HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 10/21/2004 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES
October 21, 2004
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Debbie Raplee, Les Thomas,Deborah Ranniger, Chair
• The meeting was called to order by Deborah Ranniger at 5:11PM.
• Debbie Raplee's absence was excused by Chair Ranniger.
• Chair Ranniger asked for additions or changes to the agenda. There were two action items
and two informational items added by Chief Crawford.
1. Approval of Minutes of September 16,2004
Les Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the September 16,2004 meeting.
The motion was seconded and passed 3-0,with concurrence from Debbie Raplee.
2. Addendum—Agreement for Fire and Life Safety Services and Joint Operation of
Fire Chief Jim Schneider explained the effect of the lid lift increase which voters approved
in September.
Les Thomas moved to recommend placing the Addendum to the Agreement for Fire
and Life Safety Services and Joint Operation of Facilities with King County Fire
Protection District#37 on the Consent Calendar for the November 2,2004 Council
Meeting and authorizing the mayor to sign the agreement.
The motion was seconded and passed 3-0,with concurrence from Debbie Raplee.
3. Purchase of(1) medium duty aid vehicle—AUTHORIZE
Fire Chief Jim Schneider reviewed the vendor choice for the purchase of this unit.
Les Thomas moved to recommend placing the request to purchase one(1) medium
duty aid vehicle on the Consent Calendar of November 2,2004 Council Meeting and
authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract.
The motion was seconded and passed 3-0,with concurrence from Debbie Raplee.
4. City of Kent Local Hazard Mitigation Plan—ADOPT
Pat Pawlak, Fire Battalion Chief, explained the purpose of the plan. Also,the plan is
approved by FEMA and WSEMAC. Fire Chief Jim Schneider stated that this was a huge
task and he recognized the efforts of Pat Pawlak and Kimberly Resor.
Les Thomas moved to recommend adoption of the City of Kent Local Hazard
Mitigation Plan and also recommend the Council approves a resolution adopting the
Plan and placing this item on the Consent Calendar of the November 2,2004 Council
The motion was seconded and passed 3-0,with concurrence from Debbie Raplee.
Police Chief Ed Crawford commended the Kent Fire Department for their work on the Plan.
5. Department of Education Grant Award—ACCEPT
Police Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the proposed use of the grant funds and he recognized
the efforts of Debra LeRoy,Research& Development Analyst for the Kent Police.
Les Thomas moved to accept the U.S.Department of Education grant for the Kent
Police Department and placing this on the Consent Calendar for the November 2, 2004
Council Meeting,and to establish budget documents as needed.
The motion was seconded and passed 3-0,with concurrence from Debbie Raplee.
6. Neighborhood Block Watch Update—INFO ONLY
Police Chief Ed Crawford introduced Judi Mauhl, Public Education Specialist for the Kent
Police Department. Judi explained why neighborhood block watches work and answered
questions from the committee members. Chief Crawford and Pat Pawlak also spoke about
the formation of Citizen Corps and how other groups such as VIPS,CERT,Medical
Reserve Corps and Fire Reserve Corps will all work together in the future.
7. Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant—AUTHORIZE
Police Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the proposed use of the grant funds.
Les Thomas moved to recommend authorizing the Kent Police Department to apply
for the Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant in the amount of$3,500.00,and
placing this on the Consent Calendar for the November 2,2004 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded and passed 2-0. It later passed 3-0 with concurrence from
Debbie Raplee.
8. Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant—AUTHORIZE
Police Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the proposed use of the grant funds.
Les Thomas moved to recommend authorizing the Kent Police Department to apply
for the Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant in the amount of$3,500.00, and
placing this on the Consent Calendar for the November 2,2004 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded and passed 2-0. It later passed 3-0 with concurrence from
Debbie Raplee.
9. 2003 Crime Rates—Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs—INFO
Police Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the crime rates for the nine largest cities in the State.
10. 2004 Kent Police Department Focus Group Feedback—INFO ONLY
Police Chief Ed Crawford explained the feedback from a focus group regarding the Kent
Police Department's Strategic Plan.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.
Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
October 21,2004