HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 06/17/2004 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES June 17, 2004 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Debbie Raplee,Les Thomas,Deborah Ranniger,Chair • The meeting was called to order by Deborah Ranniger at 5:OOPM. • Debbie Raplee had an excused absence from this meeting and Ron Harmon served in her place. • Chair Ranniger asked for additions or changes to the agenda. • Chief Crawford gained approval to add two action items to the agenda(#8 and#9)and one informational item on fireworks. 1. Approval of Minutes of May 20,2004 Les Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the May 20,2004 meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 2. Corrections Facility Medical Services Agreement-AUTHORIZE Deputy City Attorney Patrick Fitzpatrick reviewed the contract negotiation process and stated that this agreement would save the City approximately$65,000 per year in medical services. Ron Harmon moved to recommend the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Corrections Facility Medical Services Agreement between the City of Kent and Valley Medical Center Occupational Health Services and placing this on the Consent Calendar for the July 6,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 3. Corrections Facility consultant services agreement with Schick Shadel Hospital- AUTHORIZE Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the services offered in the agreement. Les Thomas moved to recommend that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Kent And Schick Shadel Hospital and placing this on the Consent Calendar for the July 6,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 4. Request to apply for RUaD Brant-AUTHORIZE Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the proposed use of the grant funding. i Ron Harmon moved to recommend the Council authorize the Kent Police Department to apply for the Reduce Underage Drinking grant from DSHS/Division of j Alcohol and Substance Abuse and placing this on the Consent Calendar for the July 6,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 5. Request to apply for Carl Perkins 1%grant—AUTHORIZE Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the proposed use of the grant funding. Les Thomas moved to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police Department to apply for the Carl Perkins 1% Fund grant awarded by the Washington State Employment Security Department,and placing this on the Consent Calendar for the July 6,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded and passes 3-0. 2 6. Homeland Security FFY '03 Grant—ACCEPT Chief Jim Schneider and Battalion Chief Pat Pawlak reviewed the grant. Chief Schneider acknowledged staff members Kimberly Resor and Brian Felczak for their work in the preparation of this grant. Ron Harmon moved to recommend that Council accept the grant from State Homeland Security Office of Domestic Peparedness and authorize the Kent Fire Department to enter into a contract for purchase of interoperable radio equipment as outlined in the grant application estimates and placing this item on the Consent Calendar of the July 6,2004 Council Meeting,and to establish budget documents as required and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 7. Homeland Security IFFY '03 Supplemental Grant—ACCEPT Chief Jim Schneider reviewed the grant and acknowledged Brian Felczak's work in the preparation of this grant. Les Thomas moved to recommend that Council accept the grant from State Homeland Security Office of Domestic Preparedness and authorize the Kent Fire Department to enter into a contract for services for a Multi-discipline Planning& Exercise Coordinator as outlined in the grant application estimates and placing this item on the Consent Calendar of the July 6,2004 Council Meeting,and to establish budget documents as required and authorizing the mayor to sign the contract. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. Added Agenda Items: 8. Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant—ACCEPT Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the proposed use for the grant funding. Ron Harmon moved to recommend the Council authorize the Kent Police Department to accept the Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant in the amount of$4,998.00 and placing this on the Consent Calendar for the July 6,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 9. 2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant-AUTHORIZE Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the proposed use for the grant funding. Les Thomas moved to recommend the Council authorize the Kent Police Department to apply for the 2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $25,461.00 and placing this on the Consent Calendar for the July 6,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 10. Fireworks Update-INFORMATION ONLY Chief Ed Crawford and Fire Marshall Jon Napier presented the various forms of public education,enforcement,encouragement and amnesty plans resulting from the recently passed Fireworks Resolution. They reiterated that fireworks are legal in Kent only on July 4`h from 9 AM to I I PM,excluding any type of illegal fireworks. The ti adjourned at 5:45 PM. Jo Publ Sa ety Committee Minutes June 17,2004