HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 11/16/2006 City of Kent Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes November 16, 2006 ITEM #1 Call to Order: Debbie Raplee called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Council Present: Debbie Raplee, Bob O’Brien, Ron Harmon attended the meeting in Debbie Ranniger’s absence Added Items: #9: Kiwanis Club of Meridian Donation for Service Club Ballfields – Accept and Amend Budget #10: Kiwanis Club of Kent Donation for Service Club Ballfields – Accept and Amend Budget Item #1 Minutes of October 19, 2006 – Approve MOTION: Bob O’Brien moved to approve the minutes of October 19, 2006. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Item #2: Riverbend Golf Complex Well Pump Repair Agreement - Authorize Superintendent of Riverbend Golf Complex Pete Petersen reported that the aging water system which was installed 18 years ago was nursed through the summer, as the water flow from the well pump was extremely low, resulting in major cutbacks in irrigation water for the two courses. An inspection completed after the dry season identified an aging pump that needs to be replaced. Other recommended work was identified to ensure efficient operation of the pump system. These emergency repairs need to be completed this winter before the 2007 irrigation season. Funding will be provided by the Golf operating budget. The project will extend the pump another 90 feet which will bring the pump up to speed with the current irrigation system needs. Golf Pumping Services, LLC is known throughout the northwest golf industry as the leader in golf course pumping systems. They have performed all work on the existing pump system and understand the complex nature of well pump systems for golf course irrigation. Staff recommends that Golf Pumping Services, LLC perform this emergency repair work at the golf course. MOTION: Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Golf Pumping Services, LLC to perform emergency repairs to the well pump system at the Riverbend Golf Complex in the amount of $57,127.00, upon review by City Attorney. Bob O’Brien seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Item #3: Kent Pool Funding - Authorize Parks Director Jeff Watling reported that each year additional funding has been requested for operation of the Kent pool. Funding is available through the Youth/Teen budget, but will not affect youth/teen services. Maintenance of the building is provided by the city’s Facilities Division. The Aquatic Management Group was hired in 2003 to operate the pool. Aquatic Management Group (AMG) staff provided funding history and profit and loss information. AMG is asking the City of Kent for an additional $25,000.00 to assist in the operation of the Kent Pool. MOTION: Bob O’Brien moved to recommend authorizing an additional $25,000.00 be allocated from the Youth/Teen Fund budget to the Aquatic Management Group for continued operation of the Kent Pool. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Item #4: 2007 to 2012 Human Services Master Plan - Approve Housing and Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson acknowledged Pastor Brett Hollis, Merina Hanson and the Human Services Commission for efforts in preparing the Master Plan. Katherin reported that the proposed Building a Health Community, 2007 - 2012 Human Services Master Plan outlines the funding priorities, strategies and outcomes the City of Kent will use to improve the quality of life in Kent through human services and other related activities. The proposed strategies will move Kent’s Human Services toward a Community Investment model that promotes programs that help individuals develop or maintain their self- reliance, improve employment opportunities, address community issues early from a prevention model, while maintaining safety net services until they are no longer needed. See attached Staff Report for detail. Pastor Hollis shared that the last Human Services Plan was last compiled in 1995. Merina Hanson reviewed the process and key components of the plan. To develop and update the plan a consultant, Bonnie Olsen, was hired to develop a framework, research the data and conduct focus groups. Groups met to provide input, interviews were conducted with more than twenty community members, and the Commission looked at existing data and research. Within the plan guiding principles were developed based on healthy communities, self reliance, equal access, respect and dignity, and agency accountability. The Master Plan will be updated every two years. The following five funding priorities were developed to provide a safety net as well as prevention: Meet Community Needs: ensure people facing hardship have access to resources; Increase self Reliance: help individuals break out of the cycle of poverty; Strengthen Children and Families: provide children, youth and families with community resources needed to support positive development; Build Safe Communities: provide resources and services that reduce violence, crime and neglect; and Improve Health and Well being: provide access to services to promote positive mental, physical and independent lives. Staff and the Commission will work together to strategize funding options. Policy focus areas were developed based on assessing existing gaps in services, unmet needs and system improvements necessary to meet Housing and Human Services principles and the City’s goal to Building a Healthy Community. Focus areas include: Self Reliance: offer opportunities to gain job skills; Economic Development: ensure a strong community due to economic stability; Children and Youth Services: provide supportive environments, Family Support Service: assist families in balancing work and family; Senior Services: provide options for community involvement and independence; Equal Access to Services: offer service design and responsiveness to changing needs; Maintain Safety Net and Basic Needs Services: supply food, shelter, health and safety needs; Safe Communities: access to quality crisis intervention and services for victims of violence, with a focus on prevention; System Improvements: enhance linkages between local agencies and services; Housing: expand partnerships with developers, housing alternatives, affordable housing options near transportation hubs, and provide housing alternatives. Bob O’Brien asked for clarification of this plan and the new Neighborhoods Program. Katherin explained that the Neighborhoods Program synthesizes neighborhoods and the Human Services Plan involves the entire community. The Funding priority entitled “Building Safer Communities” will be changed to “Building a Safer Community.” Ron Harmon encouraged staff to pursue additional funding as necessary for programs outlined in the Master Plan. Debbie Raplee praised staff and the Human Services Commission for their time and tireless efforts to obtain services for local residents in need. MOTION: Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council approve the proposed "Building a Healthy Community: 2007 - 2012 Human Services Master Plan. " Bob O’Brien seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Item #5: Art Mural Agreements - Authorize Cultural Program Coordinator Mark Hendrickson explained that as part of the City’s Public Art Collection the mural entitled Transitions, painted by Danny Pierce, was placed on the Rasmussen Building, located on 2nd and Meeker. In June 2006, it was removed due to scheduled demolition of the building. The mural was taken to Art Tech, a storage facility in Renton, for repair and storage. The new location, approved by the Arts Commission, is 403 West Meeker and is owned by Anderson Associates. A lease agreement is required to place the mural on this building. When executed, the lease agreement with Anderson Associates will run for ten years. New placement of the mural impacts property owner Don Dahlgren. The mural encroaches onto Mr. Dahlgren's property, located at 416 West Meeker Street. Therefore, an Encroachment Agreement with Mr. Dahlgren is necessary. The mural will be installed in January 2007. MOTION: Bob O’Brien moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Lease Agreement with Anderson Associates for the building located at 403 West Meeker, and an Encroachment Agreement with Don Dahlgren for the property located at 416 West Meeker Street for placement of a city-owned art mural, as approved by the City Attorney. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Item #6: King County WaterWorks Grant for Clark Lake Outlet – Accept and Amend Budget Superintendent of Parks and Open Space Lori Flemm reported that Park’s staff applied to King County WaterWorks to continue the restoration along Wandering Creek and the Clark Lake Outlet. Staff was informed on July 25th that the project was fully funded in the amount of $21,500.00. The grant will be used to continue restoration efforts using volunteers at the ReLeaf 2007 event. Lori shared that staff and citizens are very pleased that salmon have been seen spawning in the creek. In addition, to assist in the development of a healthy econ system, when dead salmon are found, their carcasses are placed along the creek to decompose in order to develop a healthy eco system. MOTION: Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council accept the grant of $21,500.00 from King County WaterWorks for the Clark Lake Outlet Restoration Project, and approve the expenditure of funds in the Clark Lake Outlet Restoration budget. Bob O’ Brien seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Item #7: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Easement at Service Club Ballfields – Authorize Lori Flemm reported that a sanitary side-sewer line runs from the main line located in 144th Avenue SE Right-of-Way to the restroom/concession/shelter building at Service Club Ballfields, located at 14608 SE 288th Street. Soos Creek Water and Sewer District requires that an easement be granted for the side sewer prior to the connection to the main line, at a cost to the City of $1.00 per year. MOTION: Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement for Easement with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District for the sanitary sewer line for Service Club Ballfields. Bob O’Brien seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Item #8: Cordi Property Lot Line Adjustment at Service Club Ballfields – Authorize Lori Flemm reported that the property directly north of Service Club Ballfields, 14608 SE 288th Street, is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cordi. When the City originally purchased the property for this park, it was unknown that a portion of the Cordi’s fence line was on City property. The Cordi’s have been maintaining this portion of the property for more than ten years and have a potential case for adverse possession. In negotiations with the Cordi’s, the City is willing to grant a Lot Line Adjustment for the same amount of property on the Cordi’s east property line. In return the Cordi’s will sign a release of claims for the property that is in question. The Release of Claims will be drafted by the City Attorney’s office. MOTION: Bob O’Brien moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the General Release of Claims and Settlement Agreement and Quit Claim Deed with Mr. and Mrs. Cordi, owners of property adjacent to Service Club Ballfields. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion carried 3-0. Item #9: Kiwanis Club of Meridian Donation for Service Club Ballfields – Accept and Amend Budget Lori Flemm reported that the $2,911.64 from Kiwanis Club of Meridian in Kent is a partial payment from the original pledge of$35,000.00 to support the construction of Service Club Park. To recognize the contributions from the participating service clubs, play fields and a play area have been named for each club. The park was dedicated on November 4, 2006. MOTION: Ron Harmon moved to recommend accepting the $2,911.64 donation from Kiwanis Club of Meridian and authorizing the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Park budget. Item #10: Kiwanis Club of Kent Donation for Service Club Ballfields – Accept and Amend Budget Lori Flemm stated that the $8,500.00 from Kiwanis Club of Kent is a partial payment from the original pledge of$35,000.00 to support the construction of Service Club Park. To recognize the contributions from the participating service clubs, play fields and a play area have been named for each club. The park was dedicated on November 4, 2006. MOTION: Bob O’Brien moved to recommend accepting the $8,500.00 donation from Kiwanis Club of Kent and authorizing the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Park budget. Item # 11: What’s Happening in Parks – Informational Director Jeff Watling shared what is happening in the Parks Department. • Holiday Carousel opening November 24, 2006. In partnership with the Kent Parks Foundation and Kent Station, the carousel will be located in Kent Station at 444 Ramsay Way. Hours are weekdays 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and weekends 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Kent Valley Hockey Association will be running the carousel and the cost is $1.00 per ride. • The 23rd Annual Holiday Bazaar is at Kent Commons on December 1 and 2. • The 24th Annual Holiday Fun Run is at Russell Road on December 9. This is a 5k and 10k run and walk. • The Annual Boy Scout Christmas Tree Recycling Program is January 6. Call Brian at 253- 902-2331 for pick up. No flocked or tinseled trees are accepted. The trees are chipped by Parks Maintenance staff and used throughout the Parks Department grounds. A $5.00 donation is appreciated. The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teri Petrole