HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 09/19/2005PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 19, 2005 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Bruce White and Committee Members Ron Harmon and Debbie Raplee. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 P.M. Approval of Minutes Dated August 15, 2005 Committee Member Ron Harmon moved to approve the minutes of August 15, 2005. The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0. Montessori School Request to Lease City Property Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director, stated that the City is putting in a parking lot for the water tower and cell tower. The parking will be used by the City for trainings and event parking. The Montessori Plus school asked to lease the space when it was not being used by the City. The lease was brought before the Council and Council asked that the item be brought back to the committee for further discussion. Dana Ralph, 23307 98th Ave. South addressed the Committee stating her concerns over the lease. She stated the Hearing Examiner had found that 18 stalls would be sufficient for the Montessori School and she believes the findings should stand. Dick Kronick, 23307 98th Ave South stated he has owned property in this area for over 30 years. He was present at the hearings for the Montessori School and was told there would not be a problem with congestion. The Hearing Examiners said there would be no more then 18 parking stalls and the permits were issued with these findings. Sharlet McClurkin, Director of Montessori Plus School stated the Hearing Examiner allowed for 68 students at the school. With that number of students it would be beneficial to the students and parents if they could park for a short time when picking up and dropping of students. Staff take up approximately 6 or 7 spaces during the day the rest of the traffic is parents dropping off and picking up students. The school has investigated other options for parking but there are none close by. The school uses an offsite facility for large gatherings as to not have too many cars parking at the school. The school is being a good neighbor and concerned about the neighborhood traffic. Ron Harmon said he thought the City should pursue the parking lot and the Montessori School should go back to the Hearing Examiner and follow the process to have the parking spaces increased. It was suggested the issue be referred back to the Hearing Examiner to clarify his findings. Pat Fitzpatrick, Deputy City Attorney said the issue could be sent back to the Examiner and he could chose to re-interpret or not. Pat suggested the City Legal department could review the lease agreement along with the Hearing Examiners findings and report back to the Committee. The item was referred to the Legal Department for review. Kent Reservoirs Seismic Strengthening & Painting Project – Accept as Complete Tim LaPorte, Design Engineering Manger said this project consisted of the seismic retrofitting of three City of Kent water reservoirs. There were two change orders covering four revisions. The revisions were made to enhance the seismic survivability of the three reservoirs. The change resulted to an increase cost to the City of $7,375 the remainder of the cost was covered by the FEMA grant 2 Debbie Raplee moved to recommend the full Council acceptance of the project as complete upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens. The motion was seconded by Ron Harmon and passed 3-0. S. 277th Street Trail Filling and Grading Project – Accept as Complete Tim LaPorte, Design Engineering Manager said the trail is part of the S. 277th Street Corridor project. It was necessary to modify the plans and construct the retaining walls prior to paving the trail. The total cost for this project although over the original bid was less than the total amount estimated for the work. Ron Harmon moved to recommend full Council acceptance of the project as complete upon standard releases from the state and release of any liens. The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0. Fund Authorization Agreement for S. 228th St. BNSF Grade Separation Project Mark Madfai, Sr. Project Engineer said this grant agreement is for the preliminary engineering phase of the S. 228th St. BNSF Grade Separation project. Debbie Raplee moved to authorizing acceptance of the Fund Authorization Agreement for the S. 228th St. BNSF Grade Separation Project and authorize the establishment of the budget for same along with directing staff to spend the money accordingly. The motion was seconded by Ron Harmon and passed 3-0. Fund Authorization Agreement for Downtown Sidewalk Improvements Mark Madfai, Sr. Project Engineer said this grant agreement is for the preliminary engineering phase of the Downtown Sidewalk Improvements project. Ron Harmon moved to recommend authorizing acceptance of the Fund Authorization Agreement for the Downtown Sidewalk Improvements – Kent TOD Access Project and authorize the establishment of the budget for same along with directing staff to spend the money accordingly. The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0. Dept. of Community Trade and Economic Development Agreement for Emerging Issue Grant – Critical Areas Ordinance Appeal Kelly Peterson, Environmental Engineer stated the grant is in the amount of $10,000 and will be used to complete an analysis of the wetland classification adopted by the City of Kent vs. the Washington State Department of Ecology system. Debbie Raplee asked if the funds are accepted will this hinder the Council’s decision on the Critical Areas Ordinance. Kelly answered that accepting this grant would not obligate the Council to anything. Debbie Raplee moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development Emerging Issue Grant in the amount of $10,000 directing staff to accept the grant and establishing a budget for the funds to be spent within said project. The motion was seconded by Ron Harmon and passed 3-0. 3 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 - 2011 Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager presented the 2006-2011 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. Steve said this is an optimistic look at the projects and the projects listed in the top 10 have funding in hand. Ron Harmon asked if there was a way to move up projects # 29 and 30 the Meeker Street Widening. Steve explained that the projects could be moved up but there was still no funding for these projects. Larry Blanchard said the Transportation Master Plan was being developed and that would give staff a better evaluation of the projects and timelines. Ron Harmon said he just wanted to be sure these projects would not be dropped from the list. Ron Harmon moved to recommend the Public Works Committee forward the 2006 – 2011 Six – Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to full Council and set a Public Hearing before the City Council for October 4, 2005. The motion was seconded by Debbie Raplee and passed 3-0. 2005 Asphalt Overlay Change Order Tim LaPorte, Design Engineering Manager said the 2005 Asphalt Overlay project went very well, and came in approximately $29,000 under budget. Public Works decided to include the paving of the South 277th St. Trail to the existing 2005 Asphalt Overlay contract allowing the paving to be done this season. The additional cost to finish the trail will make the final change order $178,446.59. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 P.M. Janet Perschek Administrative Secretary III