HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 10/20/2005 CITY OF KENT
October 20, 2005
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Debbie Raplee, Les Thomas,Deborah Ranniger,Chair
• The meeting was called to order by Chair Deborah Ranniger at 5:05 PM.
• Chair Ranniger noted that two items would be added to the agenda.
1. Approval of Minutes
Les Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2005 meeting.
The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0.
2. Kim!County Community Organizing Program¢rant-ACCEPT
Police Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the proposed use of the grant funds.
Debbie Raplee moved to recommend that Council accept the King County Community
Organizing Program mini-grant in the amount of$2,000.00, and place this on the Consent
Calendar of the November 1,2005 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Les Thomas and passed 3-0.
3. Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Grant—ACCEPT
Police Chief Ed Crawford explained the proposed use of the grant funds.
Les Thomas moved to recommend that Council accept the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe grant
in the amount of$5,000.00 and place this on the Consent Calendar of the November 1,2005
Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0.
4. ADDED ITEM—Kent School District Agreement for One School Liaison Officer-
Police Chief Ed Crawford reviewed the purpose of the Agreement.
Debbie Raplee moved to recommend that Council approve the Kent School District
Agreement with the Kent Police Department for One School Liaison Officer, subject to
approval by the Law Department,authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement and place this
on the Consent Calendar of the November 1,2005 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Les Thomas and passed 3-0.
5. ADDED ITEM—Public Housine Safety Initiative Memorandum of Understanding-
Police Chief Ed Crawford explained the purpose of the MOU.
Les Thomas moved to recommend that Council approve the Public Housing Safety
Initiative Memorandum of Understanding with the Kent Police Department, subject to
approval by the Law Department, authorize signing of the agreement and place this on the
Consent Calendar of the November 1,2005 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0.
6. Bauer Breathing Air Compressors (2) purchase-AUTHORIZE
Fire Battalion Chief Pat Pawlak and Deputy City Attorney Patrick Fitzpatrick explained the
request to waive the bidding process due to the particular equipment to be purchased.
Debbie Raplee moved to recommend that Council authorize the Mayor to sign an
agreement for the purchase of two(2)Bauer Breathing Air Compressors at an approximate
cost of$107,991,subject to final terms and conditions as shall be approved by the City
Attorney,and place this on the Consent Calendar of the November 1,2005 Council
The motion was seconded by Les Thomas and passed 3-0.
7. ISG Thermal Systems Cameras (8)purchase—AUTHORIZE
Fire Battalion Chief Pat Pawlak and Deputy City Attorney Patrick Fitzpatrick explained the
request to waive the bidding process due to the particular equipment to be purchased.
Debbie Raplee moved to recommend that Council authorize the Mayor to sign an
agreement for the purchase of eight(8)ISG Thermal Systems Cameras at an approximate
cost of$93,153, subject to final terms and conditions as shall be approved by the City
Attorney,and place this on the Consent Calendar of the November 1,2005 Council
The motion was seconded by Les Thomas and passed 3-0.
8. State of Washington Military Department amendment—ACCEPT and AUTHORIZE
Fire Battalion Chief Pat Pawlak reviewed the amendment.
Les Thomas moved to recommend that Council accept the amendment to the Contract with
the State of Washington Military Department increasing the original grant monies,and that
the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the amended contract and place this on the
Consent Calendar of the November 1,2005 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0.
9. Regional Disaster Plan renewal—AUTHORIZE
Fire Battalion Chief Pat Pawlak explained the purpose of the renewal.
Debbie Raplee moved to recommend that Council authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal
of the Regional Disaster Plan Signatory Documentation and place this on the Consent
Calendar of the November 1,2005 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Les Thomas and passed 3-0.
10. Interlocal Agreement with the City of Covington—AUTHORIZE
Fire Battalion Chief Pat Pawlak explained the purpose of the agreement.
Les Thomas moved to recommend that Council authorize the Mayor to sign the renewal
Interlocal Agreement with the City of Covington for fire prevention services including plan
review and construction,permitting, and annual business inspections and place this on the
Consent Calendar of the November 1,2005 Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0.
11. Storm Ready Community—INFO ONLY
Fire Battalion Chief Pat Pawlak explained the recognition achieved by the City.
12.Update on Emergency Manaeement—INFO ONLY
Fire Battalion Chief Pat Pawlak reviewed Kent's Emergency Management assessment of the
City's level of preparedness.
The meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM.
Jo Tho son
Administrative Assistant
Kent Police Department
Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
October 20,2005