HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 11/06/2006Public Works Focus on the Customer Water Infrastructure Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Brad Lake, Superintendent 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusKent Infrastructure 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusWater Infrastructure 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusCustomer Focus City Strategic Goal Provide Effective and Efficient Services to the Community City Strategic Goal Enhance the Sense of Community Public Works Strategic Goal Performance Excellence Our Product - Infrastructure Safe, reliable, adequate water Our Customers • Citizens who live and work in Kent • Elected officials • Other city departments • Developers 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusCustomer Expectations - Water Customer Expectations of Water Infrastructure XXXXFutures planning X X X X Developers XXCost effective operations XXXCustomer service XXX Responsiveness to Emergencies XXXReliable water XXAdequate water XXSafe water XXQuality water Other City Departments Elected Officials Citizens and Businesses 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusVerifying Customer Satisfaction How do we know we are doing a good job? Sample Survey Questions 1. a. Quality of water is important to me. b. I am satisfied with Kent water’s taste, color and odor. 2. a. Reliable water delivery is important to me. b. I am satisfied with Kent’s water availability. 3. a. Adequate water is important to me. b. I am satisfied with Kent’s water pressure & volume. 4. If you contacted the City of Kent about a water problem, how satisfied are you with the timeliness of the resolution? Questions are rated: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, No Opinion, Agree, Strongly Agree Questions Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Brad Lake, Superintendent Public Works Focus on the Customer Fleet Services Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Alice Conrad, Fleet Services Superintendent 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusKent Infrastructure 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusFleet Services 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusCustomer Focus City Strategic Goal Provide Effective and Efficient Services to the Community City Strategic Goal Enhance the Sense of Community Public Works Strategic Goal Performance Excellence Our Product - Infrastructure Safe, Reliable Vehicles & Equipment Our Customers • Other City Departments (Internal customers) • Other Governmental Agencies (External customers by service agreement) 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusCustomer Expectations Internal Customers Outside Customers Safe, reliable vehicles/equipment X X Minimal vehicle/equipment downtime X X Responsiveness to emergency needs X X Professional practices X X Satisfied performance promises X X Attention to individual needs X X Competitive service rates X X Realistic replacement policies X Clear, reasonable agreement language X Customer Expectations of Fleet Services 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusVerifying Customer Satisfaction Sample Fleet Survey Questions • Have you been treated with tact, patience and courtesy while doing business with Fleet Services? (Yes/No/Comment) • Is our Preventative Maintenance (PM) Program working? (Yes/No/Comment) • Does our vehicle/equipment replacement procedure work? (Yes/No/Comment) • Is the current level of vehicle downtime acceptable? (Yes/No/Comment) • Does Fleet Services seem to have sufficient staff, parts, facilities, shop equipment, parking and covered storage? (Yes/No/Comment) • Please rate the level of overall customer satisfaction on a scale of 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent). 11/3/2006 Public Works Customer FocusVerifying Customer Satisfaction 2006 Survey Results • 78% survey response • 100% satisfaction rating at 8 or above • Areas identified for improvement: – Communicate with customers when services are delayed – Find improvements to the fuel system for card swipe capabilities – Watch carefully for customer repeat visits for the same problem – Space needs are serious, technicians need safe work area – Include all customer users in vehicle replacement decisions Questions Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director Alice Conrad, Superintendent