HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 07/22/1996 • LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD Special Organization Meeting July 22, 1996 The special organization meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Acting Chair Steve Dowell at 7:00 PM on July 22, 1996 in the Council Chambers West, Kent City Hall. LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Dowell, Acting Chair Brad Bell Thomas Brotherton Jerry Daman Ronald Harmon Gloria LaBore LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: David Malik STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Plannmg Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Tom Brubaker, Assistant City Attorney Steve Dowell, Acting Chair opened the special meeting. ADOPTION OF BY LAWS Jim Harris, Planning Director, pointed out that a three person committee comprised of Board members Steve Dowell, Acting Chair, Tom Brotherton and Ron Harmon, met and reviewed proposed Board By Laws and have recommended that the By Laws they reviewed and amended be presented to the Board for their consideration at this special meeting Harris pointed out that the committee did not review Section 15, titled Code of Conduct. Tom Brotherton asked for clarification of Section 15 A (5) concerning compensation, gifts, rewards, etc. Harris explained under what circumstances Board members can receive compensation. This includes sanctioned conferences, and related lodging and food and other City related goods and services, but not free tires, etc or any thing free not part of a City event. Tom Brubaker, Assistant City Attorney, explained that this section is taken from State Law. Steve Dowell asked for a clarification on 15 A (6) and (7). Tom Brubaker pointed out that these sections are taken from the State Code of Ethics and apply to all officials in the State of Washington. He added that concerning (6), the Board will have very little truly confidential information to deal with His opinion was that on rare occasions the Board may go into • executive session and hear information related to litigation involving the Board that should not be discussed with other persons. Steve Dowell asked how the Board would determine if something was confidential. Tom • Brubaker explained that any deliberations the Board conducts in closed session would most likely be subject to confidentiality Acting Chair Steve Dowell stated that if there were no additional questions, a motion to accept the By Laws would be in order. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED to approve the By Laws. Board member Brad Bell SECONDED the motion. The motic- carried n_^_ammously. Jim Harris explained that adoption of the By Laws made the Board operational and that the Board needed to immediately elect officers. Acting Chair Steve Dowell then ask for nominations for officers. Tom Brotherton nominated Steve Dowell for Chair. Ron Harmon MOVED to close the nominations for Chair. Brad Bell SECONDED the motion. The motion carried unanimously. A vote for the nomination of Steve Dowell to be Chair was called for. The vote in favor was unanimous. Chair Steve Dowell next opened nominations for Vice Chair. Jerry Daman nominated Brad Bell for Vice Chair. Ron Harmon MOVED to close nominations for Vice Chair Tom Brotherton SECONDED the motion. The motion carried unanimously. • A vote for the nomination of Brad Bell to be Vice Chair was called for. The vote was unanimous. OTHER BUSINESS Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, reviewed the tentative schedule for upcoming workshops and hearings for August through December. These proposed meetings are: Meeting Date Item August 19, 1996 Workshop: MIXED USE ZONING PROJECT SINGLE FAMILY DENSITIES September 9, 1996 Workshop: MIXED USE ZONING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES COMP. PLAN AMENDMENTS (info only) September 23, 1996 Hearing: MIXED USE ZONING SF DENSITIES • October 14, 1996 Workshop: ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS October 28, 1996 Hearing: ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES November 11, 1996 Workshop: ANNEXATION ZONING SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM November 25, 1996 Hearing: ANNEXATION ZONING SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM December 9, 1996 Workshop: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Mr. Satterstrom pointed out that it is being suggested that the Board deviate from its normal workshop schedule, as outlined in the By Laws, and hold the August workshop on August 19th instead of the first Monday in August. Tom Brotherton asked for clarification of the workshop format. Mr. Satterstrom explained that usually material to be discussed will be mailed to Board members one week prior to a workshop meeting These meetings are informal with no action taken by the Board other than asking staff for clarification of material under discussion Generally the public does not participate in workshop discussions. • Staff requested that the Chair concur with the request for a workshop on August 19th. As per the By Laws, Chair Steve Dowell declared that the workshop for August will held on August 19th. Harris pointed out that the following will be provided for Board members: * Roberts Rules * Roster with phone numbers of Board members * A list of all City Boards and Commissions and their meeting dates. * List of City Council Committees * Council Planning Committee agendas and minutes There being no additional business the Chair called for a motion to adjourn this special meeting. Ron Harmon MOVED to adjourn. Tom Brotherton SECONDED the motion. The motion carried unanimously. • LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD Special Organization Meeting July 22, 1996 The special organization meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Acting Chair Steve Dowell at 7:00 PM on July 22, 1996 in the Council Chambers West, Kent City Hall. LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Dowell, Acting Chair Brad Bell Thomas Brotherton Jerry Daman Ronald Harmon Gloria LaBore LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: - David Malik STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Tom Brubaker, Assistant City Attorney Steve Dowell, Acting Chair opened the special meeting. ADOPTION OF BY LAWS Jim Harris, Planning Director, pointed out that a three person committee comprised of Board members Steve Dowell, Acting Chair, Tom Brotherton and Ron Harmon, met and reviewed proposed Board By Laws and have recommended that the By Laws they reviewed and amended be presented to the Board for their consideration at this special meeting. Harris pointed out that the committee did not review Section 15, titled Code of Conduct. Tom Brotherton asked for clarification of Section 15 A (5) concerning compensation, gifts, rewards, etc. Harris explained under what circumstances Board members can receive compensation. This includes sanctioned conferences, and related lodging and food and other City related goods and services, but not free tires, etc or any thing fr not part of a City event. Tom Brubaker, Assistant City Attorney, explained that this section is, taken from State Law. Steve Dowell asked for a clarification on 15 A(6) and(7). Tom Brubaker pointed out that these sections are taken from the State Code of Ethics and apply to all officials in the State of Washington. He added that concerning (6), the Board will have very little truly confidential information to deal with. His opinion was that on rare occasions the Board may go into executive session and hear information related to litigation involving the Board that should-not be discussed with other persons. r Steve Dowell asked how the Board would determine if something was confidential. Tom Brubaker explained that any deliberations the Board conducts in closed session would most likely be subject to confidentiality. Acting Chair Steve Dowell stated that if there were no additional questions, a motion to accept the By Laws would be in order. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED to approve the By Laws. Board member Brad Bell SECONDED the motion. The motio. carried unanimously. Jim Harris explained that adoption of the By Laws made the Board operational and that the Board needed to immediately elect officers. Acting Chair Steve Dowell then ask for nominations for officers. Tom Brotherton nominated Steve Dowell for Chair. Ron Harmon MOVED to close the nominations for Chair. Brad Bell SECONDED the motion. The motion carried unanimously. A vote for the nomination of Steve Dowell to be Chair was called for. The vote in favor was unanimous. Chair Steve Dowell next opened nominations for Vice Chair. Jerry Damn nominated Brad Bell for Vice Chair. Ron Harmon MOVED to close nominations for Vice Chair. Tom Brotherton SECONDED the motion. The motion carried unanimously. A vote for the nomination- of Brad Bell to be Vice Chair was called for. The vote was unanimous. OTHER BUSINESS Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, reviewed the tentative schedule for upcoming workshops and hearings for August through December. These proposed meetings are: Meeting Date Item August 19, 1996 Workshop: MIXED USE ZONING PROJECT SINGLE FAMILY DENSITIES September 9, 1996 Workshop: MIXED USE ZONING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES COMP: PLAN AMENDMENTS (info only) September 23, 1996 Hearing: MIXED USE ZONING SF DENSITIES y ,T ti October 14, 1996 Workshop: ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES COMP. PLAN AMENDMENTS October 28, 1996 Hearing: ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES November 11, 1996 Workshop: ANNEXATION ZONING SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM November 25, 1996 Hearing: ANNEXATION ZONING SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM December 9, 1996 Workshop: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Mr. Satterstrom pointed out that it is being suggested that the Board deviate from its normal workshop schedule, as outlined in the By Laws, and hold the August workshop on August 19th instead of the first Monday in August. Tom Brotherton asked for clarification of the workshop format. Mr. Satterstrom explained that usually material to be discussed will be mailed to Board members one week prior to a workshop meeting. These meetings are informal with no action taken by the Board other than asking staff for clarification of material under discussion. Generally the public does not participate in workshop discussions. Staff requested that the Chair concur with the request for a workshop on August 19th. As per the By Laws, Chair Steve Dowell declared that the workshop for August will held on August 19th. Harris pointed out that the following will be provided for Board members: * Roberts Rules * Roster with phone numbers of Board members * A list of all City Boards and Commissions and their meeting dates. * List of City Council Committees * Council Planning Committee agendas and minutes There being no additional business the Chair called for a motion to adjourn this special meeting. Ron Harmon MOVED to adjourn. Tom Brotherton SECONDED the motion. The motion carried unanimously.