HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 11/16/1987 0 NOVE C E W I Lb 2 19di OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY OF KENT November 16, 1987 CITY CLERK COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Bailey Berne Biteman Christi Houser - Budget Portion of Meeting STAFF PRESENT: Brent McFall Tony McCarthy Mike Webby Sandra Driscoll Ron Spang Lori Hogan May Miller Priscilla Shea OTHERS PRESENT: Dee Moschel, Chamber of Commerce Ron Ricketts, Chamber of Commerce Lyle Price, Kent News Journal APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending November 16, 1987, in the amount of $1 ,078,443.76 were approved for payment. EMPLOYEE WELLNESS PROGRAM Committee Chair, Tom Bailey, opened the discussion by noting that the Committee had requested the staff to obtain information on a program developed for the Peninsula School District in Gig Harbor, prior to a report on this by City Administrator, Brent McFall . Tom noted that he made three trips to the Commons and found the reception very warm. He interviewed a number of participants who were happy with the setup at the Commons and received some statistical information on the Commons usage comparing October 1987 to October 1986, noting that participation was up. He also noted that the number of businesses in the area including Boeing, Puget Power, and Kent View Christian School were using the facility for some of their employee and student participation. City Administrator, McFall , noted that he had a phone conversation with a Mr. Palusavich of the Peninsula School District and discovered that the program established there was very similar to the program that was planned for the City of Kent. Mr. Palusavich noted that he could provide some sort of ,f 4 Operations Committee Minutes November 16, 1987 Page 2 consulting services to the City in kicking off the City's program, if that was desired. Mr. Biteman noted that he had also made contact with Mr. Palusavich and determined that the program for the school district involved a $30 a year membership fee which was refunded when the employees attended two seminars per year. He also noted that he had visited with the people at Weyerhaeuser and that they had established a employee board, paid $14.00 per month and had over 600 participants and their families participating in the program. In the Weyerhaeuser instance, they used the monthly participant fees to pay the salaries of a full time supervisor, and aerobics instructor to handle the program. Their program included prize incentives, and they were available to provide some consulting to other agencies that were interested in the program. Following this presentation, Mike Webby noted that the program proposed by Group Health was for $6.20 per employee per month and that covered all employee testing, a confidential report of employee, a summary report to the City, a individualized health prescription, 5 1/2 days of consulting with a City team on establishing the program, providing six seminars on various health related topics per year and a year-end assessment of the program per employee and for the City. Councilman Biteman noted that he felt like the testing portion of the program seemed to be high and could be done for about half the amount. He proposed that two alternative motions be considered, one would be to table the proposal until all questions could be answered. The other motion would be that it would be brought to the Council as a whole. Staff noted that the item was already included on the Consent Agenda, but that the item could be pulled and discussed under Other Business; and it was so recommended that the program be discussed under Other Business at the November 17 Council meeting, coming to the Council without a recommendation. 1, Operations Committee Minutes November 16, 1987 Page 3 COMMUTER RAIL PROJECT City Administrator, Brent McFall, noted that the City has been working on establishing a Valley portion of the Commuter Rail Project. Thsrex,isting Commuter Rail Project talks about the primary alternative being the I-5 corridor. The City is proposing that $20,000 of money currently available within the Valley Corridor Study Project be reallocated to provide a commuter rail program budget, so that the data that choose the I-5 corridor could be reanalyzed and see if it would be more appropriate for Valley floor alignment. Councilman Biteman moved that this item be sent to the Council without a recommendation. It was noted that the item is shown on the Consent Calendar, it will be removed and discussed under Other Business at the November 17 Council meeting. GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET The City Administrator reviewed the General Government portion of the Budget discussing the departments of Administration, Personnel, Law, Finance and Information Services. The items that were discussed in those areas primarily were the addition of a Assistant City Administrator position and a Executive Secretary. The additional support being provided for the Saturday Market operation including a portable sound system. With respect to the attorney's budget, CounciTman Bailey noted that he felt that there was support for additional legal assistant position based upon the expansion of Police Department activities and recommended that such a position be funded through cuts in other areas of the Budget. Councilman Biteman supported that effort recognizing that the workload was there. Councilman Biteman also asked if the staff would prepare an analysis of its fleet size compared to that of about five other neighboring cities. That information will be developed for the Budget Workshop on November 24. 66F-01F