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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 02/15/2005 K E,N OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 2005 Committee Members Present: Chair Tim Clark and Bruce White Julie Peterson.was absent. The meeting was called to order by Tim. Clark, Chair at 4:03 p.m. There were two (2) Add-On. Iteni.s. Item No. 3 was the Approval. of Inter-Agency Agreements with King County for Fire Stations 75 and 76; and. Item 4 was the Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2005 Grant. L APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 1., 2005 Bruce White moved to approve the minutes of the February 1., 2005, Operation Committee meeting. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 3-0, with Julie .Peterson's concurrence. 2. HEARTLAND LCC CONTRACT FOR 2005 Economic Development Manager Nathan Torgelson.presented the Heartland. LLC Coiitractl'br 2005. Mr. Torgelson, advised that the City has negotiated a 2005 contract with Heartland LLC for real estate advisory services. Heartland, led by Managing Director Jim Rei.11hardsen, was instrumental in the Kent Station purchase and sale agreement, development agreement and the CC&Rs negotiations, and with the negotiations for the sale of the hupoundnient R,eservoix Property. The City wishes to build on Heartland's expertise and experience with. the Kent market and downtown. Kent and use Heartland. to assist the City in 2005 with positioning the Kent Municipal Lot Block for, for additional advisory services related to the sale of the balance of the Kent Station property, and for other real estate matters. N41'. Torgelson further advised that this contract will be funded through part of the $100,000 Municipal Lot Block project fund allocated in the 2005 budget, and. through the Kent Station Project budget. Bruce White moved to recommend a contract with I leartland I LC not to exceed $75,000 for real estate advisory. Tim Clark seconded (lie inotion, 'i,hich passed 3-0, with Julie Peterson"s concurrence. Operations Committee Minutes February 1.5 2005 Page: 2 3. APPROVAL OF INTER-AGENCY LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH KING COUNTY FOR FIRE STATIONS 75 AND 76 (ADD ON ITEM) Fire Chief Jim, Schneider presented the Add-On item. of the Inter-Agency Lease Agreements between the City of Kent and King County for Medic One units at Fire Stations 75 and 76, Chief Schneider advised that these agreements were entered into based upon the need to add paramedic units to the Valley area (Station. 76) and to maintain. the current medic unit at Station 75 (near Soos Creek). The attached agreements are annual agreements which renew every two years and are identical, to the previous agreements except the monthly lease fee was increased by CPI and the term of the agreement was extended (years 2005 through 2006). The attached agreements have received approval from the City.Attorney's office. Bruce White moved to recommend placing the renewal of lease agreements with King County on the Consent Calendar of the March 1, 2005 Council Meeting and authorizing the Mayor to sign the two (2) agreements. Tim Clark seconded the motion, which passed 3-0, with Julie Peterson's concurrence. 4. BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE FY 2005 GRANT Police Chief Ed Crawford presented the Add.-On item to request the Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2005 Grant. Chief Crawford stated that the City of Kent's allocation for FY 2005 is $48,260. The grant funds would support crime investigations with the purchase of equipment, supplies and training. There is no city funding match required, although the grant program encourages aiiiatch. The grant application must be available for review no less than 30 days prior to the dead-line of March 31, 2005. There is no budget impact for this grant and. the grant program replaces the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG), Bruce White moved to recommend the Council authorize the Kent Police Department to apply for the Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2005 Grant and placing this on the Consent Calendar of the March 1, 2005 Council Meeting. Tim Clark seconded the motion,which passed 3-0, with Julie Peterson's concurrence. The meetingwas adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Renee Cameron Operations Committee Secretary 2