HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 10/28/1996 CITY OF y Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing October 28, 1996 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Steve Dowell at 7.00 p.m. on October 28, 1996, in Chambers West of Kent City Hall LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT. Steve Dowell, Chair Brad Bell, Vice Chair Thomas Brotherton Jerry Daman Ronald Harmon Gloria LaBore David Malik LAND USE &PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Hams. Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill. Senior Planner Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL OF JULY 22. 1996 MINUTES Board member Brad Bell MOVED to approve the minutes from the July 22 meeting. The motion was SECONDED by Board member Jerry Daman Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None. fNOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Director James Hams informed the Board that the November Planning Board workshop will be moved to Tuesday, November 12 due to the Veteran's Day holiday. The next public hearing is scheduled for Monday,November 25, 1996. 220 4th AVE SO I KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 • #ZCA-96-5 MIXED USE ZONING (K. O'Neill) Chair Steve Dowell discussed the issue regarding some of the Board members owning property within the area being considered for mixed use zoning. The City of Attorney's Office determined that it is legal for the Board members to participate in tlus vote Chair Dowell expressed his concern regarding his ability to remain impartial hearing this item due to the fact he personally owns property within the area considered for mixed use zoning. Dowell declined to participate in the mixed use hearing and stepped down leaving Vice Chair Brad Bell to preside. Vice Chair Brad Bell felt uncomfortable presiding over the mixed use item having a vested interest in property within the study area and also stepped down. In the absence of a Chair and the Vice Chair, Bell instructed the remaining members to select an acting chair. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 After little discussion, Board member Jerry Daman MOVED and Board member Tom Brotherton SECONDED the motion to select Ron Harmon as the "acting" Chair. The motion carried unanimously. Acting Chair Ron Harmon asked staff to begin their presentation. Planning Director Jim Harris • explained that this item has been previously heard during the Land Use and Planning Board Workshops and notices were mailed to property owners notifying them of this hearing Mr. Harris introduced Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill. Mr. O'Neill presented background information regarding mixed use zoning. He explained that the Kent Comprehensive Plan promotes mixed use activity centers and designates certain areas in the city for mixed use development. There are three areas designated for mixed use in the Comprehensive Plan within the City. These areas include sites on West Meeker Street and Washington Avenue North, North Central Avenue between James Street and SR-167, and a large area along 104th Avenue SE from 235th to 264th including an area down Kent-Kangley. He explained that there are several goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan which support mixed use development In order to implement these policies, amendments must be made to the City's Zoning Code. The proposed amendments would change the zoning in specific areas to allow mixed use development and/or residential development. The amendments would also affect permitted uses, development standards, and design review. All the areas selected for mixed use are presently zoned for commercial use. The areas along West Meeker Street and North Central are zoned General Commercial (GC), while the area along 104th Avenue SE is zoned Community Commercial (CC) and Office (0). Currently, residential uses are neither allowed as a principal use nor as a conditional use in the GC zone Mr. O'Neill explained that staff is proposing three alternatives which could allow mixed use development. ` • 2 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 • Alternative 1 would be to amend the existing text for the GC, CC, and the O zoning districts. The amendments would allow mixed use or residential uses as a principally permitted use, and would recommend different development standards. Mr. O'Neill pointed out that there are areas in the city which are zoned GC, CC, and O that are not designated as mixed use in the comprehensive plan and typically any zoning text amendment would affect all areas which had that zoning designation. He explained that this alternative could result in zoning changes applying to an overly broad area. Alternative 2 would establish a new Mixed Use Zoning District. This alternative would amend the zoning text and the zoning map by creating new zoning districts for the areas designated as mixed use in the comprehensive plan. Mr O'Neill explained that this alternative would have the advantage of creating an entirely new set of regulations for these districts, which would clearly indicate a new direction for development in these areas. Problems anse with existing commercial uses that are not compatable with residential uses as well as a potential to create a number of noncomforming uses. Alternative 3 would establish a mixed use "overlay" district. A zoning overlay combines features of both a zoning text amendment and a zoning map amendment. The proposed overlay would change the permitted uses and development standards of the General Commercial, • Community Commercial, and Office district It would only apply to the areas defined within the overlay With this alternative, Mr O'Neill explained that the proposed zoning overlay could be applied to the entire area designated as mixed use, or could be applied to only part of the area designated for mixed use development. Staff recommends Alternative 3 and as a first phase, the overlay not include all of the area designated as mixed use in the comprehensive plan. Mr. O'Neill also recommended developing specific criteria in designating boundaries of the overlay area. The specific criteria is outlined in the staff report. Using the criteria outlined Mr. O'Neill illistrated the staff recommended boundaries (map labelled Attachment C in staff report). The underlying zoning designations would still apply except for specific changes to permitted uses and development standards. Again parcels outside the overlay boundary would not be affected. } O'Neill explained that mixed use refers to both mixed use buildings and mixed use developments A mixed use development might contain residential uses in a building or buildings separate from buildings which contain commercial uses. Mr. O'Neill also expained the different designations in the Comprehensive Plan allowing and disallowing residential development outright. Staff is recommending changing the development standards for the Floor Area Ratio (FAR), building height, lot coverage, setbacks and offstreet parking Mr. O'Neill explained that all these standards would be reduced for a mixed use development in order to encourage new mixed use developments. 40 3 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning 4ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 The policies in the comprehensive plan also state that design review will be implemented for new development in these areas. The design review process is particularly important in a mixed use development to ensure compatability of the residential and commercial uses. Mr. O'Neill outlined the recommended design guidelines to be considered during an administrative review process. Acting Chair Ron Hannon OPENED the public hearing. Heath Harris, 1230 South 336th Street, Suite F, Federal Way, WA 98003. Mr. Heath is a commercial real estate agent who is attending this meeting on behalf of the property owners of four adjacent parcels located at the southeast corner of 102nd Avenue SE and SE 235th. Mr. Heath indicated that he and his clients are in favor of the mixed use zoning. He requested that the Board that they look hard at the site in quesiton. The parcels are all presently zoned Community Commercial. Mr. Heath explained several problems dealing with site access and little or no visibility. He indicated that a mixed use development could open up opportunities that weren't already there. His clients would ultimately like to develop the site as multifamily outright but concedes that mixed use is a step in the right direction. • Dick Coltran, 1720 Edwards Court,Bellingham, WA 98226. Mr. Coltran owns property at 10817 Kent Kangley Road, Kent, WA 98031. Mr Coltran's property is approximately two acres and he would like to develop this property. He is pleased with what he has heard regarding the mixed use proposal. He is concerned with whether or not you could have separate building developments. He indicated that you need to have an ability to separate the developments. (Separate the commercial and the residential) He questioned how this situation would occur. Mr. Coltran's parcels are currently zoned Office and he questioned if the commercial on his property would still be limited to Office and would retail be allowed? He very much likes the idea of mixed use and thinks it gives a great deal of flexibility for his propery. He indicated that this could be very beneficial. Acting Chair Ron Hannon asked for any additional input from the public. There were no more requests to speak. Board member Jerry Daman MOVED and Board member Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. The motion carved. Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill addressed the questioned that were presented during public's testimony. Mr. O'Neill clarified that the proposal allows mixed use development. Which allows development to be in separate buildings on a particular site. He indicated that the consideration to • 4 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 allow multifamily residential uses outright in the Easthill area would not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr O'Neill further explained that there is no revision that requires the development to be a mixed use development. The properties could still be developed within the current uses (Office, GC, CC). Mr. O'Neill offered an opportunity to get with Mr. Coltran to inform him of the allowed uses in the Office zone. Board member Tom Brotherton questioned whether there was any limitation or concern with having the mixed use development spread over a period of time. Brotherton questioned whether the developer would have to committ to a plan. Mr O'Neill explained that on Easthill it would be important for the developer to committ to a plan expecially since stand alone residential would not be allowed. Mr. O'Neill explained that in order to allow the mixed use development to happen in the Easthill area particularly staff would have to be certain that it would indeed be a mixed use development. The applicant would have to show a clear obligation to build both components of the development. Mr. O'Neill indicated thhat it would not be as big of a concern in the Valley areas because stand alone residential and stand alone commercial would both be allowed Acting Chair Ron Hannon reopened the public hearing to allow for rebuttal testimony. He asked the public if they had any input. Steve Dowell, 4301 Glenwood Lane, Kent, WA. Mr. Dowell addressed the issue of firmer development standards in the Commercial zones if the parcels designated for mixed use are developed commercial outright. He voiced his concern with the ability to toughen development standards from what is allowed outright today. Mr O'Neill outlined the recommended standard changes and clarified that the reason behind staff recommending reducing standards for stand alone commercial in a mixed use overlay zone is solely being done to promote mixed use activity. He explained that the Board has the option to recommend to Council to keep the stand alone commercial standards at what they are today Chair Ron Harmon MOVED and Board member David Malik SECONDED a motion to re-open the public hearing. Motion carried. Bill Keppler, 9654 Rainier Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98118. Mr. Keppler owns a small piece of property in the Valley and believes it is important to get the maximum lot coverage and the least setback requirements. He is against any changes that would reduce the current stand alone commercial standards. 5 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 Heath Harris asked for further clarification of lot coverage and questioned whether there would be a fixed ratio used to determine the allowable mix of residential to commerical. Dick Coltran questioned the abililty to subdivide the different uses for future sale. Jack Olson, 26220 108th Avenue SE, Kent, WA 98031 Mr. Olson is concerned with whether he will have the ability to develop his property. He feels mixed use could allow him better flexibilty and an opportunity to build marketably Board member Tom Brotherton MOVED and Board member Jerry Daman SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Mr. O'Neill addressed Mr. Keppler's question regarding lot coverage. He explained that the proposed amendment would reduce lot coverage to 25% from 40% for stand alone commercial. He also stated that setbacks would be less restrictive. Mr O'Neill explained that the Binding Site Plan process segmentation that divides condiminiums for individual sale and suggested a similar process when subdividing for future sale. Mr O'Neill explained that the office zone would allow some retail use and the retail use is expandable with a conditional use permit. • Board member Tom Brotherton MOVED to continue the deliberations to the November 25, 1996 Planning Board meeting at 7.00 p in The motion was SECONDED by Board member David Malik. Motion carried. #ZCA-96-6 SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS(F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom explained that the single family development standards had been recently amended by Ordinances 3268 and 3290. Mr. Satterstrom explained that it was staff s intention to reduce the standards and promote in-fill development. The single family zoning districts were renamed establishing maximum permitted density. A problem was brought to the attention of the Planning Department when an applicant tried to subdivide and couldn't. Staff is recommending to calculate the maximum permitted density without rounding. Mr Satterstrom described the individual changes as referenced in the staff report. He also clarified that the reason no change was recommended for the SR-1 zone was that tlus zone was not effected. Chair Steve Dowell asked the Board if there were any questions for Mr. Satterstrom. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED and Board member Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to open the public hearing. Motion carried. • 6 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 Jim Flick, 9408 S 218th Street. Mr. Flick described his situation and explained that he is currently unable to subdivide his property. He requested that the Board make a recommendation to accept staffs proposed changes. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED to close the public hearing. The motion was SECONDED by Board member Tom Brotherton Motion carried. Ron Harmon MOVED to recommend to City Council that they approve the staff recommended changes to the maximum permitted densities in the single family zones The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Brad Bell. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully, w , J es P Harris Recor ing Secretary • 7 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Famdly Development Standards r - r -CITY OF Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing October 28, 1996 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Steve Dowell at 7:00 p.m. on October 28, 1996, in Chambers West of Kent City Hall. LAND USE&PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Dowell, Chair Brad Bell, Vice Chair Thomas Brotherton Jerry Daman Ronald Harmon Gloria LaBore David Malik LAND USE&PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom,Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Teresa Beener,Administrative Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL OF Ji TL Y 22, 1996 MINUTES Board member Brad Bell MOVED to approve the minutes from the July 22 meeting. The motion was SECONDED by Board member Jerry Daman. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Director James Harris informed the Board that the November Planning Board workshop will be moved to Tuesday, November 12 due to the Veteran's Day holiday. The next public hearing is scheduled for Monday,November 25, 1996. 220 4th AVE.SO, /KENT,WASHINGTON 99032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 � - y Land Use and Planning BoaMinutes 0 October 28, 1996 a #ZCA-96-5 MIXED USE ZONING(K. O'Neill) Chair Steve Dowell discussed the issue regarding some of the Board members owning property within the area being considered for mixed use zoning. The City of Attorney's Office determined that it is legal for the Board members to participate in this vote. Chair Dowell expressed his concern regarding his ability to remain impartial hearing this item due to the fact he personally owns property within the area considered for mixed use zoning. Dowell declined to participate in the mixed use hearing and stepped down leaving Vice Chair Brad Bell to preside. Vice Chair Brad Bell felt uncomfortable presiding over the mixed use item having a vested interest in property within the study area and also stepped down. In the absence of a Chair and the Vice Chair,Bell instructed the remaining members to select an acting chair. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 After little discussion, Board member Jerry Daman MOVED and Board member Tom Brotherton SECONDED the motion to select Ron Harmon as the "acting" Chair. The motion carried unanimously. Acting Chair Ron Harmon asked staff to begin their presentation. Planning Director Jim Harris explained that this item has been previously heard during the Land Use and Planning Board Workshops and notices were mailed to property owners notifying them of this hearing. Mr. Harris introduced Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill. Mr. O'Neill presented background information regarding mixed use zoning. He explained that the Kent Comprehensive Plan promotes mixed use activity centers and designates certain areas in the city for mixed use development. There are three areas designated for mixed use in the Comprehensive Plan within the City. These areas include sites on West Meeker Street and Washington Avenue North, North Central Avenue between James Street and SR-167, and a large area along 104th Avenue SE from 235th to 264th including an area down Kent-Kangley. He explained that there are several goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan which support mixed use development. In order to implement these policies, amendments must be made to the City's Zoning Code. The proposed amendments would change the zoning in specific areas to allow mixed use development and/or residential development. The amendments would also affect permitted uses, development standards, and design review. All the areas selected for mixed use are presently zoned for commercial use. The areas along West Meeker Street and North Central are zoned General Commercial (GC), while the area along 104th Avenue SE is zoned Community Commercial (CC) and Office (0). Currently, residential uses are neither allowed as a principal use nor as a conditional use in the GC zone. Mr. O'Neill explained that staff is proposing three alternatives which could allow mixed use development. 2 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 ti Alternative 1 would be to amend the existing text for the GC, CC, and the O zoning districts. The amendments would allow mixed use or residential uses as a principally permitted use, and would recommend different development standards. Mr. O'Neill pointed out that there are areas in the city which are zoned GC, CC, and O that are not designated as mixed use in the comprehensive plan and typically any zoning text amendment would affect all areas which had that zoning designation. He explained that this alternative could result in zoning changes applying to an overly broad area. Alternative 2 would establish a new Mixed Use Zoning District. This alternative would amend the zoning text and the zoning map by creating new zoning districts for the areas designated as mixed use in the comprehensive plan. Mr. O'Neill explained that this alternative would have the advantage of creating an entirely new set of regulations for these districts, which would clearly indicate a new direction for development in these areas. Problems arise with existing commercial uses that are not compatable with residential uses as well as a potential to create a number of noncomforming uses. Alternative 3 would establish a mixed use "overlay" district. A zoning overlay combines features of both a zoning text amendment and a zoning map amendment. The proposed overlay would change the permitted uses and development standards of the General Commercial, Community Commercial, and Office district. It would only apply to the areas defined within the overlay. With this alternative, Mr. O'Neill explained that the proposed zoning overlay could be applied to the entire area designated as mixed use, or could be applied to only part of the area designated for mixed use development. Staff recommends Alternative 3 and as a first phase, the overlay not include all of the area designated as mixed use in the comprehensive plan. Mr. O'Neill also recommended developing specific criteria in designating boundaries of the overlay area. The specific criteria is outlined in the staff report. Using the criteria outlined Mr. O'Neill illistrated the staff recommended boundaries (map labelled Attachment C in staff report). The underlying zoning designations would still apply except for specific changes to permitted uses and development standards. Again parcels outside the overlay boundary would not be affected. O'Neill explained that mixed use refers to both mixed use buildings and mixed use developments. A mixed use development might contain residential uses in a building or buildings separate from buildings which contain commercial uses. Mr. O'Neill also expained the different designations in the Comprehensive Plan allowing and disallowing residential development outright. Staff is recommending changing the development standards for the Floor Area Ratio (FAR), building height, lot coverage, setbacks and offstreet parking. Mr. O'Neill explained that all these standards would be reduced for a mixed use development in order to encourage new mixed use developments. 3 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning BoaRrMinutes ' October 28, 1996 s The policies in the comprehensive plan also state that design review will be implemented for new development in these areas. The design review process is particularly important in a mixed use development to ensure compatability of the residential and commercial uses. Mr. O'Neill outlined the recommended design guidelines to be considered during an administrative review process. Acting Chair Ron Hannon OPENED the public hearing. Heath Harris, 1230 South 336th Street, Suite F, Federal Way, WA 98003. Mr. Heath is a commercial real estate agent who is attending this meeting on behalf of the property owners of four adjacent parcels located at the southeast corner of 102nd Avenue SE and SE 235th. Mr. Heath indicated that he and his clients are in favor of the mixed use zoning. He requested that the Board that they look hard at the site in quesiton. The parcels are all presently zoned Community Commercial. Mr. Heath explained several problems dealing with site access and little or no visibility. He indicated that a mixed use development could open up opportunities that weren't already there. His clients would ultimately like to develop the site as multifamily outright but concedes that mixed use is a step in the right direction. Dick Coltran, 1720 Edwards Court,Bellingham,WA 98226. Mr. Coltran owns property at 10817 Kent Kangley Road, Kent, WA 98031. Mr. Coltran's property is approximately two acres and he would like to develop this property. He is pleased with what he has heard regarding the mixed use proposal. He is concerned with whether or not you could have separate building developments. He indicated that you need to have an ability to separate the developments. (Separate the commercial and the residential). He questioned how this situation would occur. Mr. Coltran's parcels are currently zoned Office and he questioned if the commercial on his property would still be limited to Office and would retail be allowed? He very much likes the idea of mixed use and thinks it gives a great deal of flexibility for his propery. He indicated that this could be very beneficial. Acting Chair Ron Harmon asked for any additional input from the public. There were no more requests to speak. Board member Jerry Daman. MOVED and Board member Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. The motion carried. Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill addressed the questioned that were presented during public's testimony. Mr. O'Neill clarified that the proposal allows mixed use development. Which allows development to be in separate buildings on a particular site. He indicated that the consideration to 4 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 allow multifamily residential uses outright in the Easthill area would not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr O'Neill further explained that there is no revision that requires the development to be a mixed use development. The properties could still be developed within the current uses(Office, GC, CC). Mr. O'Neill offered an opportunity to get with Mr. Coltran to inform him of the allowed uses in the Office zone. Board member Tom Brotherton questioned whether there was any limitation or concern with having the mixed use development spread over a period of time. Brotherton questioned whether the developer would have to committ to a plan. Mr. O'Neill explained that on Easthill it would be important for the developer to committ to a plan expecially since stand alone residential would not be allowed. Mr. O'Neill explained that in order to allow the mixed use development to happen in the Easthill area particularly staff would have to be certain that it would indeed be a mixed use development. The applicant would have to show a clear obligation to build both components of the development. Mr. O'Neill indicated thhat it would not be as big of a concern in the Valley areas because stand alone residential and stand alone commercial would both be allowed. Acting Chair Ron Harmon reopened the public hearing to allow for rebuttal testimony. He asked the public if they had any input. Steve Dowell, 4301 Glenwood Lane, Kent, WA. Mr. Dowell addressed the issue of firmer development standards in the Commercial zones if the parcels designated for mixed use are developed commercial outright. He voiced his concern with the ability to toughen development standards from what is allowed outright today. Mr. O'Neill outlined the recommended standard changes and clarified that the reason behind staff recommending reducing standards for stand alone commercial in a mixed use overlay zone is solely being done to promote mixed use activity. He explained that the Bow, has the option to recommend to Council to keep the stand alone commercial standards at what they are today. Chair Ron Harmon MOVED and Board member David Malik SECONDED a motion to re-open the public hearing. Motion carried. Bill Keppler, 9654 Rainier Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98118. Mr. Keppler owns a small piece of property in the Valley and believes it is important to get the maximum lot coverage and the least setback requirements. He is against any changes that would reduce the Current stand alone commercial standards. 5 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Boar!Minutes 0 October 28, 1996 Heath Harris asked for further clarification of lot coverage and questioned whether there would be a fixed ratio used to determine the allowable mix of residential to commerical. Dick Coltran questioned the abililty to subdivide the different uses for future sale. Jack Olson,26220 108th Avenue SE, Kent, WA 98031. Mr. Olson is concerned with whether he will have the ability to develop his property. He feels mixed use could allow him better flexibilty and an opportunity to build marketably. Board member Tom Brotherton MOVED and Board member Jerry Daman SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Mr. O'Neill addressed Mr. Keppler's question regarding lot coverage. He explained that the proposed amendment would reduce lot coverage to 25%from 40%for stand alone commercial. He also stated that setbacks would be less restrictive. Mr. O'Neill explained that the Binding Site Plan process segmentation that divides condiminiums for individual sale and suggested a similar process when subdividing for future sale. Mr. O'Neill explained that the office zone would allow some retail use and the retail use is expandable with a conditional use permit. Board member Tom Brotherton MOVED to continue the deliberations to the November 25, 1996 Planning Board meeting at 7:00 p.m. The motion was SECONDED by Board member David Malik. Motion carried. #ZCA-96-6 SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS(F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom explained that the single family development standards had been recently amended by Ordinances 3268 and 3290. Mr. Satterstrom explained that it was staffs intention to reduce the standards and promote in-fill development. The single family zoning districts were renamed establishing maximum permitted density. A problem was brought to the attention of the Planning Department when an applicant tried to subdivide and couldn't. Staff is recommending to calculate the maximum permitted density without rounding. Mr. Satterstrom described the individual changes as referenced in the staff report. He also clarified that the reason no change was recommended for the SR-1 zone was that this zone was not effected. Chair Steve Dowell asked the Board if there were any questions for Mr. Satterstrom. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED and Board member Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to open the public hearing. Motion carried. 6 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 28, 1996 Jim Flick, 9408 S 218th Street. Mr. Flick described his situation and explained that he is currently unable to subdivide his property. He requested that the Board make a recommendation to accept staffs proposed changes. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED to close the public hearing. The motion was SECONDED by Board member Tom Brotherton. Motion carried. Ron Harmon MOVED to recommend to City Council that they approve the staff recommended changes to the maximum permitted densities in the single family zones. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Brad Bell. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully, James P. Harris Recording Secretary 7 #ZCA-96-5 Mixed Use Zoning #ZCA-96-6 Single Family Development Standards