HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 07/15/1987 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES July lb, 1987 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Bailey Steve Dowell Christi Houser Jim White � n STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy N Charlie Lindsey Peggy Powell OTHERS PRESENT: Charles Turner - representing SKCAC Steve Burpee - representing KDA APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending July 15, 1987, in the amount of $772,338.81 were approved for payment. BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR SKCAC Councilman Bailey explained to Mr. Turner of SKCAC, that the proper channels for funneling this Budget request would be through the City's Human Services Commission. The staff directed Mr. Turner to contact Jim Harris about a future scheduling date for their meeting, noting that they were currently hearing 1988 Budget proposals for other Social Service agencies. Mr. Turner did note though, that his request did have some immediacy with respect to the current bankruptcy and reorganization of SKCAC. However, he will contact Mr. Harris so that a proposal can be presented to the Human Services Commission. BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR KDA Mr. Burpee, representing the KDA, explained the 1987 marketing and advertising plan for the Kent Downtown Association. Following his explanation, he noted that the plan calls for a 1987 Budget of $36,000, of which $13,000 is being requested from the City of Kent, with $5,000 requested from the Kent EDC, and $18,000 raised through membership fees and fundraising. After much discussion regarding the program, with support for the program shown by the Committee, it was decided that an appropriation of $6,500 from the expended General Fund balance should be appropriated for the reminder of 1967. These funds would be used specifically for the purchase of banners at $4,800; the Saturday Market booth expenses of $250; and the Information Center at $175 per month, plus utilities. These expenditures would provide direct benefits for the City, and therefore, would not be connotated as a gift of public funds. It was suggested to Mr. Burpee that he prepare a 1988 Budget for submission to the City Administrator prior to August 15, 1987. The Council directed the presentation of the 187 appropriation as "Other Business" on the August 4 Council Agenda. nor LEGAL ADVERTISING BID SPECS Charlie Lindsey distributed to the Committee, a draft of legal advertising bid specs based on the bid specs prepared by the City of Bellevue. The information was passed out an "information only" item. It was noted that the staff would be soliciting bids within the next month. Any input on the information provided would be appreciated. VOTER'S PAMPHLET PARTICIPATION Distributed with the packet was King County Executive Tim Hill 's proposal to provide a voter information pamphlet for each of four regions of King County. If all cities in South King County would participate in the preparation, the cost for the City of Kent is estimated to be $514. Staff noted that the County is requesting a decision on Kent's participation by August 21. The Council inquired as to what other cities in the County are doing. The staff did not have that information immediately available but will bring it back to the Operations Committee meeting of 7-31 for a decision on City of Kent's participation. ENGINEERING BUILDING OUTDOOR LIGHTING CHANGEOVER Central Services Manager Lindsey explained to the Committee that in the process of redoing the outdoor lighting for the Engineering building, it was discovered that the conduit into the Engineering building had been sealed closed through many applications of tar over a number of years. The project is partially funded with a grant from Puget Power and cannot be completed without a Change Order of $1 ,3U3.69 of which Puget Power will pick up $323.10. The Committee approved this as a Consent Calendar item for the July 21 , 1987, Council meeting. RENEWAL FOR WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS PROCESSING Personnel Analyst Peggy Powell explained to the Committee that our current contract with Scott Wetzel is to pay them $9,000 per year for 50 hours of loss control services plus claims processing for the first 50 claims. Scott Wetzel has proposed an increase to $10,350 for the same kind of claim processing services for up to 60 claims with 50 hours of loss control . Since the City is currently doing about 60 claims a year, the proposal seems quite cost effective. Councilwoman Houser, who is in the insurance business, noted that the cost per claim is quite in line with what is currently 'incurred by their firm. Based upon this, the staff recommended the item be placed on the Consent Calendar for the August 20 Council meeting. HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROGRAM Councilman Bailey noted to the Committee that the meeting of Daly 31 , later changed to August 14, would be used to discuss a City employee "Health and Wellness Program." He noted this is being established based upon the input received at the last Council meeting, but that the direction of the meeting will be at looking at an overall program for the City. The basis for the discussion will be a report prepared by the City's health insurance consultant. -2- 66F-1F