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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 06/16/2005
Parks and Human Services Committee Minutes
June 16, 2005
Committee members present: Deborah Ranniger, Debbie Raplee, Tim Clark
The Kent City Council Parks and Human Services Committee meeting was called to order by
Deborah Ranniger at 4:10 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes
Clark moved to approve the Parks and Human Services Committee meeting minutes of
the May 19, 2005. Raplee seconded. The motion passed 3-0.
2. 2005 Public Art Projects - Approve
Brenda Abney, Visual Arts Coordinator, announced that three public art projects were
approved by City Council as part of the 2005 City Art Plan. The proposals were reviewed
and finalists were selected by an art panel. The Kent Arts Commission approved the
panel's selection of the following artists:
1. East Hill Skate Park. Artist: Michael Whiting designed free-standing three piece cut
metal sculptures reflecting a skate park theme. The largest design is a skate boarder
made of colored pixel-looking cut metal blocks. The metal will weather, giving a
patina effect. The artist has also designed metal gates for the park entrance and for the
restrooms, metal sculptures of both genders signifying unisex bathrooms -
2. Service Club Ball Park. Artist: Lea Anne Lake designed three cut metal etched
aluminum columns with rounded bases, topped with baseball figures which can be
illuminated from inside revealing sports-oriented sayings - $15,000.00.
3. Titus Railroad Park Mural: Artist Mary Iverson designed a new mural for the building
reflecting a train theme. It was approved by the building owner. The mural features a
bright and boldly painted design that has the appearance of winding railroad tracks
and rail cars - $10,000.00.
Brenda noted that the decision to provide unisex bathrooms was to accommodate the
availability of restrooms to both genders at all times, to eliminate lines, and to make it
more comfortable for mothers using the restroom with small boys.
Raplee moved to recommend approving the proposals for public art projects at East Hill
Skate Park, Service Club Ball Park and Titus Railroad Park and entering into agreements
with the selected artists. Clark seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
3. Greater Seattle Intergroup 2005 Lease Agreement with Kent Commons - Authorize
Superintendent Lori Hogan stated that Federal funding for Kent Commons required the
premises be used by Human Service agencies with a 25-year obligation, which expires in
Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2005
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2006. Alcoholic's Anonymous bookstore rents 107.8 square feet of office space and is the
last remaining tenant in the building. A master plan to remodel the available space for
city staff and/or expanded programs is scheduled for 2006. To keep the space available to
the city, the lease termination has been amended as follows: the ending date has been
changed from February 28, 2006 to December 31, 2005, and after December 31, 2005,
the lease will be on a month-to-month basis.
Clark moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement with Greater
Seattle Intergroup to lease office space at Kent Commons. Raplee seconded. Motion
passed 3-0.
4. 2005 Interlocal Agreement for Waterfowl Management - Authorize
Superintendent Lori Flemm expressed that the goal of the Waterfowl Management
Program is to reduce and/or alleviate property damage and human health and safety
concerns from waterfowl. This includes contamination of potable water and recreation
areas within King County. Each year the Interlocal Agreement must be renewed and
authorized by each city involved in the agreement with the Wildlife Services Program of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Participating agencies are: City of Bellevue, City of
Kent, City of Kirkland, City of Mercer Island, City of Mountlake Terrace, City of
Renton, City of SeaTac, City of Woodinville, City of Seattle Department of Parks and
Recreation, University of Washington, USDA Wildlife Services, and USDI Fish and
Wildlife Service.
Raplee moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the 2005 Interlocal
Agreement for Waterfowl Management. Clark seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
5. Soroptomist Donation for Service Club Park - Accept and Amend Budget
Director John Hodgson shared that the construction of the Service Club Park has brought
local service clubs together. The Soroptomist International Club of Kent pledged
$37,500.00 to support the Service Club Park. Local Service Clubs have pledged
$140,000.00 towards construction of the ball fields and $37,500.00 for play equipment.
To recognize their contributions, ball fields and play equipment at the park will be named
for each club. Construction is to begin this week and games should begin by April.
Clark moved to recommend accepting the donation of $10,000.00 from Soroptomist
International Club for Service Club Park development and authorizing the expenditure of
funds in the Service Club Ball Fields budget. Raplee seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
6. West Fenwick Park Picnic Shelter/Restroom Consultant Agreement - Authorize
Superintendent Lori Flemm informed the Committee that the restroom building at Lake
Fenwick Park was damaged by arson fire in April 2004. Staff took this opportunity to re-
design the existing restroom and roofline to incorporate building applications that are
environmentally durable and vandal resistant, such as an extended covered picnic area
and a green roof system. The GreenGrid® roof system will provide insulation, storm
water retention, as well as an esthetically pleasing view from the homes above the park.
Parks and Human Services Committee Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2005
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The project is funded, in part, through a reimbursement from the insurance claim for the
Raplee moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the Consultant Agreement
with David A. Clark Architect, PLLC for West Fenwick Park picnic shelter/restroom
design and construction drawings, in the amount of $30,388.45. Clark seconded. Motion
passed 3-0.
7. Service Club Park Shelter/Concession/Restroom Consultant Agreement - Authorize
Superintendent Lori Flemm reported that the Service Club Park project master plan was
approved by City Council December 14, 2004. Park staff made the decision to advertise
the park construction and shelter construction separately. The design will incorporate a
concession stand, restroom facilities and picnic areas all under one roof. The consultant
was chosen from the City's Statement of Qualifications Roster.
Clark moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the Consultant Agreement
with David A. Clark Architect, PLLC for Service Club Park concession stand/picnic
shelter/restroom design and construction drawings, in the amount of $47,796.97. Raplee
seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
8. Aquatic/Recreation Facility Feasibility Study Consultant Agreement - Authorize
Director John Hodgson explained that a feasibility study is necessary to provide options
relating to a possible aquatic/recreation facility in Kent. GreenPlay, LLC was selected
from fourteen consulting firms to assist with the feasibility study.
The scope of services includes formulating focus groups in July and a survey going out to
the community in July/August. A final review involving survey results, planning and cost
analysis, an action plan and schedule will be conducted in September and reported to
Committee and Council in November. Funding is supplied by budget allocations
identified for a study of Van Doren's Landing Park, which will be re-scheduled for next
Raplee moved to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign the Consultant Agreement
with GreenPlay, LLC for the pool/recreation feasibility study and community survey in
the amount of $67,000.00. Clark seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Teri Petrole
Parks and Human Services Committee Secretary