HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 01/30/1987 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES January 30, 1987 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Bailey Christi Houser STAFF PRESENT: Brent McFall Tony McCarthy Mike Webby Peggy Powell May Miller Charlie Lindsey OTHERS PRESENT: None APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS During the month of January, vouchers are approved both for 1986 expenditures for which invoices are received in January, and for 1987 expenditures. All claims for the period ending December 33, 1986 in the amount of $370,913.39 were approved for payment. All claims for the period ending January 30, 1987 in the amount of $555,912.47 were approved for payment. TELEPHONE COMPUTER WIRING CHANGE ORDER As discussed with the Committee at their January 14 meeting, there would be a forthcoming change order related to the wiring contract. The Finance Director explained the critical nature of this change order with respect to the implementation of the City's computer system. The attached memo from Customer Services Manager Charlie Lindsey explains the four parts to the change order and the reason that the change orders occurred. After presentation of the information, the Committee approved this item for the Consent Calendar of February 2. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM CONTRACT Assistant City Administrator Mike Webby explained to the City that the City has had an Employee Assistance Program contract with Southeast Community Alcohol Center for approximately nine years and $3,000 has been included in the 1987 Budget to continue that contract. The contract basically provides training to supervisors on how to recognize employee productivity problems and also provides evaluation assistance to employees on appropriate course of action to deal with these productivity related problems. The Committee approved this item and noted s Operations Committee Minutes January 30, 1987 Page 2 that it would appear on the February 17 Consent Calendar with appropriate documentation. RECLASSIFICATIONS Assistant City Administrator Mike Webby explained to the Commis;tee that he would be presenting the Finance Department reclassification proposal$ following his presentation at the last meeting of those reclassifications related to Public Works, Parks, and Personnel . All of these reclassifications relate to reorganizations that have occurred in these departments. The reclassification requests as recommended by the Assistant City Administrator are shown as Appendix B in the attached memo. Following Mike Webby's presentation of the reclassifications, it was mentioned that the next step the City will take will be a new pay and class study. The current plan has been operational since 1981 with work beginning on that plan in late 1979. It is hopeful that this group of reclassifications+ will be the last group brought to the Committee prior to the implementation of a new plan, although there may be an isolated instance where a job is significantly changed that may warrant other review. Based on this review and questions, the Committee approved tho reclassifications retroactive to January 1 , 1987. It was suggested that the item appear on Other Business on the February 2 agenda. Because of the timing of the,meeting, City Administrator McFall noted that the item had already been included on the Consent Calendar, but was available for pulling off by any member of the Committee. It was also noted that the information that went out with the packet explained the reason for the retroactive nature of these reclassifications along with the ones previously discussed with the Committee. 66F-i F J 1 Operations Committee Minutes January 14, 1987 Page 3 RECLASSIFICATIONS Assistant City Administrator Mike Webby explained to the Committee that his department had reviewed a number of reclassification requests and at this meeting was presenting a reclassification request for the Parke Public Works and Personnel departments. He noted that he would follow that,up with additional reclasses from the Finance Department at the.January 30 meeting. In presenting the reclassification information, he explained the organiza- tional structures in the individual departments, the specific requests and the analysis of those requests. The requests are as follows. The reclassification of Patrice Thorell from a range 32 to a range 40, assum- ing the title of Superintendent of Leisure Services, This pos,$tion then becomes parallel to other superintendent positions within the Parks Depart- ment, that being Superintendent of Maintenance and Superintendent of Recreation. The position has responsibility for both the Cultvral Arts Program and the Special Populations Program. The reclassification of Helen Adams from a range 32 to range 40, with the title of Superintendent of Administration. This position supervises the Senior Center in addition to her administrative functions and thus has parallel responsibility with both Patrice and the other two Parks Department superintendents. The reclassification of Cheryl Fraser from pay range 29 to pa;, range 32, assuming the responsibilities of a Facility'Manager for the Special Popula- tions building in addition to her program responsibility. This is consistent with other operations in the Parks Department, whereby the Facility Managers at the Golf Course, Commons and Senior Center are at pay rpng# 32. The reclassification of the Visual Aias Specialist in the Pars Department from a pay range 18 to a pay range 24, consistent with other ,positions with similar responsibilities in the Department. 66F-1 F Operations Committee Minutes January 14, 1987 Page 4 The reclassification of Wayne Pace from a pay range 40 to a pay range 46, establishing that position as parallel to the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department which is at that pay range. This reclassification reflects the consolidation of the Department's maintenance fuations as recommended in a study conducted by the Public Works Department. The consolidation includes responsibility over all maintenance activity in Street, Equipment Rental and Utilities operations under the supervision of one Director of Operations. The reclassification of Sue Viseth in the Personnel Department from a Secretary to a Personnel Specialist to recognize the assumption of the additional responsibilities of a Personnel Specialist. This f tem was discussed in the- Budget process as an alternative to an additional staff position. This item is coming for Council attention to clarify that action. At the recommendation of the Council Committee, this item will appear on the consent calendar of the January 20 meeting. The pay change will be implemented on the February 5 payroll , but based on the recommendations of the staff and concurrence of the Committee, would be retroactive to the first of January, 1987. 66F-IF