HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/15/1987 1# OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 15, 1987 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Bailey Christi Houser Bernie Biteman STAFF PRESENT: Brent McFall ef�\ Tony McCarthy Mike Webby Charlie Lindsey OTHERS PRESENT: None APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending April 15 in the amount of $1,576,645.74 were approved for payment. ANNUAL DRAINAGE PAYMENTS Finance Director McCarthy reported to the committee that 89 drainage only customers signed up for annual billing. This was in response to an issue that was discussed with the committee back in February based upon drainage only customers receiving $.92 bills each month. These bills became significantly noticeable in January for these drainage and garbage only customers, with garbage service being franchised out. At the request of some citizens in the area, the City reviewed its policy of allowing the option of making annual payments, saving both the customer and City bill processing costs. Letters were sent to 246 residents who had drainage only service and 89, or 36 percent, signed up for annual billing. TELEPHONE SYSTEM STATUS AND WIRING CHANGE ORDER Finance Director McCarthy and Customer Services Manager Charlie Lindsey explained to the committee that the City over the weekend of April 11 and .12 began to cut over to new telephone system. For information purposes the staff identified to the Council Committee the reasons for owning the telephone system. The attached memo explains the dollar savings associated with owning plus some of the other customer service and new telephone features.- In addition to discussing the changeover, the staff requested a_change order of $4,583.44 to provide for dual wiring in the City Shops Building, The original anticipation was that the Shops Building would be wired only for telephone but as a' Operations Committee Minutes April 15, 1987 „ Page 2 the project progressed and in conjunction with the implementation of the new computer system it was decided that, the facilities should be dual wired for both telephone and computer- in the same manner as the City Hall and Engineering Building had been wired. This changein the scope of the wiring contract results in a change order of $4,583.44. A portion of these funds are covered by the original Shops wiring contract and so additional funding needed is only $2,948.97. The Committee recommended this action for inclusion in the April 21 Council agenda under "Other Business." SALARY RECOMMENDATION-POLICE AND FIRE MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL Assistant City Administrator Webby distributed information to the committee identifying the need to raise the salary of mid-management personnel in the Police and Fire Departments. These positions being Police Lieutenant, Police Division Commander and Assistant Fire Chief. These positions need to be adjusted due to compression caused by the recently negotiated Police and Fire Union Contracts. The raise in salary of approximately 2 1/2 percent brings the differential between the management level and union level to about 10 percent, the amount established prior to the new contracts. The committee recommended this action for inclusion on the April 21 Council agenda. CONCERN RELATED TO FRANCHISEE'S GARBAGE TOTERS Councilman Bailey expressed a concern related to the toters being used by the City's franchised garbage hauler. The concern is related to the toters seemingly being unbalanced and top heavy and the fact that this makes them awkward to pull and more likely to tip over. A big concern expressed by Councilman Bailey was related to the insurance coverage if a person was hurt in mgvg ;the toters. City Administrator McFall noted that he has talked to the company, 4out this precise issue and that they are aware of this based upon conversatign#;.they received from various customers. Brent said he will talk with them again, highlighting the aspect of liability coverage and possibly suggesting that they make modifications to the toters to eliminate the problem. MEETING CHANGES At the request of Councilperson Houser the meetings for April '30, May 15, and June 1 will be at 7:30 a.m.