HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 07/15/2004 e . PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES July 15, 2004 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Debbie Raplee,Les Thomas,Deborah Ranniger,Chair • The meeting was called to order by Deborah Ranniger at 5:OOPM. • Chair Ranniger asked for additions or changes to the agenda. There were none. 1. Approval of Minutes of June 17,2004 Les Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the June 17,2004 meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 2. Advanced Life Support Services Resolution-ADOPT Fire Chief Jim Schneider and Battalion Chief Paul Wright.Explained the purpose of the resolution. Chief Administrative Officer, Mike Martin,also asked for the Committee's support of the resolution. Les Thomas moved to recommend the City Council adopt the proposed resolution regarding supporting the position on Advanced Life Support Services and placing this on the Consent Calendar of the August,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 3. Preventable Fire Alarms Ordinance-ADOPT Fire Chief Jim Schneider and Battalion Chief Jon Napier talked about the impact of false alarms and explained that this is an enhancement to an ordinance already in place. Debbie Raplee moved to recommend the City Council adopt an ordinance to add Chapter 13.03,Preventable Activation of Fire Protection Systems,and placing this on the Consent Calendar of the July 6,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded by Les Thomas and he then amended the motion by referring to Section 13.03.070 Penalties—Fees—Notice of correction, I:Preventable Nuisance Alarms,to increase the fines under I.c. to$75, l.d.to$100 and Le.to$125, and 2.—Preventable Malfunction Alarms,to decrease the fine under 2.a.to$0,2.b.to $50,2.c.to$75,2.d.to$100 and 2.e. to$125. The amended motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 4. Bookin Fees and Costs for Medical Care Provided to Inmates Ordinance-ADOPT Deputy City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick and Finance Director Bob Nachlinger explained the components of the proposed ordinance and the possible revenue generated from fees - collected from inmates. Les Thomas moved to recommend the Council adopt the proposed ordinance which amends the Kent City Code to allow the City to collect a booking fee from those inmates booked into the City's Corrections facility and a fee to cover a portion of the costs to provide medical care to inmates and placing this on the Consent Calendar of the August 3,2004 Council Meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 3-0. 2 5. Reimlatine Motorized Wheeled Transportation Devices Ordinance-ADOPT Deputy City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick stated that due to a number of complaints to the City about the motorized devices,the Law Department was asked to form an ordinance to bring before the Committee. He stated that in reviewing ordinances from other agencies,he found that all of the ordinances are different. Mike Martin,Chief Administrative Officer, stated that this ordinance was designed to provide the framework for the Committee and Council to build upon. Mike Martin read an email from Sharon Bosteder who wanted to be on the record as stating that she feels that the age of 13 is too young for an operator and that helmets should be a requirement. A discussion ensued on the sections of the proposed ordinance. Chair Ranniger announced that this was not a public hearing and that no comments would be taken from audience members. However,when asked how many were there to speak publicly,only one individual asked to speak. Bill Doolittle,412 Washington Avenue North,Kent,spoke as an owner of motorized scooters and remarked that bicycle rules of the road should pertain to scooters and that electric and gas scooters should be looked at differently as related to noise and speed. NO ACTION-Chair Ranniger asked the Law Department to make some changes suggested by the Committee members and to work on other ordinance options,and to reintroduce this item at the next Public Safety Committee meeting on August 19'h- 6. Fireworks Update-INFORMATION ONLY Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the effects of the Fireworks Resolution on this year's Fourth of July activities and spoke about possible improvements for next year. He stated that the noisiest time this year was between l l PM on July 4th and about 2:30 AM on July 5"'and that more effort would be provided during that time frame next year. Debbie Raplee thanked Police and Fire for doing an excellent job in a short period of time and noted that the week prior to July 4°'was very quiet this year. Debbie Ranniger agreed that overall it was a good first effort. Th eet' adjourned at 6:11 PM. Jo AmOson Public Safety Committee Minutes 2 July 15,2004