HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 02/24/1987 • KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 24, 1987 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Byrne at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 24, 1987, in the Council Chambers. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: James Byrne, Chairman Robert Badger, Vice Chairman Anne Biteman Linda Martinez Nancy Rudy Raymond Ward COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Jill Spier, absent Carol Stoner, excused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Project Planner • Ed Heiser, Assistant Planner Lois Ricketts, Recording Secretary PARKS DEPARTMENT Barney Wilson, Parks Director APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Rudy MOVED and Commissioner MINUTES FOR JANUARY 28, 1987 Biteman SECONDED a motion to approve the January 28, 1987, minutes as presented. Motion carried. BRISCOE PARK Mr. Satterstrom presented the request SMV# 87-1 by the Kent Parks and Recreation Department for a variance from the Kent Shoreline Master Program to allow an impervious surface within 200 feet of the Green River. The proposed develop- ment includes a passive park with a boat ramp, picnic benches, barbecue pits, rest area and other amenities. Trail improvements would include approximately 2.1 lineal miles of asphalt walkways which would be ten feet in width. The sub- ject property is located on the east side of the Green River between 212th Street and the Kent/Tukwila city limits. The Briscoe Park site is nine acres in size and is zoned MA, Industrial Agricultural , and Ml , Industrial Park. • The Planning Department has found that the variance is necessary to allow public access to the river. The hardship which serves as a basis for granting the var- iance is specifically related to the subject property and is a consequence of Kent Planning Commission Minutes February 24, 1987 • the direct application of the Shoreline Master Program. Granting the variance would be in harmonywith the general purpose and intent of the Shoreline Master 9 P P Program. Providing access to the river' s edge and the shoreline area is one of the foremost objectives of the Shoreline Master Program. Granting the variance request would be in the best interests of the public and would not cause any harm to the shoreline environment. The Planning Department recommends approval of the variance from the requirements of the Shoreline Master Program. Commissioner Badger expressed concern about the flooding which took place in November 1986. He noticed that water had reached the top of the picnic tables in the area south of 212th Street. He wondered if the meander area would be affected. Mr. Wilson responded that he had not viewed this area during the period of high water, but Van Doren s Landing had been developed with the flooding problem in mind and it appeared to have sustained no damage in November. Briscoe Park boat ramp would be placed in the area where the current is slack. Regarding the effect of asphalt on runoff, he responded that 50 percent of the runoff would go into the river and 50 percent would go to the landward side. Commissioner Ward asked to have consideration given to the use of natural material in place of asphalt. Mr. Wilson explained that this is a major trail system which will eventually link the Duwamish River with the Green River Gorge. Asphalt has been proved to be maintenance free. Landscaping would be provided to buffer the river environment from adjacent industrial uses. Mr. Wilson expressed appre- ciation to the Uplands for the donation of the Briscoe Meander site. • Linda Weaver, Uplands Industries, 16400 Southcenter Parkway, Tukwila, supported the proposed project stating that many employees use the area. She understood that the dike was in good shape. Commissioner Badger MOVED to approve the granting of the variance from the Kent Shoreline Master Program to allow an impervious surface within 200 feet of the Green River. Commissioner Martinez SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE Mr. Satterstrom presented the proposal WEST HILL SUBAREA PLAN MAP to change the West Hill Subarea Plan Map designation for tax lots 20, 77, and 162 in Section 22-22-4 from SF-1 , Single Family one unit per acre, and SF-3, Single Family 2-3 units per acre, to Multifamily 12-24 units per acre. The three lots cover approximately six acres and are currently undeveloped. The property was annexed to the City in 1958 and was zoned R-3, Low Density Multifamily Residential . With adoption of the new zoning code in 1973, the property was designated MRM, Medium Density Multifamily Residential . In October 1986 the zoning on tax lot 77 was changed to MRG in conjunction with the West Hill implementation zoning project. According to the existing West Hill Plan Map, the site is designated for single family residential land use with a "Constrained Area" overlay in the area of the steep slopes, which range • from 45 to 75 percent. This portion of the site is undevelopable under Zoning Code, Water Quality and Hazard Development regulations. -2- Kent Planning Commission Minutes • February 24, 1987 Ordinance #2670 which implemented zoning for the West Hill Plan also directed the Planning Department to initiate a plan map amendment on the subject site which would bring the plan into conformance with the City Council 's finding that the site is appropriate for expansion of multifamily residential development. The MRG and MRM zoning classifications are consistent with the Multifamily 12-24 plan designation since the permitted densities of these zones are 16 and 23 units per acre, respectively. The Planning Department recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council a West Hill Plan Map designation of Multifamily 12-24 for the subject site. In addition, staff recommends that the "Constrained Area" overlay designation be retained in its present configuration on the site. Concern was expressed about the retention of foliage and the risk of washout. Mr. Satterstrom responded that the Planning Department would address all the impacts, including erosion and other potential soils problems, through the environmental review process and take whatever mitigating measures were felt necessary to protect the downslope properties as well as the surrounding properties. Commissioner Ward MOVED to close the public hearing. Commissioner Badger SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. • Commissioner Rudy MOVED to accept the staff's recommendation on the proposed amendment to the West Hill Subarea Plan Map. Commissioner Biteman SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Harris presented the change of Council meetings from Monday evenings to Tuesday evenings beginning in March 1987. Commissioner Badger MOVED to adopt Monday evenings as the new meeting night. Commissioner Rudy SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Martinez MOVED to amend the Bylaws of the Planning Commission of the City of Kent, Section 6, paragraph A, to state Monday at 7:30 p.m instead of Tuesday. Commissioner Rudy SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. A workshop will be held on Monday, March 23, but no public hearing will be held in March. ` ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Martinez MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Ward SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • o•-ram,.-•� ames arris, Se retary L-