HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 03/31/1987 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES March 31 , 1987 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Jim White STAFF PRESENT: Tony McCarthy Mike Webby May Miller Charlie Lindsey OTHERS PRESENT: None APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending March 31 in the amount of $726,787.59 were approved for payment. 1988 THROUGH 1991. CIP UPDATE PROCESS Finance Director McCarthy and Financial Services Supervisor May Miller presented to the committee the proposed time table for updating the City's Capital Improvement Program for 1988-1992. The time tables includes the: preparation of a questionnaire, preparation of project description forms, holding of public meetings on the East Hill, West Hill and Valley Floor, presentation of citizen input and funding scenarios to the City Council, holding of a public hearing and ADo9IrlaW - of final 1988-1992 capital improvement program. In addition to reviewing the time table a draft questionnaire was distributed to the committee that identified progress since the last CIP was :pr ared. The questionnaire also included issues which the citizens could rank.' The council committee reviewed these items and noted that they followed council target issues and felt the information provided was appropriate. A copy of the draft questionnaire is included with the minutes. 1987 PAY AND CLASS PLAN UPDATE Assistant City Administrator Mike Webby presented to the committoe a consultant selection proposal for updating the City pay and class plan. He,,noted that the x. Operations Committee Minutes March 31, 1987 Page 2 prior pay and class plan study was done in 1980 and implemented as of March 1, 1981. He also told the committee that an every 5 year look is appropriate for these kinds of studies. He noted that the study would be for 206 nonorganized employees excluding the City's five bargaining units. He also noted that $20,000 was included in the 1987 Budget to do the study. It is anticipated that the study would be completed for implementation January 1 , 1988 with information provided in September, 1987 for 1988 Budget impact. He also told the committee that a special consultants selection committee would be established that would include a council member along with some city staff. The committee suggested that possibly Councilman Biteman would be the appropriate council member to participate in this committee. Mr. Webby noted that this information was being brought to the committee at this time as an information only item but that the consultant would be involved again at consultant selection time. MOODY'S BOND RATING ANALYSIS With the issuance of $3.135 million in water revenue refunding bonds the City received a rating increase from Baa(1 ) to A from Moody's Investor Corporation. Included with the minutes is the analysis that was done showing the reasons why the City's rates were improved. In summary the rating was improved because the City has deferred future rate increases and bonding requirements and the growth in the area has been better than Moody's initially anticipated. FEBRUARY FINANCIAL REPORTS Finance Director McCarthy highlighted the February financial rq1port noting particularly that utility tax revenue is not coming in at budgeted levels probably for two reasons: an over optimistic budget estimate and the fact that it has been a pretty warm winter, and therefore the City is not generating,,,,ass much as in past years in electric and gas utility tax. This item is not a red 'flog at this point but the Finance Director wanted to let the committee to keep this in mind as future reports are presented. Operations Committee Minutes March 31 , 1987 Page 3 He also noted to the committee that the $499,648 is shown to be spent this year to retire councilmanic debt discussed with the Council at their February 17 meeting. He noted though that all this debt will not be retired immediately as some of it is not scheduled for retirement until later in the year at which time the financial position can be again reviewed and final decision can be made on retirement. The majority of this retirement amount, approximately $400,000, is coming from beginning fund balance. ENERGY MODIFICATIONS FOR THE SHOPS AND ENGINEERING BUILDINGS Customer Services Manager Charlie Lindsey told the committee that over the years the City has been working with Puget Power to define energy modifications for City Hall and the Kent Commons and now has a proposal to do energy modifications for the Engineering Building and the City Shops. In these types of proposals, Puget Power agrees to pay a portion of the modifications cost up to 71%. The modifications suggested by Puget Power and provided by the sole bidder Madsen Electric amount to $9,250.00 plus $749.25 in sales tax. Puget Power will be paying $5,686.00 leaving the City's balance of $4,313.25. This amount will come out of an existing budgeted fund for energy modifications and telephone acquisition costs. Based upon this information the council approved that this item be included on the consent calendar for the April 7 meeting. BOND SALE FOR L.I.D. 297 Finance Director McCarthy told the committee that following the approval of final assessment roles for L.I.D. 297, 310 and 318 the prepayment period is currently in progress and will end on April 3. At that time the City will be prepared to issue approximately $2 million in consolidated L.I.D. Bonds. The bond proceeds will be used to retire two bond anticipation notes issued in 1985 for the construction of these projects on Meeker Street, Central Avenue and 72nd Avenue. At the meeting of April 7, Shearson Lehman Brothers will present their proposal to purchase these bonds at a specified interest rate. This item will be included under other business for that council meeting date. 66F-IF