach would be to offer free pickup services on January 9 and 10 to the citizens who missed the pickup January 2 and 3. Kent Disposal said the charge for this will be $2.55 per tree as if it were an extra item of trash. councilwoman Houser felt we had no other choice and authorized the City to pay Kent Disposal the additional amount above the previously agreed $2,222 plus tax based on the number of trees that are picked up January 9 and 10. 1 i a 1. NOVEMBER FINANCI,&L REPORT Finance Director McCarthy reviewed the Summary F ina4cljkl Report for November 30, 1988. The information showed reven;Xe', trends down slightly from the previous month and expenditure trends up. The revenue trend is not significant and can probably be made up in December. Expenditure trend is permanent with the recently approved budget adjustment to not allow approximately $160, 000 in street overlay funds to lapse by transferring the amount to a project. These trends produce a 1988 ending fund balance of the general fund of $ 2,562,762 which is $ 272,252 below the amount projected to be carried forward into 1989. Hopefully this amount can be made up with increased 1989 revenue particularly from Fred Meyers. The early 1989 trends will be monitored closely. NEW FINANCE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTAT�LON Finance Director McCarthy presented to the Committee ,an overview of the conversion plan to the new Finance system which is effectively operational beginning January 1, 1989. He noted that due to its complexity the actual conversion process will occur in stages over a number months following parallel ' processing, implementation of interfaces and departmental training. This material was provided for the Committee's information only. PARKS DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION Due to the fact Councilwoman Houser was the only Oouncilmember present at this Operations Committee meeting she fel# it would be best if this item was discussed at the next Operations Committee meeting on January 17, 1989.