HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 05/25/2006Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes
May 25, 2006 - Page 1
Parks and Human Services Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 25, 2006
Council members present: Debbie Raplee, Ron Harmon, and Bob O'Brien
Absent: Chair Debbie Ranniger concurred on all actions by telephone
The Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee meeting was called to order by
Debbie Raplee at 4:03 p.m.
1. Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2006 - Accept
Bob O'Brien moved to accept the meeting minutes of April 20, 2006. Ron Harmon
seconded and the motion passed 3-0.
2. Riverview Overpass Art Proposal - Authorize
Brenda Abney, Visual Arts Coordinator reported that in December 2005, City Council
approved the Five-Year City Art Plan, which included the Riverview Overpass Project.
The project is for transportation-themed art designed for the overpass bridge over
the Green River, which runs east/west between 228th Street and Military Road. Artist
Carolyn Law was chosen to complete the art proposal for $55,000.00 by jury. A
model of the overpass art railing for bridge was displayed at the meeting.
Ron Harmon moved to recommend the Council authorize contracting with
Carolyn Law for the Riverview Overpass Art Proposal in the amount of
$55,000.00, and approve the expenditure of funds in the City Art Plan
budget. Bob O'Brien seconded and the motion passed 3-0.
3. Lease Agreement with Nextel for Wireless Communications Equipment at West
Fenwick - Authorize
Lori Flemm, Superintendent of Parks and Open Space explained that Nextel West
Corporation is requesting authorization to install wireless communications equipment,
plus a nonexclusive access easement at West Fenwick Park (See Exhibits A and B). As
part of the lease agreement, Nextel West Corporation will pay the City of Kent $1,300.00
per month. The revenue will fund replacement of light pole supplies and equipment.
Bob O'Brien moved to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to enter into a
lease agreement with Nextel West Corporation to install wireless
communications equipment at West Fenwick Park, to accept the monthly fee of
$1,300.00, and approve the expenditure of funds in the Light Pole Replacement
budget. Ron Harmon second and the motion passed 3-0.
4. Donation from the Morford Family for Eagle Scout Plaques - Accept and Amend
Lori Flemm reported that the Parks Adopt-A-Park Program works with local Boy
Scouts to offer projects in parks, trails and open spaces that are suitable for Eagle
Scout advancement. Upon completion of the projects, the city recognizes each Scout
with a plaque at the project site. As part of the city's acknowledgment of appreciation
to the Scouts, they are also identified on the City’s web page and in the Parks
Program Guide. Carol & Paul Morford, are parents of Eagle Scouts and have
Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes
May 25, 2006 - Page 2
Minutes of May 25, 2006
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generously supported this recognition project by donating funds for the purchase of
the brass engraved plaques.
Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council accept the donation of $1,500.00
from the Morford family to fund Eagle Scout recognition plaques, and
approve the expenditure of funds in the Eagle Scouts project budget. Bob
O'Brien seconded and the motion passed 3-0.
5. Donation from Quota International for Service Club Ballfields - Accept and Amend
Lori Flemm informed the committee that Quota International voted to match the
$37,000.00 pledges from local service clubs in support of the Service Club Ballfield
project at the Parks Committee meeting on July 15, 2004. Quota International is a
women’s based service club that has supported services to children in the Kent area
for over 13 years. This is the second installment of their original pledge.
Bob O'Brien moved to recommend Council accept the donation of $5,000.00
from Quota International of Kent Valley in support of the Service Club Park
development, and authorize the expenditure of funds in the Service Club Ball
fields budget. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0.
6. Donation from Soroptimist for Service Club Ballfields - Accept and Amend Budget
Lori Flemm explained that the $7,750.00 from Soroptimist International of Kent is
the final payment from their original pledge of $35,000.00 to support the
construction of Service Club Park. To recognize the contributions from the
participating service clubs, play fields and the play area will be named for each club.
The park is currently under construction.
Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council accept the $7,750.00 donation
from Soroptimist International of Kent, and authorize the expenditure of
funds in the Service Club Park budget. Bob O'Brien seconded and the motion
passed 3-0.
7. Donation from the American Legion for Mill Creek Park - Accept and Amend Budget
Lori Flemm reported that in order to secure the access road to Mill Creek Park from
Canyon Drive, the American Legion Post 15 has requested the city install a fence and
gate to keep park and trail users from using their property to enter the park. The
Legion has provided a donation to off-set the cost of materials.
Bob O'Brien moved to recommend Council accept the donation of $300.00
from the American Legion Post 15 to fund the installation of a gate and
fence at Mill Creek, and approve the expenditure of funds in the Life Cycle
project budget. Ron Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0.
8. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant Application Resolutions -
Lori Flemm explained that each year staff pursues funding for park development
through the Interagency for Outdoor Recreation (IAC). In order to meet IAC
application requirements, staff is required to get authorization from Council in order
to submit grant applications. The requested grants are through the Wildlife and
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May 25, 2006 - Page 3
Minutes of May 25, 2006
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Recreation Program for future neighborhood park development of the following
parks: 132 Avenue Park, Eagle Creek Neighborhood Park, Riverview Community Park
and West Hill Neighborhood Park. Master Plans for each park have been developed
Lori explained that in order to gain input from local neighborhoods before master
planning, staff hold numerous public meetings. Lori also stated that additional public
meetings are held to get input from neighborhoods kids to pick out the play
equipment. Ron Harmon complimented staff for acquiring community input.
Ron Harmon moved to recommend Council adopt the resolution authorizing
grant applications to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation to
fund the development of 132nd Avenue Neighborhood Park, Eagle Creek
Neighborhood Park, Riverview Community Park, and West Hill Neighborhood
Park. Bob O'Brien seconded and the motion passed 3-0.
9. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Grant Application Resolution for
Farmland Preservation - Authorize
Lori Flemm clarified that the Wildlife and Recreation Program Farmland Preservation
Category is a new IAC program implemented to preserve farmlands. Funds are used
to purchase development rights so that property remains farmland. Staff is currently
pursuing funding for the acquisition of farmland adjacent to the Green River and
across the river from Riverview Park.
Bob O'Brien moved to recommend Council adopt the resolution authorizing
grant application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation,
Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program Farmland Preservation
Category, in pursuit of funding the acquisition of property adjacent to the
Green River and across the river from Riverview Community Park. Ron
Harmon seconded and the motion passed 3-0.
Additional Discussion: Bob O'Brien asked about the distribution of flyers relating the
Senior Center Deli. Acting Director Lori Hogan responded that no outside advertising for the
Deli and flyers are printed for use at the center only.
The meeting adjourned at 4:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Teri Petrole
Council Committee Recorder