HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 06/15/1987 l 0 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES June 15, 1987 O 1/J rJ COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Bailey Steve Dowell �I rl` Berne Biteman �L f /�T STAFF PRESENT: Brent McFall Tony McCarthy Mike Webby Sandra Driscoll Ron Spang Charlie Lindsey Marie Jensen OTHERS PRESENT: None APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending June 15, 1987 in the amount of $1,741 ,714.8b were approved for payment. BANKING SERVICES AGREEMENT • Finance Director McCarthy told the Committee that the staff intended to rebid the banking services agreement in the Spring of 1987 but is seeking an: extension of the current agreement until implementation of the new computer system. The new system will affect check issuance, lock-box processing and account reconciliation. The staff decision to defer was made so that the systems affecting the agreement could be implemented and the associated forms and procedures that affect the service could be finalized. Based upon this, the Finance Director asked People's Bank to present a proposal for repricing the banking services agreement for a one-year period with a possible extension to two-years pending implementation of the related automated systems. The price increase as explained to the Committee was negligible, 4ue to the reduction in the costs of lock-box processing offset by other it ayes. Of particular concern to the Committee was the amount paid fort red car service and credit card discount. The Finance Director noted that he would talk to People's Bank about the credit card discount. After much discussion about the . armored car service it was determined to be a valuable and cost ' fective service 66F-IF n + Operations Committee Minutes June 15, 1987 Page 2 particularly considering that it is provided to the Golf Course, Kent Commons and City Hall on a six-day a week basis plus holidays, thus saving eloyee travel time and reducing liability exposure and the need for Police escorts. The Committee moved the approval of this contract for inclusion on the next Council Agenda, but asked that it be provided more information on the credit card discount. [Note to Operations Committee on credit card discount.] I called the bank concerning the credit card discount, they told me that the normal rate for the City of Kent's volume was about 4%. They are proposing 2.5 percent. If,we increased the volume such that we had averaged ticket size of over $100 and processed over 3U tickets a day, then we could probably reduce the cost to approxitely 2-1/4 percent. The lowest rate available is about 1.9 percent for very large customers with large average ticket sizes i.e. Frederick & Nelson's. Based upon this, we appear to be getting an excellent deal, considering that our average total volume is about $50 per day. ADVERTISING PUBLICATION UPDATE At the June 1 meeting of the Committee, the cost of legal advertising was presented. Based on the information provided, the Council directed the staff to solicit bids. The staff was prepared to begin this effort but other considerations needed to be discussed with the Committee. City Clerk, Marie JeAsen, discussed with the Committee the options of publishing an ordinance summary and providing camera-ready copy to the newspaper. The Committee also brought up the issue of circulation and asked about obtaining information on the number of subscribers in the area. Also discussed was the possibility of the newspaper b4ing able to pick-up the legal notices at City Hall. Based on the Councils Input, the staff will develop bid specs and review those with the Committee at thojr next meeting. LEAK INSURANCE REPORT At the request of Councilman Biteman, the City staff reviewed the possibility of providing leak insurance to City customers. In talking with thed;insurance M 66F-IF a Operations Committee Minutes June 15, 1987 Page 3 carriers, it was decided that this coverage could be provided on a individual account basis. But with further analysis of the intent, it seems; appropriate for the City to self-insure this leak adjustment through its own rat0 structure. Following an extensive discussion it was decided that the City's „plan to "adjust for leak usage up to 50 percent above normal usage based on ihfwmtion of repair provided by the customer" satisfies the Council 's concern that tie City provide a helping hand to the general customer popula- tion without providing ,special services to one customer. City Attorney Sandra Driscoll sat through the discussion to ensure that the City was not getting involved in a gift of public funds. This policy will be presented to the Council, for adoption at their next Council meeting. INTERIM SALARY ADJUSTMENT IN INFORMATION SERVICES = Personnel Director Mike Webby explained to the Committee the reclmssification request of Michael Aichlmayr from a Computer Analyst/Operator pa ; range 24 to a Programmer Analyst pay range 30. This is being requested became of the tremendous change in the nature of Michael 's work associated with the installa- tion of a new computer and telephone systems. His previous job 'involved small PC projects. With the new computer and telephone systems, he has bOcome very involved in the technical aspects of data communications, portable computers, telecommunication wiring, mapping and telephone system and repre$ents the City with high tech personnel in these various fields. Mike explained to the Committee that this is an interim salary adjustment which meets the criteria of ,an emergency or critical nature and is therefore being proposed prior to the completion of the pay and class study discussed below. The Committee approved the reclassification as requested by the Otaff as of July 1, 1987, but asked that a written report be forwarded to the Committee and that written reports on reclasses be provided for future salary adjust- ments as has been done in the past. i 66F-lF Operations Committee Minutes June 15, 1987 Page 4 SELECTION OF A PAY AND CLASS CONSULTANT Personnel Director Mike Webby told the Committee that a City Task Force has assisted the Personnel Department in selecting a pay and class consultant to review the City's pay and class system for 200 nonrepresented employees. The Committee included Berne Biteman, Marie Jensen, Lyn Ball, Karen Siegel, Alana McIalwain and Mike Webby. The Committee reviewed 8 proposals and heard individual presentations from each company, and selected the company of Irwin and Assc, out of California. This company has recently completed a study for the Tacoma Parks District. The proposal provides for the completion of the pay and class study prior to the end of 1987 for implementation in January 1988. The cost of the study is $19,6UO which is below the budgeted amount of $20,000, and at the lower end of the range of proposals which range from $18,000 to $43,OOU. Based on the input presented, the Committee approved the process of selecting the vendor and the item will be placed on the Council Agenda for the meeting of June 15. GARBAGE RECYCLING RATE ADJUSTMENT Central Services Manager Charlie Lindsey told the Committee tha4$ he had contacted the WUTC with respect to the dollar rebate given to West Hill customers who are willing to recycle their garbage. The question raised to the WUTC was, "was it appropriate to provide a reduced rate for a particular segment of the community." The WUTC said there could possibly be a problem in this area, bq� they commended the City for pursuing this much-needed recycling issue. They.c uj d address the specifics if the City put their requests in writing. Following this presentation, it was noted that a newspaper article had reported that Kent Disposal is seeking to provide this service citywide Vfhich would be acceptable to the WUTC. Based upon the benefits that the City can accrue from the program, and comments from Councilman Biteman about the amount of Work associated with being able to save a dollar in monthly garbage fees, the C6nittee decided not to request a formal ruling from the WUTC but pursue with Kent Disposal, the garbage hauler, the expansion of the service to other parts of the Cityo 66F-IF