HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 08/19/2004 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES
August 19,2004
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Debbie Raplee,Les Thomas,Deborah Ranniger,Chair
• The meeting was called to order by Deborah Ranniger at 5:03PM.
• Tim Clark served on the committee due to Debbie Raplee's absence
• Chair Ranniger asked for additions or changes to the agenda. There were none.
1. Approval of Minutes of duly 15,2004
Les Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the June 17,2004 meeting.
The motion was seconded and passed 3-0.
2. 2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant(LLEBG)-ACCEPT
Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the history of this type of grant and the proposed use of the
current grant.
Les Thomas moved to recommend the Council authorize the Kent Police Department
to accept the 2004 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of$25,461.00
and placing this on the Consent Calendar for the September 7,2004 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded and passed 3-0.
3. Homeland Securitv Update—INFORMATION ONLY
Chief Ed Crawford,Chair of the King County Emergency Management Advisory
Committee,reviewed some key elements of the Homeland Security grant funding
and introduced Captain Mike Painter.Mike Painter,Chair of the Regional Homeland
Security Sub-Committee,updated the committee members on the current Region 6 funding
process,timelines,and opportunities.
4. Mitigation Plan Update—INFORMATION ONLY
Battalion Chief Pat Pawiak reviewed the City of Kent's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan for
the committee members and stated that Washington State Emergency Management is
reviewing the Mitigation Plan,will give suggestions in any deficient areas and it will then
be presented to the Kent City Council in the form of a resolution for adoption. Chief Jim
Schneider introduced Kimberly Resor to the committee members and thanked her for her
work on the Mitigation Plan.
5. Regulating Motorized Wheeled Transportation Devices Ordinance-ADOPT
City Attorney Tom Brubaker reviewed the alternatives provided to certain sections of the
proposed ordinance as directed at the last Public Safety Committee meeting.
See.9.144.070. Noise
Tim Clark moved to remove this section from the proposed ordinance. Motion failed.
Debbie Ranniger moved to accept Alternative No. 1. Les Thomas seconded the
motion. The motion passed 2-1.
Sec.9.44.040. Age of Operator
Les Thomas moved to recommend the minimum age of sixteen(16). Motion failed.
Tim Clark moved to recommend the current proposed language with a minimum age
of thirteen(13). Debbie Ranniger seconded the motion. The vote was tabled by Chair
Ranniger until other sections were discussed.
Sec.9.44.020. Prohibited areas.
Tim Clark moved to accept Alternative No. 1. Debbie Ranniger seconded the motion
and made an amendment to Sub 1 to read,"Improved or natural surface recreational
trails,except paved trails". Les Thomas seconded the amendment. The motion passed
The discussion returned to Sec.9.44.040. Aze of operator.
Tim Clark moved to accept the current proposed language of thirteen (13). Debbie
Ranniger seconded the motion. The motion passed 2-1.
Sec.9.44.030. Times of operation.
Tim Clark moved to accept Alternative No.2 and made an amendment to Sub A by
removing"powered by a liquid fuel motor",to remove Sub B and to amend Sub C by
removing"or reflector".
Les Thomas asked for consideration of an alternative to Section 9.44.130. Violation—
Penalty,which was approved at the last meeting.
Tim Clark moved to recommend the Ordinance as approved and present it to City
Council. Debbie Ranniger seconded the motion. The motion passed 2-1.
The meeting adjourned at 6:37 PM.
3 Thompson
Public Safety Committee Minutes 1
July 15.2004