HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/15/1986 1 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 15, 1986 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Ward at 9: 15 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15, 1986, in the Council Chambers. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Raymond Ward, Chairman Robert Badger Richard Foslin Chuck Lambert Linda Martinez Jill Spier Nancy Rudy COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Anderson, excused James Byrne, absent PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Project Planner Bruce Creager, Associate Planner Ed Heiser, Assistant Planner • Lois Ricketts, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Rudy asked to have her MINUTES FOR JUNE 17, 1986 "-"'�absence changed to "excused" for the June 17, 1986, minutes. Com- missioner Rudy MOVED to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner 4 Badger SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. DESIGN COMMITTEE It was suggested that Jill Spier contact Mayor Kelleher regarding the membership of the Design Com- mittee. i HOME OCCUPATIONS The City Council is scheduled to hear the Planning Commission's recommenda- tion regarding Home Occupations on July 21 , 1986. PROPOSED ZERO LOT LINE DEVELOPMENT Chairman Ward opened the public hearing. Randy Brealey, 10910 NE 66th Place, Kirkland, spoke regarding the site • at SE 248th east of the Kent Shires property. He has owned ten acres for four years, and he has a purchase option on an adjacent five-acre parcel . I i Kent Planning Commission Minutes . July 15, 1986 The ten-acre parcel is zoned MRG, Garden Density Multifamily Residential , and the adjacent parcel has been annexed to the City and is zoned R1-20. This five- acre parcel is designated as a high density Single Family Residential , or four to six units per acre. He wishes to build a project under the zero lot line format on the entire 15-acre site. He felt that this would meet a housing need that is lacking at the present time, and it would be an economically viable project for the developers and builders. It is a new type of housing for this area, but it is common in other parts of the country. There are many types of solutions, but he has tried to expand his original plan to include a number of other ways to fulfill the same needs. It is easier to design one project than to define a complete set of standards that must "blanket" that product. He felt that the end result would be a very workable set of standards that would result in some very attractive housing which is not presently available in Kent. If a person does not have any children yet, or their children are grown and gone from the home, or if the person lives alone, this housing would give these persons their own homes which could be financed independently of the other owners. The builder would not have to build one before a mortgage could be obtained, nor would the builder be required to build fifty or a hundred as a requirement for a condominium development. Each home would have its own yard, and it is fee simple. He felt that this is more efficient use of the land than general single family standards, yet it provides many of the benefits of single family home ownership. He expressed a desire for a recommendation to the Council to adopt a set of standards for this type of development. Commissioner Lambert asked why he couldn't build this design under the present zoning. Mr. Brealey responded that it was because he could not obtain a fee-simple lot with less than 7,200 square feet. The project could be built as condominiums, but at least 50 percent of the condominiums must be sold before one sale could be closed. Commissioner Martinez MOVED that Chapter 15.08.280 Zero Lot Line Development be entered into the minutes. Commissioner Foslin SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Heiser suggested that the hearing be continued until the next regularly sched- uled meeting to discuss specific changes. Chairman Ward suggested that the changes which had been discussed at the workshop be presented so that the decision could be made at this hearing. Commissioner Rudy MOVED that C3 and 4 be deleted. In C7 the word "Dwelling" should be deleted. It will read as follows: d. One side 0 feet e. Other side 15 feet • In C8 change the word "Dwellings" to "Structures." It will read as follows: 8. Distance between Structures - 15 feet minimum -2- Kent Planning Commission Minutes July 15, 1986 v In C9 delete "two and one half (2 112) stories" to read as follows: 9. Maximum Height - two stories, not exceeding 35 feet. In C10 add the following: 10. . . .Allow opaque openings or high-level windows (the latter above eight feet) . Where a wall is located on a lot line facing an open space, there is no restriction on openings. In item Clla strike the word "usable." It will read as follows: a. Concentrated in large areas and designed to provide either passive or active recreation. Add a C13 to include the following: There shall be no contiguous walls between units. In D Development Standards For Multifamily Zoning Districts item 3 and 4 are to be deleted. In D7 d and e, delete the word "Dwelling" in each. It will read: • d. One side 0 feet e. Other side 15 feet In D8 change "Dwellings" to "Structures." It will read as follows: 8. Distance Between Structures - 15 feet minimum In D9 delete "two and one half (2 112) stories" to read as follows: 9. Maximum Height - two stories, not exceeding 35 feet. In D10 add the following: 10. . . .Allow opaque openings or high-level windows (the latter above eight (8) feet. Where a wall is located on a lot line facing an open space, there is no restriction on openings. In Dlla delete the word "usable." It will read as follows: a. Concentrated in large areas and designed to provide either passive or active recreation. Add a C13 to include the following: • One wall may be contiguous between buildings. -3- Kent Planning Commission Minutes • July 15, 1986 Commissioner Badger SECONDED the motion that the previously stated amendments to Chapter 15 be entered into the record. Motion carried. Commissioner Spier MOVED to approve that document entered earlier into the record with the amendments that were previously stated. Commissioner Foslin SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Rudy MOVED to place the Kent Subdivision Code Amendments into the record. Commissioner Foslin SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. k Commissioner Rudy MOVED that Section 3.1 . 11 Zero Lot Line Subdivisions, section 2aii , Nonpublic Streets, be changed from 30 feet to 26 feet and that guest parking be provided at the rate of .5 guest parking space per dwelling unit beyond the normal parking provided at the dwelling. Discussion followed regarding the additional .5 parking space, where it would be located, why it was necessary, and what its effect would be. Mr. Brealey suggested a parking ratio of one additional parking space for each four dwelling units since he intended to provide each dwelling unit with a double garage. Mr. Badger suggested that there be a .5 stall for each unit in a designated place in the development for guest parking. Discussion continued concerning the .5 stall for each unit. At this point Commissioner Lambert SECONDED the motion on the floor. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Lambert MOVED to accept the Kent Subdivision Code Amendments as amended. Commissioner Badger SECONDED the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Lambert MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Spier SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ames P. Harris, ecretary • -4- */epresents added information represents deleted information CHAPTER 15.08.280 ZERO Of LINE DEVELOPMENT • A. Zero Lot Line Development - Where Permitted 1 . Zero lot line development may be permitted in the following zoning districts: R1-20 Single Family Residential R1-12 Single Family Residential R1-9.6 Single Family Residential R1-7.2 Single Family Residential MR-D Duplex Multifamily Residential MR-G Garden Density Multifamily Residential B. Permitted Uses 1 . Uses permitted in zero lot line developments shall be as outlined in the underlying zoning district. C. Development Standards For Single Family Zoning Districts 1 1 . Site area minimum - 5 acres 2. Minimum Lot Size - 3,600 square feet a o W n m 1 et Width _ 42 feet 5. Maximum Site Coverage - 50% I 6. Density - The density of a zero lot line development shall not exceed the density of the underlying zoning district. 7. Minimum Yard Requirements a. Front (Dwelling) 15 feet i b. Front (Garage) 20 feet C. Rear 8 feet d. One side ( ^"'^^' 0 feet e. Other side 1-�wel-l-a-ng) 15 feet tr ctpres 8. Distance Between S s - 15 feet minimum 1 two stories 9. Maximum Height - . ,e of exceeding 35 feet. • • 10. Openings Prohibited on the Zero Lot Line Side The wail of the dwelling located on the lot line shall have no windows, doors, air conditioning units, or any other type of openings, provided, however, that atriums or courts shall be permitted on the zero lot line side when the court or atrium is enclosed by three (3) walls of the dwelling unit and a solid wall of at least eight (8) feet in height is provided on the zero lot line. Said wall shall be constructed of the same material as exterior walls of the unit.-* Allow opaque openings or high-level windows (the latter above eight (8) feet) . Where a wall is located on a lot line facing an open space, 11 . Open Space there is no restriction on openings. Each zero lot line development shall provide not less than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross land area for common open space which shall be: a. Concentrated in large us ab! areas and designed to provide either passive or active recreation. b. If under one ownership, owned and maintainea by the ownership, or i . Held in common ownership by all of the owners of the development by means of a homeowners association. Such homeowners association shall be responsible for maintenance of the common open space. In the event that such open space • is not maintained in a reasonable manner, the City shall have the right to provide for the maintenance thereof, and bill the homeowners association accordingly. If unpaid, such bill shall be a lien against the homeowners association; or, ii. Dedicated for public use, if acceptable to the City of Kent or other appropriate public agency. a 12. Perimeter Buffer ' A ten (10) foot minimum width buffer strip will be rquired on all boundaries of the development. A kall, 100 percent sight-obscuring fence or landscape shall be established along all boundaries. The ten-foot buffer strip inside this sight-obscuring screen may be part of the lots or may be an area maintained by a home owner' s association. 4- 13. There shall be no contiguous walls between units. D. Development Standards For Multifamily Zoning Districts 1 . Site area minimum - 5 acres 2. Minimum Lot Size - 3,000 square feet • , _2_ . 5. Maximum Site Coverage - 50% 6. Density- The density of a zero lot line development shall not exceed t e density of the underlying zoning district. 7. Minimum Yard Requirements a. Front (Dwelling) 15 feet b. Front (Garage) 20 feet C. Rear 10 feet d. One side (Dwelling 0 feet e. Other side ( ing) 15 feet tr tures 8. Distance Between ''' - 15 feet minimum No stories 9. Maximum Height - not exceeding 35 feet. 10. Openings Prohibited on the Zero Lot Line Side The wall of the dwelling located on the lot line shall have no windows, doors, air conditioning units, or any other type of • openings, provided, however, that atriums or courts shall be permitted on the zero lot line side when the court or atrium is enclosed by three (3) walls of the dwelling unit and a solid wall of at least eight (8) feet in height is provided on the zero lot line. Said wall shall be constructed of, the same material as exterior walls of the unit.*Allow opaque openings or high-level windows (the latter above eight (8) feet) . Where a wall is located on a lot line facing an open space, 11 . Open Space there is no restriction on openings. Each zero lot line development shall provide not less than twenty (20) percent of the gross land area for common open space which shall be: a r a. Concentrated in large sae areas and designed to provide ' either passive or active recreation. b. If under one ownership, owned and maintained by the ownership, or i. Held in common ownership by all of the owners of the development by means of a homeowners association. Such homeowners association shall be responsible for maintenance of the common open space. In the event that such open space is not maintained in a reasonable manner, the City shall have the right to provide for the maintenance thereof, and bill the homeowners association accordingly. If unpaid, such bill shall be a lien aaainst the homeowners association; or, • ii. Dedicated for public use, if acceptable to the City of Kent or other appropriate public agency. 12. Perimeter Buffer A ten (10) foot minimum width buffer strip will be required on all boundaries of the development. A wall , 100 percent sight-obscuring fence or landscape screen shall be established along all boundaries. The ten foot buffer strip inside this sight-obscuring screen may be part of the lots or may be an area maintained by a home owner's association. 13. One wall may be contiguous between buildings. E. Platting Requirements Zero lot line subdivisions are subject to the procedures outlined in the Kent Subdivision Code. Section 3.1 .11 entitled Zero Lot Line Subdivisions specifically apply. • 0365P-18P -4- represents added information represents deleted information KENT SUBDIVISION CODE AMENDMENTS Section 3.1 .11 Zero Lot Line Subdivisions 1 . Zero lot line subdivisions shall be subject to the development standards outlined in the Kent zoning code. These standards include minimum lot size, width, depth, etc. 2. The following standards shall apply to zero lot line subdivision. In addition, the regulation of Section 3.1 .1 through 3.1 .11 shall apply unless specifically excepted. a. Streets, Curbs and Sidewalks i. Public Streets. In certain areas due to existing or planneo circulation systems it may be necessary for the City of Kent to require public rights-of-way to be provided within the development. When the provision of such rights-of-way is necessary the right-of-way width, paving width, and other standards shall be the same as would be required had the development not taken place. The perimeter buffering requirement shall be applied along these rights-of-way. ii . Nonpublic Streets. Ownership of private streets not open to • public circulation snail remain with a homeowners association and shall be their responsibility to maintain. These streets shall have asphaltic or concrete surface and concrete or asphalt curbing shall be provided along both sides of all streets except where curb cuts are necessary for driveways. The minimum paving width for all streets within the zero lot line development shall be 4~iia+•• (39) food twenty-six (26) feet, 1 and that guest parking be provided at the rate of .5 guest parking space per dwelling unit beyond the normal parking provided at the dwelling. b. Installation of Utilities. All utilities designed to serve the development shall e placed underground. Any utilities located in a planting strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the Public Works Department; such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material . Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Engineering Department. i. Sanitary Sewers. Sanitary sewers shall be provided at no cost to the City and designed in accordance with City standards. • ii. Storm Drainage. An adequate drainage system shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water. Cross drains shall be provided to accommodate all natural water flow and shall be of sufficient length to permit full width roadway and required slopes. The size openings to be provided shall be determined by Talbot's formula, but in no case shall be less than twelve (12) inches. All mobile home parts must comply with City drainage ordinances. iii. Water System. The water distribution system including the location of fire hydrants shall be designed and installed in accordance with City standards as defined by Engineering and Fire Department ordinances and requirements. iiii . Electrical Hook-ups. All electrical hook-ups shall comply with the National Electrical Code. Permits shall be obtained from the Washington State Electrical Inspection Division. .7 a a I 0368P-18P -2-